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  1. Hi everyone, for this challenge I have decided to become assassin, woot! This is my third challenge and i'm super stoked to get started learning some new skills. Goal 1: The way of the Iron Fist! After every work out this challenge I am going to finish off with a round of Dirty Rice training. This is yo help re-hab an injured wrist and balance out the different muscles. I'm going to do 3 levels of difficulty which I will work towards. Level 1: 20 sec Exercise + 15 Sec rest Level 2: 30 sec / 10 Sec Level 3: 45 sec 5 sec Goal 2: Learning the Parallel Bars I'm going to make myself some paralettes and get learning. I'm going to alternate this workout with bodyweight squats. The program I am using has different levels of difficulty so I will monitor my progress through that. Goal 3: Becoming an early riser In order to give myself more time I am going to wake up one hour earlier than I do usually and use that hour to stretch/work out. This means setting the alarm for 6:30. However I know from experience that getting up earlier that you are used to can be difficult so i'm going to eat myself into it. This week I will get up at 7:30 Week 2: 7:15 Week 3: 7:00 Week 4: 6:45 Week 5: 6:30 Week 6: 6:30 Scoring here will be directly related to how many times I get out of bed when the alarm goes off. Sundays are my lie in day. Goal 4: Figure out whats wrong with my gut. Showing symptoms of gassiness, bloating etc (I won't go into it here) but in an attempt to figure out which foods are causing the issues i'm going on an elimination diet. This is 3 weeks of extremely restrictive eating and then slowly re-introducing foods and monitoring the effects in a specific gut related diary (not on here) Scoring here will be done by the amount of days feeling awesome. OK that's it, super simple but super challenging. Lets do this!
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