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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Update - W0-II D2 - Tuesday Got up for my run yesterday morning. 3 miles easy pace plus 3 20 second sprints. Felt ok and got in 4.02 miles total. In the evening I was supposed to have snooker, but having done the half hour drive there I got a text from the bloke I was supposed to be playing saying he couldn't make it. I got in a bit of practice, but mostly feels like it was a wasted evening when I could have been doing more important things. Still I did get a few bits done once I was back, so cobbled together a score of 23. Budget Bonus: Blown for the week Running Bonus: +4.02 = 20.83/100 miles run
  2. I really wanted Bernard's Watch as a kid. Actually, I still really want it now. I also wanted the 50p from The Queen's Nose, but that's not quite as reliable. Oo, that's a good one! I have far too many of those moments. That'd be great - providing you have the Nightcrawler/Jumper thing of taking people and objects with you. If you couldn't take any objects with you though it would be really funny - just naked people appearing out of thin air in random places! I'm glad you did, it's sooo damn good! I'm on about episode 80, so at about 4 hours per episode I guess I've probably lost something like 320 hours of my life to it (that's over 13 days O.O) - no regrets! And I'm glad I'm not the only one that does this, it definitely makes the time go faster . Yeah, I think flight needs invisibility too - lest you get shot down by a confused military plane!
  3. Love this visual for you goals (even if I did think my internet was broken at first!).
  4. I'd thought about freezing time (Bernerd's watch style ), but never control like that. That's an awesome idea!
  5. Update - W0-II D1 - Monday Monday was a quiet day really. Slept in very late for some reason so no workout, which is annoying because now I'll have heavy deadlifts on Wednesday instead which isn't the best taper for Tough Mudder! Still, should be sufficiently recovered by Saturday for the run. Work was fine. Made a quick pasta with leek, mushroom and cheese sauce for dinner. I drank to much diet coke and spent too much money at snooker but I did end up winning 3-2 which was a nice surprise. Could have done better but I still managed to drag 17 points out of the day. Budget Bonus: £11.50 remaining (this ain't happening his week I'm sure). Running Bonus: Rest day; nailed it.
  6. Update - Sunday W0-I D7 and Week 0-I Wrap-Up My car issues on Saturday, combine with the late night Saturday night, through a small spanner in the works for Sunday. Was supposed to get up early and go bouldering, and instead ended up getting up at about half 9. Having to be at my dad's at half 12 to look at the car, I abandoned bouldering. Instead I went for my long run - 6 miles easy pace. Hit an average pace of 10'23"/mile, and with the cool-down walk clocked a total of 6.31 miles. Scratched my legs to death again on the overgrown path. It was a good run and I spent the whole thing letting my mind wander and making up D&D characters (thanks, Critical Role!) and barely noticed I was running. I feel a bit like I'm cheating when I'm doing this and not really experiencing the run, but I get through it much easier that way. At my parents house I messed about doing some balance practice for a bit on a low wall. They also have a swing set which I used to play (read: show off) with pull-ups and toes to bar and things with my sister. Got in the best part of 2 hours of cleaning in the evening, made some egg salad for breakfasts and a cottage pie for dinner and a couple of lunches, all in all a fairly productive day. Scores for Week 0-I Monday: 31 Tuesday: 35 Wednesday: 28 Thursday: 24 Friday: 15 Saturday: 10 Sunday: 24 Total: 167 (119% of target ) A good strong start to the week, weekends are always busier and therefore a bit of a challenge but I'm happy with that overall. Budget Bonus: Finished the week in budget by £3.88, so 4 bonus points scored. Running Bonus: 16.81/100 miles so far. If I hit that per week, 16.81 x 6 = 100.86 so I would be bang on for mileage! Week 0-II Prediction Monday - Wednesday I have snooker after work every day, so I need to work round that as best I can. Thursday night I need to pack and then Friday I'm off to Dublin for Tough Mudder! Will be keeping track in Dublin but not sure how many points I'm capable of on holiday. For the budget I set £30 for the days in the UK and no goal for Ireland, but now I have 3 snooker matches I won't be under that £30. Mileage should be good thanks to 12-13 miles of TM if nothing else. Icebreaker - If you could have a superpower, what would it be? I'd go with shape-shifting. But not your rubbish, looking-like-other-people, shape-shifting. I want to be able to become an eagle, or Godzilla, or a cloud, or me but 2" taller, or absolutely anything I want.
  7. Thanks guys, definitely happy with how this has started.
  8. I knew you'd be the first to comment on that! Bloody northerners Thanks! The PvP and the 100 mile target are really helping to spur me on.
