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Found 1 result

  1. *waves I enjoy the NF newsletters and have been lurking the forums the past week. So much stuff here, so I am wading through little by little. I am an older Nerd (53) who needs to reach for health, fitness and life goals. No more just dreaming - time to plan it, work it. I'm interested in improvement in every area of my life so I have lots of goals to work with. I am also an introvert, one of the rarest ones - an INFJ. I do love my alone time (content homebody) and tend to avoid social events. I don't think that is a bad thing, but it wouldn't hurt to get out sometimes. I am Nerd-y in my lifestyle (not a spouse, two kids and a dog person - CHILDFREE POWER!), my love of living in Second Life, and my urges to turn information into Excel spreadsheets-and... other things... I will be finished with physical therapy for lower back pain at the end of March. NF is my after-PT plan (I promised my therapist) to not lose the momentum I have gained. So...here I go with baby steps to my future life that I choose to have. Big Thoughts Doing the Walk to Mordor and Back Setting up my BatCave Meditation/Yoga Practice Becoming a Foodie Ninja (WFPB-mod) Accomplishing some long-held day dreams A full Bullet Journal of memories by the end of the year Challenge 1 - March 19-April 14 Walk on the treadmill x 5 days per week to add to WtMaB totals (no pressure on time, just that I get on the treadmill consistently) Purge 1 trash bag of clothes that do not match my future self vision / that I have been holding on to for "when I lose weight" Practice one yoga pose each week x 5 (newbie, but I have always wanted to do yoga) Make one new recipe each week Work on one Excel template BuJo trackers set up for the rest of the year Excited to start... fearful of failing... Determined to just hang in, do the best I can.
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