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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. That comment-gif combo, wow . I would be really up for playing a Google hangouts/Skype type game, if you don't mind putting up with a total beginner! If you're serious, how would you feel about playing earlyish in the day on a weekend (given the time difference I'd be playing in the afternoon/evening)? WW would be up for playing too. Meh, I'm not complaining! Fair enough, that's not too bad. My cat may however be too stupid to be scared of the snake. THIS COULD BE A THING! It was amazing, thank you! As usual I have run out of lunch at work to write stuff, so report/update coming later
  2. I didn't think of that, but that's actually awesome. Also, good call on the chainmail effect tech-t; that would be better than trying to run in chainmail!
  3. I've done just that! can't wait for next year now
  4. Forgoed (forewent? forgodden?) my long run at the weekend in favour of a long pub walk with a friend. It was about 10 miles but as I didn't track it and my personal goal is running only I'm not counting it. I've still just edged into 3rd though, which is cool
  5. Just do parkrun, and then a 7 mile cooldown afterwards - problem solved!Or you could do a 7 mile warmup, but that may scupper your chances of a PR.
  6. The trouble with the superman costume is it'll be really hot. I'll bring it but it's weather dependent . I may of mentioned that a couple of my friends have nick named it barrel o' flaps or flappy barrels? Anyway, the logical conclusion of that is that we may be running with some flapper girls and I don't think I can beat that! Re: Marathon training, I don't think you need to worry about number of runs per week too much - I think you could reasonably do it in 4 per week, and definitely in 5. Then again you won't catch me trying any time soon, because I know I don't like running enough to put up with the kind of long runs I'd need to train with!
  7. Definitely! It's still hanging around, so I'm praying it'll have gone by the weekend. What can I say? I'm an enigma
  8. First of all, Jon, I've just caught up and it looks like you're doing awesome. Secondly, lets clarify a few things here: Peanut butter sucks Sandwiches are awesome. If your sandwich is soggy it's your own damn fault for putting tomato and cucumber in it - don't blame the sandwich. Burritos and tacos are also awesome, can't we just all agree to like foods without starting a civil war in here?
  9. Sorry it's been a bit quiet round here guys. I'm ill (nothing major, just a bit of a cold), and work has been pretty busy so all together I've just been feeling a bit mentally exhausted and not spending much time on here. I have however been sticking with this challenge as best I can (in between hours of chilling on the sofa in front of critical role, and then being inspired to try to find a local D&D group online). Week 1 Finished this one strong. Deadlifts on Friday, maxed out at 85kg (~187#) for 14 reps - that'll put me at 100kg for the end of the next phase; yay triple digits! Despite starting to feel ill I got in Parkrun on Saturday morning and ran it in 25'41" - just 4" shy of my current PR (and 19" faster than my previous second best). Then I hit bouldering for a couple of hours and totally smoked my grip and my arms in general. Then Sunday was my long run, and I managed 7 miles plus the walk home for 7.83 total. Throw in some grocery shopping, meal prepping and car fixing and I hit 132 points for the week. Pretty good given that Monday was a write-off with the flight back from Ireland. Budget was good, got 9 bonus points for finishing with £8.62 left (yes, I actually had folding money!). Mileage was spot on, 56.28/100 miles at half way through this 6 week challenge. Also now 3/10 workouts for that bonus. Week 2 so far Nothing too much to report so far. Runs and workouts have all been completed successfully. Tuesday was a bit of a downer - was feeling totally shattered and had a couple of beers after work, so ended up sitting on the sofa eating pizza rather than cooking. My mindset is recovering quickly though and I've not gone totally off track - I think this challenge and the doodlie PvP are holding me together on this. I will try and update more regularly now that I'm coming out of my funk though. Scores for week 2 so far - Monday: 18, Tuesday: 14, Wednesday: 24
  10. Haha, nice! Hmm, well I won't rush out to try it then (though I also love garlic so I'd give that a go). And aww, WW would be really envious, she'd love snakes (whereas I'm a bit worried that they might eat the cat!). Ok thanks, and thank you for the nudge. Proper update coming shortly.
