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Found 2 results

  1. So I'm off to Serifos in late October 2014. My goal is to lose as much weight as possible, but sensibly, between now and then...but also changing general lifestyle. Anyway, I'm currently 5'6 and am a size 20-22 (UK), depending on what style of clothing I'm wearing. Today I needed to get a nice summer outfit that would be a goal to fit into. Here it is: From Tesco, so not expensive. The top is loose and will have a tanktop with it eventually. It's a size 14. The shorts are a size 14. 22 to size 14 is a lot... but I tried them on earlier and, surprisingly, there is only 3 inches that I need to loose before I'll be able to wear these with the button done up. So I think that's pretty attainable. I had two books arrive today (Paleo food book, and a Primal Blueprint book), as well as 20-min workout DVD that only cost £5. So I am keeping motivated, for now. Long may it continue!! Night all Bluehorn out.
  2. So I, genuinely, have an addiction to chocolate. But, for the last two days (since starting Primal Blueprint/Paleo), I have turned down hot chocolate, sweets, and today I turned down a box of seriously awesome chocolate. I also have hot chocolate in the cupboard - but I'm not going to have it until the very end of the week (as a reward and "treat day" of sorts). I'm feeling tired, and I have a headache, which is linked in with this but also with hay fever. So not feeling great - but I am using today's success as a motivator. This is a life change, not a diet, afterall. *Giddy face*, I'm super chuffed with myself and had to tell you all. Bluehorn
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