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Everything posted by aj_rock

  1. *Record scratch* R-r-r-reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed. But no really. A given training/calorie cut cycle should only last 6-8 weeks. Stop working out for a week and go eat something. If you do it right, you'll be far more powerful than you could ever imagine...
  2. Tons of drugs out there that don't have nearly the capacity for damage that alcohol does. Don't know if you know the same 50+ year olds that I do Waldo... or maybe it's just Canadia/my city being total potheads.
  3. Please tell me you wash it at least once in a while
  4. We could do both and go with Fine Why-eeeeeeeens and make ourselves sound all gangsta when we say it.
  5. I too was going to suggest a name centering around being forgotten or lost. I'd say The Lost Boys? Unless a female objects to the gender bias. I just love that movie so
  6. aj_rock


    Me no in squad Link in sig!
  7. That's ok, apparently some companies add sawdust to increase fiber. I only posted the first link I found, but its still hilarious.
  8. Dance AND ska? Why not Goldfish? Best work out song that I've ever found was an electro remix of the Zelda theme song.
  9. I would put more stock in the hydrostatic assessment than your bioimpedance scale. Bioimpedance tends to get thrown off by more athletic populations... AKA anyone with decent lean mass. I would say that actually corresponds with your increased waist circumference, especially if you've been doing deads/squats. Abdomen hypertrophy is no joke broski. Either way, you're gonna look bigger if you put on muscle mass. Especially since you mentioned your face, I'd say its either a) water or you being paranoid
  10. Haha I was gonna say it depends on how well your shadow boxes Then I thought that, actually, that's a valid question. Like most aerobic exercises, you get out of it what you put in. You should be able to push yourself to break in a sweat in minutes, regardless of the actual activity.
  11. Eating well. Yes, this. I once lost a terrifyingly large amount of muscle mass because I was bed-ridden for two weeks and essentially just didn't eat :/
  12. 100% agree. Recent research has even begun to suggest that EPOC (exercise-post oxygen consumption) varies directly with caloric intake. What this means is, your body will burn extra energy after a vigorous exercise bout if it has the calories available, and will restrict energy output if not. Effectively, we could have up to 300 calories worth of 'play room' that we could eat above maintenance on exercise days because of this temporary increase in metabolism.
  13. Mostly because bodybuilders have tons and tons of empirical evidence on what works and what doesn't. So the drugs they use are illegal. The drugs only work as well as they do because of an incredibly deep understanding of physiology and biological chemical interactions. I will come out and say this though; losing fat is EASY. Now before you yell at me for saying that, let me clarify. The percentage of people who determine a goal weight and reach it sometime later is very very high. Give people credit; most of us have the will-power to suck it up and stick it out. Weight vs fat loss is another matter, but I digress. The REAL problem is long-term weight maintenance. Simply put, too many people have an on-diet/off-diet mentality. For every 3 people that lose weight and reach whatever goal, one of them will gain it back in less than a year, and another one will gain it back in five. It's not a problem on NF as much as in general, but by-and-large the main problem with weight management is long-term maintenance.
  14. Excellent post sir-difficult-to-find. Only slight inaccuracy to address is that coffee DOES have a net hydration effect... The diureticness is more a quick-release hit on water that was already on its way to the pisser. There was some other thread around where I mentioned the WHOOSH factor too. But there's some conjecture around that fat cells have a habit of drawing water into their cells after releasing their fat content. Maybe it makes them feel better about themselves for now being jobless shmucks. Either way, the hypothesis is that this water gets drawn into the fat cell, holds for a few days, and then suddenly... WHOOSH. You experience a large piss and a sudden drop in weight, because the water was masking actual fat loss. Mind you, this is still conjecture; just one mechanism suggested for why weight loss tends to lag behind fat loss.
  15. So. It has come to this. http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/so_it_has_come_to_this.png
  16. Depends how much you hate the people at your gym. But no really, if you're contagious, don't be a butthole. If not, strength training is fine as long as your concentration isn't impaired. Don't do HIIT or any heavy cardio; it'll suppress your immune system.
  17. Jesus learned how to walk on water from Chuck Norris.
  18. Consider having a bit of protein right after your workout. Only because you train on an empty stomach.
  19. When Chuck Norris jumps into water, he doesn't get wet. The water gets Chuck Norris'ed
  20. See, even the navel level changes with where you measure... For me, I get like 36" at the navel, but go up an inch and its like 33"... both of which are called for occassionally! It's frustrating.
  21. No one's offended madam amirite shutta?
  22. It's because no tape method can truly account for different body fat patterns... covert bailey seems to be really good if you tend to hold your weight around your midsection tho.
  23. Ehn, ellipticals are actually good if joint wear/tear is a cause for concern; much lower impact than running. Myself, the only real negative thing I've personally tried is the EC stack... sure it technically works but its a) not long-term and will wreck havoc on your psyche.
  24. Yussssssss. Although it might be easier to look up all the cute female NF'ers who post frequently and look at Bruce's interactions with them. Thank you for fully realizing the emotions I wished to bring out in that post. Makes me feel like a poet it does! I should hope that the level of intoxication I exhibit would only further profound the meaning behind my statements But no, really, I can speak from experience that being a clueless bastard sucks. Nothing else sucks like not realizing the girl behind the counter was f***ing you with her eyes until after you're back in the car.
  25. +1 for syd the kyd here. Hot shower to start, then turn down to cool for waking up/preventing excessive sweatiness upon exiting the shower.
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