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Found 4 results

  1. ~*~ The Cracked Belle ~*~ A Respawned Raconteur-Adventurer Challenge Intro for many years, I was "jtggodqos" on the forums. I struggled with many things -- one of which was trying to still be an angsty teen-like whiner while I had long-since graduated college. for the last two years or so, I've been MIA. I left. I didn't stop working on fitness; I just stopped being here on the forums. then about one year ago, I relocated -- and my world changed. I moved about 1,200 miles away from everything I knew, and I fell apart. but it's time to rebuild, to respawn. and I'm coming back as a Raconteur-Adventurer, it seems -- or a glorified Bard, lol. a full and fun narrative is posted over at Adventures in Badassery (my NF Epic Quest). I'm also enrolled inthe Rising Heroes program as a proud member of Havik (the self-perfectionists, lol). Challenge Goals Diet: keep around my caloric amount (1600) and type (low-carb) goals. caloric amount can average out between a few days (1700 day one, 1500 day two, etc). Fitness: at least 20 minutes of non-commuting activity every day (even just walking on the evil dreadmill). typically in the morning, as soon as I get out of bed and take my meds. Creating: spend at least 2 hours every week Creating (blogging, working on campaign I'm running, writing, painting, drawing, colouring, etc). ** NEED TO SET ASIDE TIME TO DO THIS ** RIsing Heroes: complete the various missions and earn points for Havik and the Rebellion ** will flesh out as program progresses ** Where I Live on the Web Adventures in Badassery (NF Epic Quest) WordPress Blog Twitter Instagram Fitbit MyFitnessPal
  2. ~*~ The Cracked Belle ~*~ A Respawned Raconteur-Adventurer Challenge Intro for many years, I was "jtggodqos" on the forums. I struggled with many things -- one of which was trying to still be an angsty teen-like whiner while I had long-since graduated college. for the last two years or so, I've been MIA. I left. I didn't stop working on fitness; I just stopped being here on the forums. then about one year ago, I relocated -- and my world changed. I moved about 1,200 miles away from everything I knew, and I fell apart. but it's time to rebuild, to respawn. and I'm coming back as a Raconteur-Adventurer, it seems -- or a glorified Bard, lol. a full and fun narrative is posted over at Adventures in Badassery (my NF Epic Quest). Challenge Goals Diet: keep around my caloric amount (1600) and type (low-carb) goals. caloric amount can average out between a few days (1700 day one, 1500 day two, etc). Fitness: at least 20 minutes of non-commuting activity every day (even just walking on the evil dreadmill). typically in the morning on the dreadmill, depending on pain and energy. Learning: spend 10 minutes working on Spanish every day. typically via Duolingo on the commute to work. Creating: spend at least 30 minutes working on my NaNoWriMo four days a week. typically on the commute home three (Tue, thu, Fri?) days a week, then one day during the weekend. Sharing: write two scheduled/topic-based posts a week. typically on the commute home two (Mon & Wed) days a week. Where I Live on the Web Current NF Thread Adventures in Badassery (NF Epic Quest) WordPress Blog Twitter Instagram Fitbit MyFitnessPal
  3. ~*~ The Cracked Belle ~*~ A Respawned Raconteur-Adventurer Challenge Intro for many years, I was "jtggodqos" on the forums. I struggled with many things -- one of which was trying to still be an angsty teen-like whiner while I had long-since graduated college. for the last two years or so, I've been MIA. I left. I didn't stop working on fitness; I just stopped being here on the forums. then about one year ago, I relocated -- and my world changed. I moved about 2,000 away from everything I knew, and I fell apart. but it's time to rebuild, to respawn. and I'm coming back as a Raconteur-Adventurer, it seems -- or a glorified Bard, lol. Challenge Goals see my "Adventures in Badassery" post (Epic Quest) for details about the end-goals. Repeatedly study German 10 minutes twice a day do something physical six times each week work one chapter of LaPorte’s "The Fire Starter Sessions" every odd-numbered day submit an application to at least two jobs I want daily One-Time Tasks create blog topics list create blog writing schedule Long-Term Goals get my license back take written test submit court paperwork finalize plans to get my car up here get back on SNAP get necessary information from Brian compile information and submit follow-up with caseworker Where I Live on the Web Current NF Thread Adventures in Badassery (NF Epic Quest) WordPress Blog Twitter Instagram Fitbit MyFitnessPal
  4. for many years, I was "jtggodqos" on the forums. I struggled with many things -- one of which was trying to still be an angsty teen-like whiner while I had long-since graduated college. for the last two years or so, I've been MIA. I left. I didn't stop working on fitness; I just stopped being here on the forums. then about one year ago, I relocated -- and my world changed. I moved about 2,000 away from everything I knew, and I fell apart. but it's time to rebuild, to respawn. and I'm coming back as a Raconteur-Adventurer, it seems -- or a glorified Bard, lol. my current interests/hobbies (new and old): fitness or health related kayaking, canoeing bicycling running on the dreadmill weight weightlifting playing outdoors, climbing trees, etc. everything blogging photography calligraphy reading writing table-top gaming postcard swapping, snail mail, pen pals felines Twitter, WordPress I'll update this with my Challenge Thread link when it's up. anything else? just ask.
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