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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. O.o I did not know this. Thank you for this vital information!
  2. Another weekend's gone and suddenly it's Tuesday already! This weekend was slightly quieter. On Friday I met up with some old friends in London after training - my 5 pints and home fairly early plan went somewhat out the window, and 6.5 pints later I left to pub after 10 (having started about half 3) so by the time the train got me home it was midnight. It was so bad I actually managed to go over plan on my calories for the first time this challenge, and only registered a 766kcal deficit. It was a fun night, but I do feel it would have been just as fun if I'd have finished a bit earlier. Saturday I got up and went to Parkrun, spent the rest of the morning chilling out, and then hit Bouldering in the afternoon. I was on my own and decided to tackle the grey routes, which were about the limit of my ability a couple of months ago. Well I Rangered through all 15 routes in under an hour, which I was pretty damn proud of. The evening I spent in with WW, decided not to buy in any beer as I'd clearly had enough on Friday, and watched the Critical Role cast playing more Vampyre: The Masquerade. Sunday I went for my long run after breakfast. It's a bit of a deload week on the plan, so it was only supposed to be 8 miles. I gor really quite lost though, so that ended up stretching out to a little over 9 by the time I got home. Apart from the getting lost and the constant stopping to check the map/GPS it felt really good. Had a roast dinner, saw Thor Ragnarok, meal prepped for the week and got to bed by 10:15 - all in all a pretty great day.
  3. Fair enough, and I'm struggling to hit 100g most days! I think protein shakes are definitely in order. I shall see if I have a local Decathlon. Mine usually go to my dad - nothing says retired tradesman like a 2 pint bucket of builders' tea!
  4. Hey man, how's it going? Hope less of your world is on fire now.
  5. Thank you! 220g?! Wow. Interestingly, I looked up the recommendation on the NHS website the other day, and they say that one should be hitting 55g of protein per day, and they strongly recommend not exceeding twice that amount due to concerns about long term effects and links to things like osteoporosis (it took me so many attempts to spell that!). I think I'm going to quietly ignore that, but it's interesting to see a source against MOAR BROTEIN. Yeah, I think protein shakes may have to be the way forward - I eat about 18 eggs per week and drink about 7 litres of whole milk, and have meat in all my meals, so I'm a bit stumped diet wise! I find sports direct is my friend when it comes to gear - providing your not fussed about brand and don't need anything too specific anyway, it's silly cheap. I really have! I know what you mean - when I told my sister I'd started playing DnD she actually shook her head! I need to keep being open about this stuff though to keep finding more geeks in the world.
  6. Excellent, cheers for the tip. I love the fact that you've actually done the maths to get the best price per gram of protein! Yeah, good point. Having a big lump of roast pork for lunch today so I'll have lots of leftovers to work with this week.
  7. Hope everyone's having a great challenge so far! I'm looking for a little advice if I may? Cross post from my thread:
  8. Thursday - W2D4 Good Blood: Tracked, and 84g protein (11/28) Hang Out: Pullups 5x5 PR!! (9/28) Superhuman Speed: Nope (3/12) Vampyre Diaries: Yep (9/28) Yesterday training finished at half 3, so I was home around 5 which was really nice. Got a little domestic rangering done (though a lot more to do, there's bits of Halloween costume everywhere!). Then I did my pullups, and finally hit 5 sets of 5. I was getting close to this months ago, but every time I would I'd fall out of practice and never quite get there. So the goal is working for that! The other thing that seems to be working is the calorie tracking - I got my belt up to the tightest loop today for the first time in a long while. Still not comfortable there yet, but lets make that the aim by the end of the challenge. The thing I am struggling with is protein - not just in getting the silly IIFYM number but in getting more than 20% of my calories from protein in general. I may actually try protein shakes - anyone have any recommendations? I would probably just have one with breakfast, after my morning workout. Or any tips for good high protein meals/snacks? ====== This morning I got up at 05:45 as planned and went to the gym. I got there a couple of minutes past 6, to discover that it doesn't actually open until 06:15! Still, plenty of time to get my workout in. It's day one of a new round of Juggernaut, so today was bench, 40kg (~88#) x 4 x 10, 40kg x 13 to finish. Tonight I'm meeting up with some old work friends as I'm in London on training again, so it'll be a few beers. I'll take it easy, limit myself to 5 for the night, and aim to get home reasonably early.
