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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Jarric

    Jarric Gets Wet

    Oh really? Clearly we're designed to be running buddies! Yeah, Runkeeper can only say "fast", "steady" and "slow", so the plan defines the actual pace separately in the description each time - fast for these was 10'45"-11'00", but I think on the long runs the "fast" bracket is about 20 seconds slower, and for 20 second sprint intervals it still says "fast", but that means 95% of VO2 max. The plan title is sub 2:30 half marathon. Based on my 10k pace I should be able to get sub 2 hour, but I've found it really hard to up my mileage so I just wanted to get there any way I could. Then this plan finishes in time for Christmas, so if it goes well I'm thinking of starting a new one in the new year and maybe joining you at Reading half in March?
  2. Let us know! It will be interesting to see if you feel any different on Monday morning as well. The plan sounds great anyway.
  3. Jarric

    Jarric Gets Wet

    Cheers man! My record mile is 8'15", but I'm trying to stick somewhere near the program. I'm certain that trying for that kind of pace I wouldn't have lasted the full distance. I'm surprised you've not gone further though, given how ludicrously early you get up
  4. Jarric

    Jarric Gets Wet

    Thursday - W4D4 Soda: 14XP Beer Blanket (weekly): 3/10, 14XP T-shield (daily): 4/4, 10XP I missed another update somewhere. I have no idea how I managed that. Anyway, Wednesday I got up and lifted. This is my final week of this round of Juggernaut, so it will be my heaviest lifts to date. Wednesday was bench at 60kg (finally got to big boy plates!) and I hit 3 reps. The chap I got to spot me was totally useless, but I don't think I would have got the 4th rep anyway. Work was pretty busy with a trip to London and back for a meeting right in the middle of the day. Then the evening was snooker - the actual snooker was rubbish but I stuck to 3 pints which is well on target. Thursday morning was my longest morning run to date - a total of 6.8 miles including the cooldown walk. In there there were supposed to be 4 "fast" miles at 10'45"-11'00" per mile. I actually ran them at 10'02", 10'11", 10'16" and 10'29". I'm trying to keep slow for this plan to try and build up distance, and it is working, but sometimes I still end up way too fast. At work I had my monthly meeting with my manager, and got some really good feedback which left me smiling for the rest of the day. After work I got a relaxing evening in for a change. We watched a lot of Critical Roll, I cooked sausage, chips and beans (with @deftona's recipe for homemade chips), we watched more Critical Role, and I got an early night. This morning I slept in and missed the gym, so if I get a chance I'll catch up tonight. Otherwise the plan is possibly to see a band tonight and keep to 3-4 beers, snooker and climbing Saturday and my remaining beers if I go out and have a reason to drink them, long run (11 miles!) on Sunday.
  5. Sounds like you're having a great week with eating and working out and all the things - keep it up!
  6. Oh my god I love it! I'm glad my random sentence could be turned into this ETA: also glad you're getting to explore your creative side in general - the pixel art is very cool.
  7. Jarric

    Jarric Gets Wet

  8. Jarric

    Jarric Gets Wet

    Tuesday - W4D2 Soda: 14XP Beer Blanket (weekly): 0/10, 14XP T-shield (daily): 0/4, 10XP Been a busy couple of days so I'm missing some time on here, but challenge wise all is well. Monday's gym session was deadlifts - top sets were 5x3 of 110kg. I did chicken out of the final set; lower back was feeling a bit tight and I was worried about pushing it, but still happy. Monday evening was snooker and I offered to drive, which made it easy for me to drink water all night. Tuesday morning was an easy 4 mile run plus sprints. The evening was Pathfinder - had a really great session. Most of it was trying to escape from the ziggurat, with a rising tide of acid coming in behind us and some tough orc mummies blocking the way in front. It was seriously tense and I went into negative HP twice only to be rescued by Bonnie, our cleric played by WW. On our way out we made a deal with a fey titan, and then headed back to the city for some fairly inept investigative work. Again I drove last night and again I just drank water, so all goals going great. Tonight I will have 2-3 beers at snooker, and then the rest of my allocation can wait until the weekend again.
  9. Jarric

    Jarric Gets Wet

    You'll get there though mate, consistently working that mileage up. Have I ever mentioned that I hate the autocorrect on android phones?! Seriously, I've never used the word "firearms" in my life, I don't think I've even ever heard someone say it in person, where did that come from?? Love the pictorial representation though! Not strictly accurate I'm afraid Thanks, it's pretty fun! Absolutely! It's a weird way to show it though! Aww, thank you! . It seemed a fun thing to do with the prompt. Yeah, seeing you do inktober inspired me to give it a look. Not that I can manage anything nearly as good as you, but it's a bit of fun and as you say something different to do!
  10. Jarric

    Jarric Gets Wet

    I strongly suspect you'll still love it at 20 miles to be honest . I was just surprised as I've had plenty of 6-8 mile runs where I haven't enjoyed myself at any point - I need to bottle whatever mood I was in this time. Thanks man! It helps that I offered to drive there. And I know, for some reason I always forget that the amount I eat is actually dependant on what I've done in the day!
  11. Jarric

