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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. I like the image this gives me - of the tech department storming your offices. Possibly in full riot gear *eye twitch* that's hideous.
  2. Great decision on going to uni! You're heading in a great direction.
  3. Hmm, could also be that the Charge 2 is a bit less funky than the old Charge HR? My resting goes between about 51 and 55 generally.
  4. Only once? I've never worked in tech support and I feel like I must have explained this at least a dozen times!
  5. Nope, not sad! What I want though is, once I've arrived at the error margin, to be able to feed it back into the Fitbit app so it shows a genuine calorie burn there. Oo, oo, I could possibly do that by using custom heart rate ranges! Something to investigate...
  6. How much out is it for you? As you say if it's only a little it may be just your generous estimations. And no, I'm a super sleeper - I never wake up mid heart attack!
  7. Thank you, hope you have a good one too! Xx It might be a gender thing with Fitbit? Does your one have a heart rate tracker? I think that's where mine gets these silly numbers from (and I've also noticed that I apparently occasionally have a heart attack between 1 and 2 in the morning O.o ). Yours sounds like it's a lot more accurate than mine anyway! I don't know how I'd feel about ditching my Fitbit; I like having the data even though I usually do nothing with it!
  8. I have not had a good week for running so far! Oh well, it just means I get to come in and take you guys from behind. I also added a rank column to the spreadsheet, hope that's ok?
  9. I thought after a year and a half on here I was getting pretty good at translating Crossfit, but I have no idea what's going on here.!
  10. Well if this is a common issue you would think so. Or if not then just let me manually apply a percentage reduction to the figure it usually spits out - I could probably get a pretty accurate difference between my actual burn and its figure with not too much work.
  11. Thursday - W1D4 Good Blood: 1,899kcal in, 3,193kcal burned, 1,294 deficit. 96g of Protein (4/28) Hang Out: Scap pull x 3 x 8, pullups: 5, 5, 4.5, 3.5, 4 (4/28) Superhuman Speed: Nope 1/12 (plan is now Friday and one at the weekend to wrap this up) Vampyre Diaries: Yep 4/28 Calories were low yesterday - knowing that I'd missed my run and my burn would be low I was careful to keep it that way. Low protein as a result of eating less though unfortunately. This morning I got up and hit my workout. OHP day but still on deload week so nothing much to report there. Weekend plan: Tonight: Get home and do ankle exercised and leg raises, sort Halloween costume 1, go see pub band with dad Saturday: Parkrun, sort bits for costume 2, catch up on Ranger Mini, bouldering, pick up WW, get into costume 1, go to Captain's Halloween party Sunday: Get home from Captain's, eat, run 13 miles, have roast lunch at parents and pick up other costume 2 stuff, go see Iron Maidens (an all female Iron Maiden tribute band) with dad. Hmm, looks like a busy one when I write it out!
  12. Before I got a Fitbit I was just using the app with my phone tracking my steps, and adding in my exercise manually. I managed to lose two stone eating at what Fitbit thought was "maintenance" or just above. Now I've got the Fitbit Charge HR, and last I checked maintenance is actually a 700 calorie deficit (though I'm starting to think it may be more looking at the numbers I'm putting up). You would think it couldn't possibly be so wildly out with so much extra data, wouldn't you?
  13. Yep. Still awesome. Also, that weight would be 10x2@130% for me, so that pretty damn good
  14. Wednesday - W1D3 Good Blood: 3,001kcal in, 3,997kcal burned, 996 deficit. 129g of Protein (3/28) Hang Out: Bent Leg Raise x 4 x 8 (3/28) Superhuman Speed: Yep 1/12 Vampyre Diaries: Yep 3/28 Yesterday felt tough on the eating, I didn't account for the fact that my short workout didn't burn that much, so I had too much to eat early on. Ended up at snooker having 1 beer and a few bits of bread with pate. Still an alleged 996kcal deficit, but I've got to say that I don't feel like I'm gonna lose much weight eating over 3k in a day. Did get in my ankle strength exercises for the first time, and they're actually really hard work! Probably means they're working though. ====== Last night it was about midnight before I got back from snooker and got to bed, and I think that's why I overslept this morning and missed my run . I was supposed to do 7 miles this morning, so I'm doubly annoyed that I missed a workout and that I don't get those miles for the PvP. Given that I missed my run on Sunday as well I'm now 5 days in and 19 miles behind where I should be! Otherwise today has been ok. I've done my pullups (tried 5x5, managed 5, 5, 4.5, 3.5, 4), cooked jewelled chicken bulgar with enough leftovers for tomorrow, and now I'm watching Critical Role. Fittingly they're playing Vampyre: The Masquerade, perfect viewing for this challenge!
