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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Yeah, I definitely need to play with them some more to work them out, but I like the idea of them. And yeah, D&D should always be a little silly, even when the whole party's dying
  2. I'm so glad you're dance competition went so well! Just reading your description /I'm/ getting excited your reaction is so infectious! When I can watch Instagram with sound I'm definitely going to go through all of your dances!
  3. Just lots of practice mate - a misspent youth involving many hours round a snooker table definitely helps! Thanks dude!
  4. Glad work's been a little calmer for you this week. That is weird programming on c25k though, I thought it was all incremental progressions rather than a bit jump like that.
  5. Yesterday was a good day, we had slow cooked sausage and bean cassolet for dinner, headed out to D&D, and I did my stretches when we got home. Calories came in around 2,200. About the only less-good thing was getting to bed at half 11 by the time I'd done everything. ===== D&D was good fun, but a bit harrowing. We went into a crypt and immediately got attacked by an adhera - it's a monster that looks a bit like a mummy bit with strips of flesh instead of strips of cloth. And the worst thing is that when you hit it or it hits you it sticks to you (or adheres to you I suppose) and makes it very hard for you to fight back. No, actually, the worst thing is that it was Damage Reduction 5 (it takes 5 less points of damage from every attack) and most of us have a maximum damage of 6, so even if we hit it most of the time we're doing no damage! The thing very nearly wiped us out, and we spent most of the session in combat with it. Generally it was a laugh though, and the image of this thing stumbling round with two unconscious tieflings and an unconscious human stuck to it's body, along with numerous arrows and spears, was pretty funny. ===== This morning was squats at Crossfit, I hit 95kg (~209#) x 3, 85kg (~187#) x 5 and 75kg (~165#) x 7. Pretty happy with those numbers, and I think 95kg is a new 3RM (on the basis my 1RM is 100kg and 5RM is 92.5kg). Then we had 100m rowing sprints, which were a bit slow with the best being at 17.2 seconds (my personal best is 16.9 seconds). Tonight is snooker. I'm going to try and manage calories in the day so that I can have a few beers at snooker in the evening without going (too far) over 2,700. Of course as long as I track them I meet the challenge goal, but if I can limit them so much the better.
  6. Nice one dude, that's a quick run too!
  7. Yesterday was a good day. Crossfit in the morning was deadlifts - worked up to 140kg (~308#) for 3 reps (think this is a new 3RM), then 125kg (~275#) for 5 and 110kg (~242#) for 7. Possibly should have gone with drops of 12.5kg rather than 15, as the 7 reps were a little too easy. WOD was 3 rounds of 21 American swings, 12 pullups, and a 400m run. I finished dead last, thanks in the main to doing the pullups broken into sets of 4 (whilst everyone else was either doing them unbroken or subbing in ring rows). Work was busy, but good. In the evening we looked at hotels for Comic Con. With our tickets we get entered into a prize draw to win a hotel for the weekend, so we're going to hold off until next week to see if we've won before we book anything. I made bacon and leek pasta bake with cheese sauce for dinner, and then did my stretches in front of Critical Role. did my teeth and tracked calories, so I hit all of my goals and 2,344kcal for the day. ===== This morning I had the dentist, so I swapped my crossfit and running days, got up 15 minutes early, and knocked a mile off my run to be able to leave in time. Did a total of 6 miles with 14 2 furlong intervals (440yds/0.25 miles/400m/0.4km). Felt pretty good, and I even went off road a bit at the end once the sun was starting to come up. Tonight is D&D, and I'm looking forward to some good old tomb raiding!
  8. Sounds about right - I suspect they care vastly more about trying to sell you something than they do about what you actually want. Good luck though, you'll find the right one I'm sure!
  9. Congrats on the weight loss trend mate. Your running times are getting really good.
  10. Just realised I haven't done any drawing in a week or more - must get on that! Thanks, that's really good advice. I really don't want to do full body paint, which is a shame because a lot of the characters I would want to play would require it! I wonder how uncomfortable body paint would be all day...
  11. Glad you had such a good time, the way you describe it sounds incredible - I'd never considered that the atmosphere would be like that.
