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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. You may be right. Not a thing I'm good at, but at least I managed an early night last night. A bit better thanks, still a bit mentally drained, but not ill like I felt yesterday. Ok, that sounds like a really cool class to play - I love the choice to make it as confusing as possible by having all the feats as well! I think I'm going with monk (discussing with the DM at the moment) because I want to use a background of one of the philosophical sects in the campaign and it fits quite well with that. Yes thanks mate, definitely getting there ===== Updates: 22/28 Bujo updates: 19/28 Having got a very early night last night I got up for my run this morning. 4 slow miles and some very slow sprints to finish, for a total of about 5 miles. Felt alright if not perfect. Work was very busy and I'm pretty tired again, but hopefully with another decent night's sleep I'll feel better still.
  2. Have you had a look at the Mo Runs in November? They've got some 10k options. Also, if you do the Brighton one you can join me
  3. Update: 21/28 Bujo updates: 19/28 Felt really rubbish and tired this morning for some reason - got to the gym but cut the workout short because I felt really week. It kind of abated during the day but hit me again with a vengeance around 6 this evening. It's now knocking on for half 9 so I'm gonna get myself sorted and go to bed.
  4. Honestly I'm barely exaggerating . Thanks! I drank significantly more last night and yet I do still feel better today! ===== Had great fun last night - we had a barbeque at The Captain's house with lots of lovely meat, we played poker (poorly), we drank loads of beer and a really good share of his scotch collection (a Laphroaig and a Talisker for anyone who's interested). Today has felt like a busy day. Had a good fried breakfast at The Captain's before heading home. Then turned around pretty quickly to go out an go bouldering. Had a really good time and went with my sister for the first time so I got to spend some time with her. Aftera bowl of cereal and some Critical Role I headed out for my long run - just 6 miles today at a leisurely pace. Then a quick run to grab groceries and back home for roast pork dinner with loads of lovely veggies. Think it'll be an early night tonight! Updates: 20/28 Bujo updates: 17/28
  5. Update 19/28 Bujo updates 17/28 Feel a bit ropey today, don't know why. I didn't drink that much last night, but the band were so bad maybe they made me ill. I got out for Parkrun still this morning and didn't push too hard, got round in 27'26" which is reasonable. Tonight I'm going to a barbeque at The Captain's house, which should be a fun night. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get to go climbing, and I'm also planning to get my long run in.
  6. Pretty much man - it's really hard to drag myself away from it all! We're playing the Zeitgeist campaign, which is like industrial revolution era esque with guns and steam trains in this mad tropical continent with nations where no magic works and nations where magic goes mad. They've put a lot of history and lore into the players guide so it's really sucking me in! Those picture look awesome man, I totally might steal one for a character portrait! ===== Not much more to report for today - I'm about to have a chilli beef soup made with the chicken stock that WW made today, and then I'm off to the pub to see a band with my Dad Updates: 18/28 Bujo updates: 17/28
  7. Happy 30th dude, hope you have a great day!
  8. I'll take that as a compliment! Give it a while and I might reach your level of crazy - in early October my plan has me running over 6 miles before work I know what you mean about the snooze button though - I hit it again this morning. I still managed to get my workout in though so no real harm done.
  9. My main thought is that climbing does indeed rule. I think the advantage of powerlifting programs in general is that they're so scalable - you simply keep the weights going up as you get stronger. It's much harder to scale and see progress with bodyweight progressions. Personally I would stick with Juggernaut as being sub-maximal training you should be able to do other useful work alongside it - probably as assistance work to the Juggernaut programme if you don't want 7 strength days per week. As a random thought I've just had, you could do 2 Juggernaut days per week (1 squat/bench and 1 reads/OHP plus assistance on each) and then make your third strength day a more circuit/bootcamp type workout which may be more OCR applicable. The greatest devils that preside over the 7th circle of hell could learn a lot from the Talk Talk customer services department. Conversely Talk Talk's IT department could learn a lot from the average 9 year old. You can get hang/campus boards that hang on role rather than being screwed to anything, so if you're looking for for a solution at home you could hang something like that from your pull-up bar. QFT
  10. If someone told you that you were going to write any of that a year ago would you have believed them? Huge well done on the 600 miles man. I think you stand an excellent chance at 1k miles for the year, in fact 1,100 would be doable if you can average 125 per month.
