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  1. Alright, so last challenge died with the whole “foot injury in week 3, then when that was better I was sick for the rest of the challenge and, well, I need to be able to breathe†thing. Between that and the chaos of the holidays, until yesterday I had done nothing more than walking around since November. This is no good. I need a jump start. I think I’ve been officially convinced to go for a Tough Mudder in Austin at the beginning of May, so there will be much training toward this. Winter League has started up with the Houston Ultimate Community, so I’ll have that keeping me busy on Saturdays. And as always there is the whole “my house is a mess†thing and the “I want to be more awesome†thing. So here goes: GOALS Long-Term Goal: Operation Tackle a Tough Mudder. May the Fourth Tough Mudder - training needs to happen so I can be strong enough and have sufficient endurance to power through this. I’ve got 5 months to make it happen. And I have to make it happen so I can ring in 30 with a bang! Fitness Goal 1: Operation Tough Mudder Training. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings I will get up early and do a Tough Mudder Bootcamp workout before work. I will try the mid-level workout to kick off the challenge, but using that as an assessment of whether that level is appropriate for now, I need something lighter, or (highly unlikely) I am ready for the top level. Fitness Goal 2: Handstand Challenge. Handstand challenge has been re-initiated. The whole inability to breathe right side up thanks to a cold and a cough made the whole “let’s try breathing upside down†thing be not on my to do list. Time to start over because I still want to accomplish this. Fitness Goal 3: Operation Endurance and Speed Demon. It will beneficial to both my Tough Mudder training and my ultimate playing if I work on both endurance (since Tough Mudder is long) and speed. So I will do speed work Tuesday and Thursday mornings before work and I will go for a run (increasing in distance) on Sundays. Life Goal: Clean and Purge. I recently realized that I part of my getting down on myself (stupid self-esteem issues) is a matter of having a lot of not just stuff that I don’t need of use or like, but also a lot of clothes that are in the same bracket. I have lots of things from years ago and as much as they have served me well, they are older, they are worn and they don’t fit the same anymore. I need to go through these things even if getting rid of/donating them will leave me with areas of my wardrobe that are lacking. I can always go out and buy new pieces that I like and that fit me well. It is not a matter of finances that has had me holding on and it’s time to just let it go and freshen things up. Jump start the self-esteem along with the confidence, because when I’m wearing the right things, I know I look good SCHEDULE Note: Not everything listed here is challenge related. This is everything I’ve got going on weekly this challenge. MONDAY: am: Bootcamp TUESDAY: am: Speed Work WEDNESDAY: am: Bootcamp pm: pickup ultimate attendance/work permitting THURSDAY: am: Speed Work FRIDAY: am: Bootcamp pm: occasional pickup ultimate SATURDAY: am: Winter League ultimate SUNDAY: am: Run pm: pickup ultimate attendance permitting TL;DR Fitness Goal 1: Tough Mudder Bootcamp 3x/week Fitness Goal 2: Work on handstands daily Fitness Goal 3: Run (speed/distance) 3x/week Life Goal 1: Purge unnecessary crap
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