    Jarric Gets Wet

    Sunday - W3D7 Soda: 14XP Beer Blanket (weekly): 10/10, 14XP T-shield (daily): 4/4, 10XP Got up yesterday morning and got out for my longest training run to date - 10 miles. I must have got lost at least 6 times on the trails and forests and had to keep stopping to check the map and my phone GPS, and it was dead slow as I ended up taking a few seconds shy of 2 hours to cover the distance. Strangely I enjoyed myself though, which I never thought I would doing such a long run on my own, so that was cool. I didn't get back from that until after midday, so domestic rangering was pretty minimal for a Sunday. Mid-afternoon we headed off to MG's 30th birthday party, and thanks to this challenge I drank nothing but water whilst I was there . I did eat and absolute TON of food, but most of it was good, real stuff and not cake and snacks, so no real harm done. Got back in time to get a couple of bits done, but I was mega tired (I think from the morning run). Tried to do my inktober drawing but wasn't really feeling it, so I watched some TV and went to bed by half 10. So week 3, overall, went pretty well. Dare I say it this challenge is actually going pretty successfully. Rock on week 4!
  12. Consider yourself reminded . I love Aankah btw, I think he looks really cool. @obax and @SkyGirl have given some great advice. Reframing treats might actually help if you want to have a couple of Oreos and not go overboard - I know for me if failure=1 biscuit then once I've had 1 I might as well have the whole packet. Where if some is ok and less is better I'm more likely to be moderate when I do end up eating them.
  13. Jarric

    Jarric Gets Wet

    Saturday - W3D6 Soda: 14XP Beer Blanket (weekly): 10/10, 14XP T-shield (daily): 4/4, 10XP Yesterday was a good day. Parkrun first thing - I'm actually getting slower every week recently and the weather was awful, but nonetheless I feel strangely good about it. Then straight off to bouldering where we attempted some thoroughly hard routes, I totally blew my firearms and shoulders early on and had loads of fun pushing really hard. After lunch was more chilled out, I spent a couple of hours levelling up my Pathfinder character, then helped WW bleach her hair and level up her character. Watched Strictly Come Dancing and ended up in bed around midnight.
  14. Jarric

    Jarric Gets Wet

    I know! Stupid shoulders with their small muscles and tiny tendons and massive range of movement!
  15. I know you know this, but try to remember that it won't make you feel better in the long run . I hope you feel better with this soon *hugs*
  16. https://media.giphy.com/media/3oEduGzkdvam26MrXG/giphy.gif ETA: I don't know why that won't embed
  17. Ow that really sucks. As Tank says though, it should at least be enough to get you out of your father's house.
  18. Hope the end of your week's been better than the start, and that the visit to your parents is going well
  19. Jarric

    Jarric Gets Wet

    Friday - W3D5 Soda: 14XP Beer Blanket (weekly): 10/10, 14XP T-shield (daily): 4/4, 10XP Hit the gym in the morning for OHP. Top sets were supposed to be 5 x 3 at 40kg, but that proved slightly too much for me. Ended up being sets of 3, 3, 2, 2, 3. Not happy to be failing reps here, but I know I'm slowly moving forward. In the evening I went out to see a pub band with my Dad. Nice evening and I took it easy, but still had my final 4 beers for the week. When I got home I ended up staying up a bit too late watching TV. No real harm done but I'm a bit tired today
  20. Jarric

    Jarric Gets Wet

    Thanks man. I don't believe you, but thanks! ====== Having said that I did just come here to post this one, as it's Critical Role themed and not entirely shite:
  21. Jarric

    Jarric Gets Wet

    Wow, I haven't updated properly in a while! Quick run down: Tuesday - Ran in the morning; 4 miles plus 4 sprints for a total of just under 5. It was bloody cold that morning, and thanks to leg day Monday my legs felt right as hell during miles 2 and 3. They calmed down towards the end. The evening was Pathfinder, we spent most of the session in a combat/puzzle encounter where we tried to break the puzzle in every possible way, much to the GM's annoyance. All good fun. I also had 3 pints of a very nice and rather interesting milk stout as it was WW's turn to drive. Wednesday - I overslept and didn't go to the gym as a result . Need more discipline on this - maybe a goal for next challenge. After work I tried and ankle strength routine I pinched from GMB - it was pretty hard! Also 20 minutes long so I may have to trim it a bit if I'm going to do it regularly. In the evening I played snooker. I won my match and we won 5-0, and I stuck to just 3 beers in the process. Leaves me with a relatively sober weekend. I also decided to do inktober, which is an interesting choice as I can't draw for toffee. Thursday - Ran in the morning, 5 miles with the middle 3 theoretically being fast. After work we went straight to the supermarket, and by the time we were done it was late and we couldn't be bothered to cook. We ended up getting McDonald's . We were so done afterwards that we didn't even put the shopping away before bed, let alone make lunch for Friday. Thursday - W3D4 Soda: 14XP Beer Blanket (weekly): 6/10, 14XP T-shield (daily): 4/4, 10XP Ok, not that quick of a run down then!
  22. I knew I was missing something, and it was your thread! Love seeing you making your OCR plans for next year.
  23. Your ginger-honey tea sounds amazing! I must get a teapot... Hope you feel better soon. And searching for a picture of this, I learned that the Wurzels realised an album called "Never Mind the Bullocks".
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