  9. Thanks guys, good to know. I've promised myself I can spend my change jar on running/fitness stuff once I hit level 10, which should be this or next challenge, so that's going on the list.
  10. I ain't getting caught by a damn squirrel (I mean, I might if you keep going the way you are @Maigahane, but I'm going to choose to pretend that's not happening!)
  11. Spoilered for those who really hate spiders (it is cute though) Hope your penultimate shift's going ok Yeti
  12. I may need to invest in such a thing. Right after shorts without huge holes in and potentially new shoes.
  13. Wow, I thought I was busy, but your schedule's even madder than mine! All looks fun but that's a lot to do.
  14. Ran out of time this morning and cut my run short, but still got in 5 miles. I didn't want to get out of bed at all, but thinking of you guys got me up! I don't know if I'll ever catch headpool, or if evil deadpool will shoot past at any moment, but I know I'm seriously tight with dogpool and deadpool right now. Let's do this!
  15. This morning I got up at 6:15 and went out for my run. Was supposed to be 6 miles easy but I ended up cutting it to 5, as I have to get the train up to London again today. I still ended up rushing and running for the train so I think it was the right option to shorten it! Tomorrow the plan is to get up half an hour earlier so I have a chance of getting my lifting in.
  16. Yesterday's update apparently still wasn't enough to get us actually up to date, so here's week 2 so far: YES! Monday Woke up at 6:15am with my alarm, and having got back from seeing The Iron Maidens at 1am decided that Deadlifts probably weren't the best/safest idea for the morning. I went back to sleep. Not sure if it was the right decision, but it had a lot more logic behind it than most skipped workouts do. After work went straight to Hopalong's house to grab food before snooker. It was oven pizza again . Still, all calories were tracked, and the staying off beer and soda following my goals from last challenge probably helped mitigate the damage somewhat. Hanging out and superhuman speed were not done as I got back late. Tuesday Got up and went out for my run, 4 easy miles plus 4 sprints at the end. Felt really good. The evening was mega busy, as I had to get home, cook, change into my costume and get to Pathfinder. Costume you say? Why yes, we did all dress up as our characters for a game of Pathfinder on Halloween! Pica or it didn't happen? Well alright then: You can't see the weaponry that clearly, but my quarterstaff is 6' long, Regan's holding his revolver, and Bonnie is holding a rather good home made morningstar. The star of the show however was Maisie, who in game has a magical gun that, when it hits, summons a badger to attack the target. She managed to find a toy Bazooka that actually launches little toy badgers! In game stuff: It was an amazing night, and we had so much fun! We actually couldn't play in our usual pub as they were having a Halloween party, but that turned out for the better as we played at the GM's house which was quieter and a more intimate environment. That did mean however that everyone brought snacks, so all of my tracking for that day is pretty much guesswork. Got home, did my pullups, washed off most of the grease paint/hair dye/mascara (in my beard) and collapsed into bed. Wednesday Lifted in the morning, deload deadlift day and officially the final day of my first run of Juggernaut. Starting Friday I'll be back at the start, on the 10s phase, and looking forward to major DOMS. Was only in work for a couple of hours before I had to travel up to London for training on our new IT system that comes in next week. I'm up here for the rest of the week now which messes with my schedule somewhat. It does mean I have time sat on the train to write these massive posts though! In the evening I made sure to get in my leg raises and ankle exercises before heading out to snooker. Dinner was jacket potato with beans and cheese, and between that and 3 beers at snooker I managed a lot of calories (though still a 1,300kcal deficit) for not a lot of protein. Left as early as I could and got to bed around 11.
  17. Haha, thanks. I can usually manage to get through most things with a hangover, but it's often a bloody miserable endeavour!
  18. Good to know. What do you use for water? I don't want to carry a bottle the whole way but I don't have a sensible backpack I can run in. I do have a platypus water system for hiking, but it's useless without the right backpack.
  19. True, I was thinking on the run that hydration and energy might be a thing (I took no food or water). I want to see how well I do without a stinking hangover and with better fuelling than a bacon sandwich first though!