  11. I'd say go with the running shoes. You'll need to break in new shoes before the half anyway, so getting them soonish might be a good idea. If you want to try slacklining and you don't have anywhere to put one you might be better off trying to find somewhere that has a slackline? My local bouldering place has one, but I don't know if that's common? That's pretty good. I've been thinking about "Do whatever will make the coolest story" for a while now. That's not too far, it sounds like a dream. Why shouldn't adults get climbing frames?
  12. If this is a thing, and if you have room for one more, I'd definitely be up for that adventure.
  13. Well done on fixing your dishwasher (and you have to love the magic that is WD40!).
  14. Looks like a great night. And he looks tiny! Excellent picture Excellent. Trust a 5 year old to say the most perfectly inappropriate thing!
  15. Awesome. It's a great benchmark to measure your progress against as well, so I'm glad you're seeing the progress that's happened. Ah cool, nice. What did you learn in then? Hey, good to have you! I'm so envious of your meet up too! There was a point when we were sitting in the pub together both looking at photos of you guys on Facebook! One day, when the magic of money allows us, we shall combine forces! Yeah, I'd say that's a pretty adventurous list! Sea urchin particularly I've never even heard of as being a food. Frogs' legs are one of those classic "weird" things for people to eat, but now I think of it I don't know many people who have actually tried them. Also, the disclaimer speaks volumes, but snakes are really cool. What types have you got?
  16. I think for me it was the way that narrative built the tension of the match - your writing in these is really good! Good luck for the new job on Monday mate.
  17. Yeah, I saw your photos on Insta - looks like you had an amazing time! The cure I'm afraid it to never stop doing events (ask @Charlie_Quinn or @EricMN). Congrats on the car too - huge expense but definitely worth having something reliable. What did you get?
  18. Update - W1D4 - Thursday After oversleeping in the morning, I went home from work and straight out for my run. 2 Tempo miles with a half mile either side and in between, with the cool down walk I hit 4.1 miles in total. It was really really warm and humid, but such are the joys of running at that time of day - otherwise a good run. Had another productive evening. Got in some pull-ups for the first time in ages - hit 5, 4, 4, 3, 4 which is slightly further from 5x5 than I was a few weeks ago but not too much strength lost. Also got in an easy Daily Dare - 2 minutes of quadrupedial leg extensions. Spent most of the rest of the evening sat in front of critical role, whilst I coloured my running tracker, made a workout tracker for my new workout streak goal, and made a very gaudy tracker for the Doodlie PvP. Excellent finish to the day with a score of 29. Budget Bonus: 49.57 remaining Running Bonus: 45.34/100 miles Workout Streak Bonus: Rest day; nailed it.
  19. Excellent, I shall look forward to the rest of it then. At my reading pace I should have finished it by... end of September maybe? I am not a fast reader! It's the only good reason I can think of to have an iphone to be fair. Like @DarK_RaideR I was a bit at a loose end the following day, but at least I was still on holiday. The hardest thing at the moment is not beating up my credit card with all the other races I now want to do! That's a definite symptom of PEWS (thanks for the term ) Yeah, it was pretty fine - just really weird!
  20. Update - Wednesday W1D3 As mentioned above I woke up late and missed my gym session. The evening was a bit more productive though, I washed my clothes from TM and cleaned my running shoes. Cooked pork fajitas for dinner for WW and me, and while I was at it made egg salad for breakfasts for the next couple of days. After that it was off to snooker where I had a couple of beers. Should have then gone to bed at a reasonable hour but when I got home I felt a need to read another chapter of American Gods (I'm finding it really hard to put this book down!). Score for the day was 16, would have been a decent day with a morning workout added Budget Bonus: After beer expenses, £50.57 remaining. Running Bonus: rest day; nailed it. This morning I again overslept, so I'm going running straight after work tonight because I am not putting up with any more of this missing workouts shit.
  21. That article is brilliant! They've taken all those cases down from Amazon now though . And there was I thinking they'd make great gifts for people. And who gets out of their car to tell someone they don't have a car? I would have thought his presence would be fairly obvious, no? That's a cracking reaction. Brilliant. I'll have to remember that one should I ever get the opportunity to wind someone up with it! Hah, nice. Disgusting, but very funny. I don't think I've ever seen someone actually do that.
  22. Between Tough Mudder at the weekend and an easy run this morning I'm up to 41.24 miles. Also have enough colouring done to show off my mileage tracker:
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