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  1. Hey Everybody. I am currently out of town for work, its going to be a rough one. Some of you may remember that not to long ago I was working long days with only 1 day off for about 3 months. Well I had some time back to normal, and got sent off to help out a different facility. I'm in jersey, doing 16 hour days for 10 days. Ok so my gripping is done, please forgive my complaining lol. I will be home on Tuesday the 24th, and plan that to be the real start of my challenge. In the mean time I am just trying to make sure I don't loose the marbles I have left. (I do have a plan so I don't stray to far while on my trip) As the tittle hints to, my goals deal with the number 5, why? Because I love old Kung Fu movies, and 5 Deadly Venoms is one of my favorites, and because its as high as I can count without using 2 hands. But mostly because I will have 5 active weeks of this challenge. Goal 1 - Lose 5 lbs Method: Eat less than 13510 calories a week. That works out to 1930 a day. I plan to measure weekly, so that if I want to splurge on the weekend I can earn it during the week. I went over my dailies on the weekends last time, and I think this method will hold me accountable to make that up. I have had success using myfitness pal, I used it to calculate how much I need to eat to lose 1lb a week. I didn't input exercise, so that will be bonus towards the loss. Goal 2 - Increase lifts by 5% Method: I have been using a modified strong lifts program, I plan to stick to it. My buddy Tinkerer did over 30% last challenge, I like the idea of gaining a %! I don't think I could manage more than 5% the numbers start to get very high. Here is the white board I use to track my progress. Squat + 12lb (going to have to make that 12.5) Bench + 8.5 (10) Rows + 7 (7.5) Press + 5.75 (7.5) DL + 13.5 (15) Also for good measure I will be upping my daily step goal by 5% ---> 10500 I feel these are realistic. Goal 3 - 5 sessions of cardio (yuck) My Stamina is my lowest stat for a reason.... I got a heart rate monitor, and as a step in the right direction I want to complete 5 sessions of cardio where I keep my heart rate in my target zone for > 20 mins. Life Goal - Lean video editing I have some cool hobbies, and I own a gopro, and all my videos looks like crap... I would like to learn some of the basics of video editing, cutting scenes together, music, etc. Any pointers would be a great help here guys. I have yet to even googled the subject. Its just something I have always wished I knew, so lets go learn it! or as much as possible in 5 weeks. I will post a video at the end, expect it to have guns, jeeps, and dogs in it. You know all the cool stuff. I wrote this whole thing in 2-4 min chunks, in between crane lifts so hopefully it is somewhat coherent. Thanks also to Tink for reminding me to get my challenge posted!
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