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  1. For whatever reason, this decided to faff off the first time I wrote it. Writing this up for the second time was not fun and it may have turned out sounding a little clipped. Sorry. I hate wasted effort. A Giant Conspiracy?? Could it be?? Stiens;Gate was an anime I was honestly convinced I'd hate. What with the classic harem dynamic, arbitrary fanservice and female troupes I dislike, it was pretty much a forgone conclusion. But, in the end, I'd had no choice. I'd just finished watching Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood AND Attack on Titan within weeks of each other (no break). There's a type of depression one sinks into after watching beautifully rendered anime--and I'd just gotten through two. I was sinking, like so many others before me and so I took a chance on this seemingly light hearted quickie. Stiens; Gate--the little gem--saved me from that "Good anime" funk and I was able to carry on to such tales as Hunter X Hunter and Hikaru no Go unscathed. I was lucky in this find and it seemed appropriate, given the "in-between"/recalibrating nature of this shorter challenge, to use this anime as a theme. Experiment 1: Fine Tuning +3 DEX, +2 WIS That hair flip tho Makise Kurisu is the first to join Rintarou in his work. She is definitely the details girl. Under her guidance, I will be experimenting with caloric intake. For the first week of this challenge, I will eat at the caloric level My fitness pal suggests for weight loss of 2lbs a week (Yes, this challenge will require a scale. Urgh). I just want to see what will happen, unaided by exercise. This will serve as a sort of base. Experiment 2: Double agent...make that a triple +3 DEX, +1 WIS Being...whatever Moeka turned out to be requires peculiar dexterity. And so do I! I will continue to work on my hip mobility, five minutes a day using exercises I've found on the web and through Stars. Doesn't seem like a lot, but it will keep me honest. Experiment 3: "And the 'Award for most BA' goes to..." +3 CON, +1 WIS Suzu, as we confirm towards the end, is the total package. Physically and mentally fit....perhaps the fittest? Under her wing, I will begin rucking three days a week during the second week (Mental fitness, here I come). Not sure what weight I'll start with (likely 15 lbs) and I definitely need to do more research into what this might involve (distance or time wise), so any guidance is appreciated! In week three, once I've adjusted calories from week one and two, I'll start Age of Pandora (maybe sooner). This will be a minimum of four days a week. I am trying to experiment with results (hence the tiered approach) so I am excited to see how much of a science I can make this process going forward! Challenge 4: Understanding +1 WIS, +1 CHA She annoyed me at first. A lot. But by the end she seemed sort of..profound? If anyone understood others deeply in this series, it was her. So, in this and only this I will emulate Mayuri. Once a week I will learn a new Japanese sentence so that I can more fluidly incorporate complicated grammar. I will also meet my daily Duolingo goal (30 xp total) in French and Russian. And that's all folks!
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