  11. Update 17/28 Bujo updates 16/28 I hit snooze on my alarm this morning, which was a bit annoying. Still got up 15 minutes later and got out for my run, but it made the morning that much more of a rush. I did however get in a 4 mile run plus 4 sprints, a total of over 5 miles which I think might be my longest pre-work run ever. Otherwise not much to report. Had a roast chicken, spinach and cranberry sandwich for lunch, and chicken casserole for dinner (roasting a whole chicken goes a long way - WW's even going to try and do stock tomorrow with the bones). Also watched the latest Great British Bake Off tonight, it's still really good!
  12. Yep, wave 11. Just need to make sure I'm fast enough by then to actually catch you all now! Indeed I did, and thanks mate
  13. Update 16/28 Bujo Updates 15/28 Today has been a good day. Gym this morning for the start of deload week. Bench was fine because it was massively deloaded, but the assistance work still felt tough, so it's probably a good thing it's not a heavy week! Work was busy again but definitely getting on top of things now. I also found out today that I got accepted for a fairly prestigious industry scheme, which is pretty exciting. This evening I've had a lovely roast chicken dinner with loads of veggies, and now I'm watching Critical Role and reading up campaign guide stuff for this Pathfinder game.
  14. So much amazing stuff here. First, your cosplay looks amazing, and those arms, wow! The whole trip looks so beautiful and just inspiring, I love it. Also I now realise that I read most of that post with my mouth hanging open, particularly when you got to the bison filet! I've gonna have Steelers Wheels stuck in my head all day now damnit! XD
  15. Thanks! I'm in two minds about that - I'm definitely going to go to the end of the Juggernaut cycle before I do that (this was the last of the 5s phase), but I'm not sure whether it's best to then test maxes or just to go straight back into another round of Juggernaut. Thanks dude!
  16. Update 15/28 Bujo updates 14/28 I failed to update yesterday. Both on here and my bujo. There's no reason nor excuse for that, I just fucked up. Aside from that however it's been a pretty good couple of days. Yesterday's gym session saw me finally hitting 100kg (~220#) on my deadlift. Got 9 reps on it as well so there's plenty more in the tank. In the afternoon I went to have my suit fitted for the rental for The Captain's wedding, and then went on for a few bank holiday afternoon beers with The Captain and Hopalong and our respective partners. Finished the day off sat on the sofa with a bit of Critical Role. Today started with 3 miles and 3 sprints run. At work I formally completed my 3 month probation (3 is a magic number), so I'm now officially a permanent member of staff (it was really just a formality, but it's still good to have it confirmed). And then this evening was my first game of Pathfinder . WW and I played existing NPCs for an easy taster that the GM drew up sheets for, and I ended up an elven cleric. Had a really nice time and the whole group seem like really nice folks. Now I have a month before the next game to decide if I want to take that character on or write my own - I'm thinking my own as I've got a half-orc monk I'd like to play with. Also, WW played an orcish barbarian but she's too inquisitive to tolerate that intelligence score; she just wants to ask to many questions. I feel we may swap roles somewhat!
  17. I know, it's a nightmare to find your way somehow! I find that if I know the route because I've driven it it's particularly bad, because all the distance takes just long enough running for me to question myself and take a stupid turn too early. Also I just get turned around a lot and don't seem to have any sense of direction, but that's by the by. That cherry is still waiting to be popped, so I'll hold you to that .