  15. I actually got that reference . Not like I've spent far too long on the DnD subreddit or anything... Thank you! So am I to be honest. Honestly, I've added it up and I could actually do alright in the mini. IF I CAN GET OUT OF BED AND RUN. Ahem. More of that in a minute. Vampyre v Werewolf PvP sounds awesome. Next challenge? I had to Google that, and I definitely need to see this film!
  16. Name: Vulluin Gender: Male Age: 112 (youngish adult) Race: Elf Class: Sorcerer Personality/Backstory: Vulluin grew up in a quiet elven wood. At an early age he discovered he held an innate magical power, an ability to bend the arcane energies to his will. Initially delighted, Vulluin practiced with his newfound ability with every spare moment. As he grew however, and as he practiced, his body started to change. He began to notice translucent scales forming across his shoulders, and spreading down his back. Confusion turned to shame as the scales spread further, down his arms and sides, rising up his neck to the back of his head, and darkening into a heavy green. Soon he began to worry he could no longer hide this growth from his family, and seized an opportunity to join a passing group of merchants and travel as far as he could from the forest. The years since have seen Vulluin honing his sorcerous abilities. At the same time he has become adept at hiding his past and the draconic blood which apparently grants these powers, ironically likely aided by the green dragon heritage.
  17. But. But why doesn't he like turnips?
  18. Just catching up, BreakPoint sounds amazing, and it sounds like you seriously Rangered your way through it! Hope the ankle heals up quickly.
  19. G&S clearly, if he smells like cabbage . Character description incoming this evening, because I've just spent my lunch enjoying how good everyone else's intros were!
  20. I'm gonna jump in here and say go with the Drenai series (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Gemmell#Drenai_Series) which starts with "Legend". Fantastic book, I read the whole series when I was in secondary school and loved them.
  21. Awesome job on the race, 2nd in gender is an incredible finish! Yeah, I seem to remember the conversation being "How does Xena run so far?" "She's so awesome!" and other things in that vein!
  22. You sir are a beast! That's great stuff right there. QFT
  23. Tuesday - W1D2 Good Blood: 3,166kcal in, 4,262kcal burned, 1,096 deficit. 113g of Protein (2/28) Hang Out: Scap pull x 3 x 8, top half pullups x 5 x 5 (2/28) Superhuman Speed: Nope 0/12 Vampyre Diaries: Yep! 2/28 Last night was Pathfinder, and I had an awesome time! It was a really talking and planning heavy session with trying to figure out what was going on, and then how to attack a ship which had us out-gunned and out-manned 6-1. Eventually our ranger and I snuck aboard the other boat using invisibility potions, he shot the captain with all 7 barrels of his "Knot Gun" and I then knocked him out with a quick flurry of blows. As that we intimidated the crew, and all 30 of them gave up and dropped their weapons! I thought we were going to be in for a battle to the death, so I was amazed how that turned out. WW was driving so I did have a couple of beers, which left my calories at the limit and protein still a bit low. When we got home it was late night pull-ups and salad prep before bed around 23:15. ====== This morning I woke up with a sore lower back, which is most annoying! I got into the gym and did a bit of a workout, but between the back and having a cold it was pretty short and pretty light. Thank god it's deload week, hopefully I'll be back up to full strength before I start the next chapter of Juggernaut next week. Tonight I need to do my ankle stretching before I go out to snooker, to get a score on the board there.
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