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  1. ~*~ The Cracked Belle ~*~ A Respawned Raconteur-Adventurer Challenge Intro for many years, I was "jtggodqos" on the forums. I struggled with many things -- one of which was trying to still be an angsty teen-like whiner while I had long-since graduated college. for the last two years or so, I've been MIA. I left. I didn't stop working on fitness; I just stopped being here on the forums. then about one year ago, I relocated -- and my world changed. I moved about 1,200 miles away from everything I knew, and I fell apart. but it's time to rebuild, to respawn. and I'm coming back as a Raconteur-Adventurer, it seems -- or a glorified Bard, lol. a full and fun narrative is posted over at Adventures in Badassery (my NF Epic Quest). I'm also enrolled inthe Rising Heroes program as a proud member of Havik (the self-perfectionists, lol). Challenge Goals Diet: keep around my caloric amount (1600) and type (low-carb) goals. caloric amount can average out between a few days (1700 day one, 1500 day two, etc). Fitness: at least 20 minutes of non-commuting activity every day (even just walking on the evil dreadmill). typically in the morning, as soon as I get out of bed and take my meds. Creating: spend at least 2 hours every week Creating (blogging, working on campaign I'm running, writing, painting, drawing, colouring, etc). ** NEED TO SET ASIDE TIME TO DO THIS ** RIsing Heroes: complete the various missions and earn points for Havik and the Rebellion ** will flesh out as program progresses ** Where I Live on the Web Adventures in Badassery (NF Epic Quest) WordPress Blog Twitter Instagram Fitbit MyFitnessPal
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