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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Thank you! And good luck for your forthcoming house, hope it all goes through smoothly.
  2. What? Is that a thing people do? I've never heard of that and it seems really bizarre Oo, I need to hear that accent! Good job on making your players suspicious; I thoroughly approve.
  3. The spaboons were your idea, I just brought them to life @Starpuck is the master of chimerich monsters anyway!
  4. If you think that's bad, I'd like to point out that MFP will only do US fluid measurements. That means if I have a pint of beer it will massively underestimate my calories because US pints are smaller, and if I use a version that's labelled 'UK pint' I can't use the conversion back to millilitres because that would massively overestimate my calories. Also, I'm with you on the 'listen to your body' thing. I can't differentiate hunger from thirst, stress, cigarette cravings, ab DOMS... Apparently a component of satiety is remembering that you've eaten as well, which just shows what a mind game hunger is.
  5. Have you got a massage peanut? Rolling either side of your spine with one of those may help. Also a massage ball in the lower back and glutes. I'm sure the people around you appreciate it!
  6. The above is how my brain read that post, and I got as far as chicken nuggets before thinking "surely this isn't all in one smoothie?" ...I think I need more sleep Awesome job on the deadlift - that's some serious weight!
  7. Ok, on the first bit, there's nothing wrong with focussing on making your muscles bigger, and then switching focus to making them stronger. A lot of lifting programmes work on the basis of alternating between the two - you make the muscle bigger, then make that stronger, then bigger again etc. In reality, whatever strength work you do you'll get both bigger and stronger - different plans focus on different things, but it's all strength training on some level. What I mean to say is don't get discouraged. Keep doing the thing and you'll get better - you have to start somewhere. As for a challenge theme, what are you excited by/interested in right now? It doesn't have to be anything complicated, just pick something you like and crowbar your goals into it.
  8. Ah, I see. We call that click and collect. I've not tried it, but it definitely seems like a great option to keep contact with people down.
  9. The worst thing is the local store always seem to have all the same beer, and at a certain point in lockdown I'd tried them all What does curbside pickup mean? I think I'm having a translation issue here.
  10. Try not to put too much stock in the changes over one week mate - it's a long game, and as long as the trend over a few months is downward it doesn't matter if you sit still or even trend upward for the off week.
  11. Oh yeah, that sounds nice. What I had was definitely some strawberry flavour thrown into a beer after brewing
  12. Man, you've got some beautiful weather there at the moment! Following of course!
  13. Ah, this I like. Pint of the black stuff, barkeep. I have to know, is this actually strawberry flavoured? I had an ale called Strawberry Fields a few years ago (for some anniversary of the Beatles song) which had strawberry flavouring in it, and it was absolutely dreadful.
  14. January Challenge Wrap Up Run 116 miles - 10XP Goal: "Simple one, run 116 miles this challenge. My goal for the year is 1,202 miles (2021 backwards), so 116 miles in this 5 week challenge is on track for that. Will be simple if I don't miss any runs." Result: 116.94/116 - 10XP earned Well I did miss a long run, but thankfully I had just enough mileage on the rest of my runs to make it work. Foam rolling - 10XP Goal: Do some foam rolling at least 3 times per week. I am in considerably less pain when I do this regularly, and I like not being in pain, so I need to knuckle down and do it. Result: 10/15 sessions - 6XP earned I need to stick with this one and do better. Between a couple of sessions at the start of week 4 and one session on Sunday of week 5 I was really feeling what happens after a week and a half of not doing this - my legs really hurt! So I know I need to do it, just still trying to work on that routine. Protein - 10XP Goal: Drink my protein shakes every day. I've yet to find a way to get sufficient protein without them (and without eating a million calories), so these need to be had. Result: 34/35 days - 9XP earned Had one day where I left this too late and then didn't feel like it, but only one mark off a perfect score isn't bad at all! The habit is very much in place, just need to stick with it now. Teeth - 5XP Goal: Brush my teeth twice daily, and clean in between them in the evenings. Because apparently I'm a trash person and can't get to grips with this. Because I have a real mental block about this. I don't know where it comes from, or why, but when I get stressed or depressed I fall out of the habit very quickly. Result: 26.5/35 days - 3XP earned This is still a bit of a mental battle. Interestingly this was a perfect score Monday-Wednesday every week, and other than week 4 I was on perfect scores Monday-Friday. Which certainly means I'm having more of a problem at the weekend, but I'm not sure why. I have a couple of theories, but definitely something to examine when this goal comes back for next challenge. Create - 5XP Goal: Draw something, or do something else creative, at least 3 times each week. I think this is good for me mentally, and I enjoy it, and I want to get better at drawing because I enjoy it more when I'm improving. Result: 8/15 - 2XP earned Not good to be honest, but this just didn't feel that important when I was dealing with house purchase stuff. I'll probably let this go for next challenge and make it a priority again at a later date. I was only saved on this because I've agreed to record some music for someone and I need to learn it, and I counted that bass practice for this goal. 2021 Goal Update Part 1 - Make a House a Home Well, right at the end of this challenge I managed to buy a house! This will be a big focus of next challenge as I organise, paint, decorate, and start saving money. Part 2 - bragging rights and party tricks I hit 109.39/100 miles in January, and 116.94/116 for this 5 week challenge, so I'm bang on track for my mileage goal. No specific progress with the other things I want to do, primarily because I jumped into a Darebee programme halfway through this challenge. With that said, I've been really consistent with workouts, so that should help. Part 3 - create stuff This fell by the wayside this challenge, and honestly I'm not going to put too much focus into it until I've fully moved house. So next challenge don't expect much change, and then I'll get on this in earnest afterwards.