  12. Yesterday was a good day. I got up and ran first thing, had breakfast and then went climbing with Hopalong and MG. Got back and had a bacon sandwich, then out shopping with WW and her mum. Wrapped up the day with hip exercises, a roast dinner, cooking eggs for the week, making wraps for today's lunch, and chilling on the sofa. All goals met and calories came in at 2,577. Average calories for the week were 2,978, and I am the same weight today that I was at the start of the challenge. This week I have a black tie event on Friday which is bound to be foody and boozy, so on all other days I'm going to aim to stay below 2,700kcal and hopefully hit a lower average for this week. Goal however remains tracking only - I don't want too much pressure on numbers (until next challenge). Scores for the challenge so far: Week 1: 7/7 on all goals Week 2: 7/7 on all goals Week 3: 6/7 on all goals Week 4: TBC Week 5: TBC
  13. Oh I don't stand a chance against @Sam Ashen in an eating contest!
  14. Hope the competition went well this weekend!
  15. Friday was a good day, hit all of my goals. Saturday was less than ideal: • Didn't do my hip rehab. • Didn't brush in the evening. • Did exercise, but I get no points for it as I didn't do the above. • Did track calories, but again no points. The day started really well - I got up early-ish and went out for my run. Brushed my teeth before I went as well, rather than waiting for my post-run shower. Drove up to the South Downs and ran a half marathon (13.1 miles / 20km) across the top. I walked some of the steep bits, but generally felt really good and strong. Had a fairly chilled afternoon with WW and MIL, went for some grocery shopping but otherwise relaxed at home. In the evening we went out for tapas at an excellent local tapas place. It's a small family-run place with delicious homemade food, we had albondigas, patatas ali oli, mar y montaña, pork fillet, croquettes and bread on the side. I had honeycomb cheesecake for desert and a couple of pints of lager to wash it down too. MIL was grating on me slightly over dinner - I don't know if I was just tired and irritable or if she was being particularly objectional. Either way this may have influenced my decision to go and buy some beers when we got back, to have in front of the TV with WW and MIL. When I got back I wanted to digest and sit for a bit before I did my hip rehab stuff. By the time that had happened I had had a couple more beers and my mood hadn't improved much, and I just didn't feel like doing the hip exercises. Also didn't really want to do them with a guest in the house So I ended up skipping them, not happy about it but there it is. Ended up going to bed very late, and totally forgetting to brush my teeth. By the time I remembered I was lying down, and knowing I hadn't done the exercises and wouldn't get points I didn't bother to get back up. ETA: Between breakfast, energy gels whilst running, lunch, snacks, tapas, and beer, I hit 5,068kcal. I think that's an all time high score!
  16. Lots of practice . Maybe a little too much? It's all good fun.
  17. Well done Yasha, you are truly a badass! I agree that the idea of someone getting your personal info from one photo is really creepy; it makes my skin crawl. And saying that people who put their details online deserve what they get is proper shitty.
  18. Trust the process, don't worry about how long it takes, and you will become the viking goddess you want to be. Also, I love your theme for the year, so I'm really excited to see you pull this off.
  19. Came to this thread hungry, then went away and had a snack before I read this! Sounds lovely.
  20. That's excellent, good PTs are hard to find, but really worth having. I'm not sure if that sounds brilliant or awful! But if you enjoyed it I may have to look it up. ...and now I've realised what's missing from my runs!
  21. Go get that perfect week dude! I'm always inspired by how many things you manage to juggle.
  22. Glad your seeing some changes from crossfit. It doesn't matter what the number on the scale says if you look and feel better for it. I hope the foot gets better soon.
  23. Yesterday was a good day: • Got all my stretching in in front of Critical Role and Talks Machina • Teeth done • Exercise was Crossfit. Also got a bit of hangboarding in whilst dinner was cooking. It didn't go very well, I'm at that stage where I struggle to do enough to effectively traib. Once I start to build a habit of it I should be able to make better use of it. • Calories were tracked and came in at exactly 2,600. Plan for the weekend is long run first thing tomorrow, short run early Sunday and then bouldering after that. We have WW's mother staying over Saturday and Sunday night, so I'll let them decide what we do with the rest of the time.
  24. I think this is an extremely good choice, and you are brave for making it.
  25. I know what you mean - I find myself prioritising workouts over drinking and late nights more and more. I'm not sure what's happening to me!
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