  18. Update 14/28 Bujo updates 13/28 The gig last night was great fun. It was held on a pier, an amazingly the weather was ok which made it a pretty nice setting for a gig. First on were Peter Hook and the Light, who I'd never heard of but Peter Hook was apparently the bassist for New Order and Joy Division, so I was surprised to find I actually knew quite a few of the songs. Next up were The Bootleg Beatles who were, you guessed it, a Beatles tribute band. They were fun, their costumes were good and their Liverpudlian accents were suitability terrible. Mostly I spent their set in either singing along or in very long queues for the bar. And then the main event, Ocean Colour Scene. They came out to Riverboat Song (see above) and just rocked it from there. It was a great crowd, I think because they're such a rare band to see and pretty much everyone knew pretty much every word. They didn't actually play the whole of Moseley Sholes, they definitely missed Policeman and Pirates which is a shame, but nonetheless they put on a great show and were brilliant with the crowd - definitely a good night. On the way home I talked to my Dad about picking up my car in the morning - I'd driven to his house beforehand but he was giving me a lift home. He joked about me running to his house to get his car in the morning, and I looked it up and Google said it was 4.9 miles. Conveniently my run was scheduled as 5 miles, so I said I'd run there. It turns out that it's not 4.9 miles if you get lost in the way. Twice. Nonetheless I got there 6.68 miles later and for my run done for the day. The rest of the day has been spent either grocery shopping or drinking beer and watching Critical Role. I now have 8 chicken thighs, 8 chicken legs, a kilo of beef mine, 750g of pork mince and a pound of lamb mince in the freezer and an entire chicken in the fridge. All in all it's been a good weekend so far, and tomorrow it's still the weekend
  19. Excellent, it is an awesome album. I think the only problem with it is that the first song is possibly the best opening of an album of all time, and that's pretty hard to follow! Seriously, for anyone who hasn't heard this, this is how that album (and last night's gig) starts: And yeah, thank you, I've been blessed with a pretty good summer weekend-wise It made me pretty happy too! And thank you man, the gig was really great fun! Update coming!
  20. @Cheetah, super unhelpful but I think quite accurate answer - you're probably going to have to try a few different things to find out what works best for you. Personally when I've tracked I've always aimed for a set deficit every day, so my actual intake varies with my activity. Then again I've always been tracking at times when I'm more concerned with maintaining performance than ours weight loss, so that's part of the reason why.
  21. Update 13/28 Bujo updates 11/28 So first off, jewelled chicken freekeh is astonishingly good - so much so that I'm think of doing a huge batch of it and having it cold for lunches in the week. Parkrun this morning was fine, didn't push myself too hard but still rocked in at a respectable time of 27:20. Otherwise I've had a pretty relaxed day, bacon has happened as have many eggs, and more Pathfinder reading and YouTube watching to boot. Now I'm in the car going to see Ocean Colour Scene, who apparently are going to play Moseley Sholes in its entirety tonight which I'm massively looking forward to (hands up anyone who knows what I'm talking about!). TTFN
  22. Update 12/28 Bujo updates 10/28 Bit of a stressful one today. Had the hygienist first thing, which wasn't that bad but driving there and having my teeth poked, and then starting work late because of it, is not my ideal start to the day. Spent most of my day at work literally putting out metaphorical fires. All more or less sorted now but I was mentally wiped by the end of the day. So I went to the gym after work and got in a bit of ferrotherapy . It's nice to go after work and not have any time constraints to worry about, I wish I could do it more. 'Ere be what I did: Joint Mobility OHP - working up to top set of 40kg for 5 reps (a little disappointed I didn't beat the 5 rep target here) Incline bench - 14kg/hand x 4 x 12 Lat pulldown - 70# x 4 x 12 Tricep pulldown - 22.5# x 4 x 12 Preacher curls - 8kg/hand for 8, 8, 8, 12/10 (right/left on last set) Monkey bars - bodyweight x 4 singles (the run is 11 bars, two of which are offset about 4" higher that the others) Stretched a lot. Totally smoked my arms, fire and upper, and now I feel much better And now, apparently, I'm off to cook Jewelled Chicken Freekeh.
  23. Only half an hour . Which I gain this week with 3 mile runs, and will promptly lose by next Thursday morning when I'm set for 5 miles! Ok that's funny. Aaaand a new rabbit hole for me to go down reading !
  24. Update 11/28 Bujo updates 10/28 Did my run this morning. After a lie in, because I've got some nice short runs this week. 3 very slow miles. Busy day at work again, and tomorrow may be worse. Just had a lovely meal of lamb tagine (which my phone thinks is called lamb tagline), and now I'm watching Critical Role.
  25. Haha, you're welcome man! And don't worry, there's only 109 episodes so far. At 3-4 hours each. So maybe around 2 weeks of solid watching. You'll be fine Ah, I see. I didn't know you DM'd, that sounds pretty cool.
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