  15. Challenge Wrap Up Run 116 miles - 10XP Goal: "Simple one, run 116 miles this challenge. My goal for the year is 1,202 miles (2021 backwards), so 116 miles in this 5 week challenge is on track for that. Will be simple if I don't miss any runs." Result: 116.94/116 - 10XP earned Well I did miss a long run, but thankfully I had just enough mileage on the rest of my runs to make it work. Foam rolling - 10XP Goal: Do some foam rolling at least 3 times per week. I am in considerably less pain when I do this regularly, and I like not being in pain, so I need to knuckle down and do it. Result: 10/15 sessions - 6XP earned I need to stick with this one and do better. Between a couple of sessions at the start of week 4 and one session on Sunday of week 5 I was really feeling what happens after a week and a half of not doing this - my legs really hurt! So I know I need to do it, just still trying to work on that routine. Protein - 10XP Goal: Drink my protein shakes every day. I've yet to find a way to get sufficient protein without them (and without eating a million calories), so these need to be had. Result: 34/35 days - 9XP earned Had one day where I left this too late and then didn't feel like it, but only one mark off a perfect score isn't bad at all! The habit is very much in place, just need to stick with it now. Teeth - 5XP Goal: Brush my teeth twice daily, and clean in between them in the evenings. Because apparently I'm a trash person and can't get to grips with this. Because I have a real mental block about this. I don't know where it comes from, or why, but when I get stressed or depressed I fall out of the habit very quickly. Result: 26.5/35 days - 3XP earned This is still a bit of a mental battle. Interestingly this was a perfect score Monday-Wednesday every week, and other than week 4 I was on perfect scores Monday-Friday. Which certainly means I'm having more of a problem at the weekend, but I'm not sure why. I have a couple of theories, but definitely something to examine when this goal comes back for next challenge. Create - 5XP Goal: Draw something, or do something else creative, at least 3 times each week. I think this is good for me mentally, and I enjoy it, and I want to get better at drawing because I enjoy it more when I'm improving. Result: 8/15 - 2XP earned Not good to be honest, but this just didn't feel that important when I was dealing with house purchase stuff. I'll probably let this go for next challenge and make it a priority again at a later date. I was only saved on this because I've agreed to record some music for someone and I need to learn it, and I counted that bass practice for this goal. 2021 Goal Update Part 1 - Make a House a Home Well, right at the end of this challenge I managed to buy a house! This will be a big focus of next challenge as I organise, paint, decorate, and start saving money. Part 2 - bragging rights and party tricks I hit 109.39/100 miles in January, and 116.94/116 for this 5 week challenge, so I'm bang on track for my mileage goal. No specific progress with the other things I want to do, primarily because I jumped into a Darebee programme halfway through this challenge. With that said, I've been really consistent with workouts, so that should help. Part 3 - create stuff This fell by the wayside this challenge, and honestly I'm not going to put too much focus into it until I've fully moved house. So next challenge don't expect much change, and then I'll get on this in earnest afterwards.
  16. Awesome job on this challenge man - you absolutely did silently ace it, you took this challenge link a ninja. Also, the RPG challenge was great fun to read (as hopeless as I was at keeping up with it!)
  17. Thank you! x I'm sure Ark could solve that Thank you man! I will do. Oh no, it means the same thing. This would have been built as an outhouse when the house was built in 1874, as there wouldn't have been any indoor plumbing. Now of course the house does have indoor plumbing, so the outhouse just functions as a brick built shed. Thank you! So am I! Thank you dude!
  18. Ok, I am woefully behind on your thread, but while I'm catching up I wanted you to know that I'm fishperson shamen, with a ghostly war axe, and my cart is busted and flaming.
  19. Bumping this over the page, because I'm EXCITED!
  20. I hope so - we picked up the keys this morning and it's even more mankey than we remember it Good point on the alarms; will do that. Unfortunately there was nothing that exciting in the outhouse. Having said that, we did discover that there is power down there, which is one less job for me and means a chest freezer in our near future . We also discovered a lot of rotten chipboard I need to rip out, but that's not a tough job.
  21. Very quick update... I am now a homeowner!
  22. Good luck for the CT scan, hope you get some good answers.
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