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Found 3 results

  1. Hey all, I joined the Rebellion years ago, and loved the camaraderie - but then I damaged my knee playing competitive sport and threw the towel in. Then about a year later I focused on my diet and lost 2 and a half stone and looked and felt the best I had in years. Started pole dancing class and adored it. The fact that I could no longer afford pole as I'm getting divorced, the lockdown and my weakness for snacks have put all that good work to waste. I've put the weight back on and have lost pretty much all of my strength. Instead of moping - I'm going to do something about it. So I'm looking forward to kicking ass and going back to loving myself again 😊
  2. Hello, Nerdfitness! It's been a long time since I've been on, but I've been making some positive changes that I'd like to continue. Now that I've graduated, I am looking for a job and considering my future in academia. I've also spent some time traveling to visit family and have suffered under a steady diet of rich, fatty foods with minimal vegetables and very little exercise. (I've eaten more sausage in the last two weeks than I've had in the last three years. I'm starting to feel like a sausage.) The Goals: Find success in feeling healthy and making opportunities for my future. The Job Hunt: Bag a Job! 1. Track: Spend an hour tracking new jobs every day. (1 star) 2. Prepare Weapons: Write and edit cover letters and resumés for the jobs you find on the day you find them. (2 stars) 3. Shoot: Apply! (3 stars!) Reward: More applications means more opportunities! Food: Eat All the Veggies! Increase veggie intake to 5 portions a day (3 stars!) 1. Lunch: 2 portions (1 star) 2. Snack: 2 portions (1 star) 3. Dinner: 1 portion (1 star; extra credit of .5 star per extra portion) Reward: VEGETABLES. Exercise: Move every day: biking, kick boxing, dancing, yoga, weigh lifting. (1 star for each fifteen minutes of exercise each day!) Reward: More energy, strength, and stamina! Reward system: Three points for reaching "boss level"! Fewer points for partial success; no points for doing nothing. Total possible weekly points: 84 (not counting extra credit). Sunday Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Find Jobs Write Cover Letters Apply to 1 Job 5 Veggies Per Day 45 Minutes of Exercise Let's get to it!
  3. Searching continiously for a better job and has yet to have a successful "Yes, please join our company." Still working at current, stressful and underpaying job. Bleh. Lack of Zil has caused me to fall away from healthy Paleo eating. I freaking salavate at salads and fruits like a wild thing. Sigh. Family matters has jacked up my anxiety attacks %50. Conversations with the grandparents and mother have fallen beyond expectations. Ending verdict? "Their house, their rules." Arrrrgh... End result? NewMe has been hurt! Do you have any Food or Rations? So. I restarted the Beginner Body Workout by 5's. Any veggies I can get my hands on, I cherish and then devour. I've gotten my resume updated 3 times and am still attending interviews until something sticks. Research! Re-reading articles from the Blogs and mentally downloading them. More pictures of my progress. There will be a purging of things soon... Taking up friends and partners advice and assistance of "You have a safe place here NewMe, whenever you need it." I just have to accept the new mission. Mentally, it's terrifying. But for my anxiety sake, I need to do this.
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