  9. Sounds good, I wish mine was close enough to do this (a friend of mine did it recently and clocked a 17 mile round trip). Sorry that Sunday sucked. To be fair laying on the sofa may have been the best choice if you were ill though.
  10. Update - W-0I D 5 & 6 - Friday and Saturday Friday I hit the gym in the morning for OHP day. Top set was 35kg (~77#) for 9 reps. I did hit snooze (3 times!) so I was pretty late there, but I got most of my workout done. Breakfast was egg salad again, lunch was halloumi, courgette and yellow pepper rolls. It was my mum's birthday so I went over there and we had Chinese takeaway for dinner, was a nice time. Went out to see a decent covers band afterwards and had a few beers. I finished a beer when I knew the band only had 10 minutes to go, and in a fit of common sense actually decided not to order another one. I gave myself a point for it, on the basis that I could do with making sensible decisions after a few drinks more often. I did however come home and sit up for like an hour reading lifting programming stuff, so not an early night! Score of 15 for the day. Saturday we were going up north for WW's cousin's 1st birthday (well, I think it's up north, technically it's probably south west midlands). It was fun but a 300 mile round trip and circa 6 hours in the car ate up quite a bit of the day. The car also started acting up so I've got that to deal with now. Because I had to drive early I couldn't make Parkrun, so I got up early and went for a 25 minute tempo run instead. Managed an average pace of 8'49" per mile which I'm pretty happy with, and a total distance of 4.07 miles including warm-up and cool down. WW's now staying with her mum for a couple of nights, so with no-one to be sensible with me I stayed up very late watching Critical Role one-shots. Score for the day: 10 Budget Bonus: £12.87 remaining - beers on Friday and service station food and drink on Saturday really ate up that money! Running Bonus: 10.5/100 miles
  11. Nothing wrong with that, wolves are awesome. Really? People ask me almost every week Good call though. This genuinely made me laugh out loud Oo yeah, that'd look awesome and seriously menacing! Hopefully you wouldn't look exactly like that . And I think you might win most unexpected answer with that, I didn't even know frankincense was a food!
  12. Alright, I'm in. I suspect I'll be getting that first round though (particularly if my "long" run doesn't go about 6 miles!). 16.81 done for week 1, which is almost perfectly 1/6th of my 100 mile target.
  13. @MaylaKae I can't see your pictures . Not sure if they're showing for anyone else?
  14. I've heard of raksashas - only from Critical Role but still. It's the backwards wrists that freak me out. I can see the librarian thing now... Just don't mention the M-word! Also, I'd never heard of Hotline Miami. A brief bit of googling makes it look pretty cool though. Just trying to imagine you pulling that expression now I would have guessed that . You would look like a total badass though.
  15. Hope you feel better soon! If you don't and it's that bad I'd definitely say go see your doctor. It's probably nothing serious but it doesn't hurt to be cautious.
  16. Update - W0-I D4 - Thursday For those of you wondering, that week numbering is pronounced "oh aye?" Pretty quiet day yesterday. Got out for my run in the morning in spite of Wednesday's beers and major DOMS in my hamstrings. Made it halfway round but had to go home at that point as I really needed the loo. Shame to cut it short - total of 2.42 miles. WW pre-made some egg salad (egg, mayonnaise, spring onion and chives) for breakfast and it was excellent - I don't know why I've never thought of this but it may become my breakfast of choice. WW had to work late so I just chilled on here for a while in the evening, then attempted to cook chicken gyros with tzatziki. I say attempted, they were ok but looked a bit of a mess. Also watched a bit of Critical Role - I'm probably only 6 months behind now! Total score for the day was still 24; I'm amazed at how high I'm scoring right now. Budget Bonus - Bought a couple of bottles of coke ( ) so down to £58.50 remaining. Running Bonus - 6.43/100.00 miles run.
  17. Instead of your head. I'd say no. And why, do you usually? Now that I hadn't thought of. If you get their senses then that changes everything. In that case an owl would be good for sight and hearing. Or a bat but I'm not sure if sonar is worth trading my sight for. I was imagining it that the head would be the same size as your head (ok, that still wouldn't work because of the squared cubed law, but it'd make slightly more sense). A panther head would look awesome. You're right, that is odd. Nice to meet you! Yeah, that should be really good fun and really silly, I'll try to do a good write up for it.
  18. Following of course, for the awesome pull-ups, and the awesome art, and the awesome D&D stories, and the terrible, terrible puns (seriously, I love the puns). (My phone autocorrected that to pubs, which is horribly telling.) I think moving out when you can would be really good for you to push yourself out of your comfort zone. Also, it'll be so nice to have your own place.
  19. I love the concept of gym-jams! Well done on the 1RM, that's awesome!
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