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Found 2 results

  1. Seeing as how Calanthia is new around these parts, she figures that she owes you a little intro: At 4'11" and over 165 lbs, I have always been a very typical hobbit, short and round. I enjoyed the comforts of home far more than the rush of adventure and the feeling of my feet on a path. I was married at the young age of 20, still practically a child in hobbit-years, and now three years later, I feel I have done nothing of importance in my life. I went to school to teach science to adolescent hobbits, but have never been hired as a teacher because no one wants to hire a hobbit that has to move every year for her husband, who is amazingly attending Healer-school and serving in the Shire border guard at the same time. I was an athlete when I was young(er), however the years had been hard on me, both physically and emotionally. A combination of discouragement, years of comparing myself to my successful and ambitious husband, and general lack of motivation had contributed to feelings of inadequacy, numbness, and what my husband calls "the blues," though at times I fear it is something more. But all of that is going to change. I began my adventure in November of last year, and since then I have been wandering from place to place, hoping to find somewhere that I fit in, somewhere that I belong. I've had some brief visits with the Assassins, Scouts, and the Druids, but nothing ever really felt like home. For the past several months I even took to the wilds, wandering without direction and without companions, until today when I happened to stumble upon Ye Olde Ranger Guildhall. Inside was a Ranger, and when he spoke to the crowd within the hall I felt an awakening of the bravery and wanderlust that started me on my journey nearly a year ago. This is where my story begins... May your roads go ever on and on, ~Cal As Calanthia Cobbin's alter-ego, and the only one of us who has access to technology (they don't have internet in the woods of Middle Earth), I will be her anonymous typist. She is currently working on her challenge goals, and once she relays those to me I will post them here ASAP Thank you all for listening, and I truly hope that you will love Calanthia as I have grown to love her! Challenge Goals Week 1-3 Recap Week 4 Recap Challenge Recap!
  2. Hi all, Here's my first challenge in the Rebellion. Been a member for some time, but decided I need to dream and read less and start commiting to some form of change. Rebellion member [Jakkals] gave me some great advice to start off slow and I'm following that advise: Main Quest Lose the smallish beer belly/ pot belly and increase general health and wellness​Although skinny, tall and quite fit due to bi-weekly action netball I'm not very pleased with the slight beer belly and my lack of energy and drive. My SMART Fitness quest Drink at least 2 liters of water dailyI'll give myself the following points: 2ltrs: 4 | 1.5ltrs: 3 | 1ltrs: 2 | 0.5ltrs: 1 No sugar in my coffee​I'm a coffeeholic and drink a tremendous amount of coffee. The water intake should balance this out, but the sugar is the enemy here. I don't drink milk so that's not an issue for me. I drink only one teaspoon of sugar, but want to cut this out. Thanks to Tim Ferris black bitter coffee can be flavored with cinnamon and Vanilla essence, which I both love. I'll give myself the following points based on percentage of cups drank per day without sugar: 100%: 4 | 75%: 3 | 50%: 2 | 25%: 1 Go to the gym everyday (Sundays excluded)​Foam roll everydayStretchPilates Exercise​​The above program is as set out by my Biokineticist. I'll give myself the following points: 1 point for each item done per day (Max 3 points) My SMART Life quest Blog twice a week​I recently committed to a Live Your Legend Blog Starting Challenge. Points: 1 Posts: 1 Point | 2 Posts: 2 Points Finish a proposal for a Grammy winning producer​I recently got an opportunity to draft a proposal and video for a multiple Grammy winning producer. Need to send him proposal ASAP. I'm not allocating myself points for this. This shit is way to important to measure with points. NEEDS TO BE DONE. Continue to make my bed daily​This is an extremely bad habit I'm currently working on. Running a three week streak so far. Points: 1 Point for each day of the week (Max: 7 per week) Post daily progress on Nerd Fitness RebellionPoints: 1 Point for each day of the week (Max: 7 per week) Challenge Conclusion: Based on the amount of days left in the challenge and my requirement set out above. I can get a Maximum of 161 POINTS I will deem the challenge successful if I score 70% or higher. Hence I need to achieve at least: 112.7 POINTS Let's make that 113 See you around folks... Mwah!
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