  20. I'm back from the dead! (not actually the gif I was looking for, but I couldn't not share it) I've been SOO DAMN BUSY! It's been good though, I just haven't had enough time to post on here. Time to catch up: Friday Lifted in the morning, still deloading so somewhat unremarkable. Worked. In the evening I went out to my local to see a band with Dad. I didn't realise it was also their Halloween party night, and this pub is covered with gothic trinkets at fake skulls all the time anyway, so that was pretty awesome. Not a late one particularly, but still 4 pints and maybe midnight in bed. Saturday Got up and went to Parkrun. Felt a bit rubbish for some reason but pushed through and got a slightly better time than I had the last couple of weeks. Then home to fiddle with Halloween costume bits and have a massive omelette (and vegging out for an hour to be honest), before going back out and getting bouldering. I had a pretty good session, though I was still feeling more tired than I felt I should, until I got a booster under a callous on my left middle finger and ripped all of the skin off! That slowed me down a lot and though I taped it up I couldn't keep going much longer. I also still have a big hole in my finger now, which isn't ideal for the hanging out portion of this challenge. Shot of to pick up WW, have a quick bacon sarnie and get ready for The Captain's Halloween party that evening. I looked a little like this: Had a great time at the party, drank quite a bit and stayed up until 2 am and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. I also got talking to a mate (hereinafter known as The Hamster) about my running, and he said he'd really like to come out with me on my long runs! I'm not holding out too much hope as he's pretty hopeless to pin down to do anything, but it'd be great if we did do it. Sunday I woke up feeling like a person who had been up until 2am drinking a mixture of silly novelty drinks. Princess (Captain's fiancée) made us bacon sandwiches, which were very welcome. I had a really nice moment where I was talking to The Captain and it came up for the first time that I've started playing DnD. I made some silly sarcastic comment about starting playing "because I'm so cool". Captain look at me and said "mate, I collect model trains, you don't need to be embarrassed about your hobbies around me". It was really nice, both to have that acceptance from one of my best mates, and to remind me to try and own my nerdiness. I think usually I'm pretty good at that, I try to be open about being a massive geek, but I still sometimes feel anxious about revealing myself and being judged. Something to work on maybe. Having dropped Hopalong home I went back myself, and then got myself together for my long run. I set out, as per my plan, to do 13 miles. I actually felt ok to start with, but around mile 5 I started having to take walking breaks. I just felt like I had no energy at all, no fuel to keep going, and my legs felt like logs. By about 9 miles I ended up just walking. I got home at the 11.5 mile mark and gave up - I didn't think there was anything to gain by dragging myself around another mile and a half of walking. I'm not too worried though, I'm sure I can make that run next time, and now we have an answer to the question "how far can Jarric run on a hangover?" Over to my parents for a Sunday roast after that, and to put together a few more costume bits. Then headed up to London with my Dad to see The Iron Maidens, who are an all female Iron Maiden tribute band. Really good fun night, but had a couple of beers and by the time I eventually got home it was 1am. Challenge Wise for Week 1 Good Blood: Tracked all 7 days, and pretty much all over 1kkcal deficit. Pretty low on protein though, thanks to too much rubbish and liquid calories. Hang Out: Hit 6/7 days. Sunday just wasn't happening with the long day, hangover and late night. Superhuman Speed: 2/3 only. Got Wednesday and Friday but again the weekend was problematic. Must try harder Vampyre Diaries: 6/7. See above
  21. I'm definitely the same, but if I ever want to see WW I have to work out in the morning, so I've spent the past few years beating morning Jarric into shape to get out of bed and get going. He's getting there slowly. Sorry, I forgot how awful that bloke is . The actual lifting side is good though.
  22. To give you some things to research, something like Texas Method might work quite well for you for varying your weight increases. Or you could look into the Juggernaut method, which looks really complicated at first but I personally really like. Probably the best resource you can find though is to head over to the warriors, tell them where you are now and ask them what they recommend.
  23. Thanks man! I though it would be interesting to play, and I quite liked the idea of him hiding his heritage, and it being that very heritage that makes him so good at hiding it.
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