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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Cossack squats done with EC. It took me about half a dozen attempts and a couple of watches through the video to get the form right, but I got there in the end. Thank you @Xena for challenging me to these or I probably wouldn't have tried so hard! Oblique V-ups also done with EC. Didn't think these were too bad?
  2. So, you're saying the solution is to eat crap and drink all the time? That could work... It certainly does! Just about cleared up in time for leg day today, so I imagine they'll be back tomorrow morning! And yeah, I quite like the description of alcohol as "a substance used to borrow happiness from tomorrow". Absolutely! And that sounds like a very familiar situation!
  3. Sorry to hear you've been feeling crap, I'm sure it won't be this bad for long *internet hug* The Edinburgh meet sounds amazing by the way; glad you had such a good time!
  4. That sucks! I'm sure some people seem to grow out of hangovers, but I don't think I'll be lucky enough to be one of them!
  5. Sorry to hear that man, hope you're ok. Take care of yourself and if you need to talk we're all here to listen.
  6. There should be a support group for people who get stuck in Tiger, it's the worst combination or terribly useful things and novelty nonsense. Mrs has a huge problem with that place!
  7. Cossack squats? Alright, I'm game, I'll let you know how I get on . My legs are starting to feel better now (my chest's a bit sore instead!). ----- Wed W3D3 Move: 2/7 Track: 3/7 Brush: 1.5/7 Sleep: -4 Budget: £18.31 remaining Freedom: 24 days smoke free Ranger Mini: 18,442.564 #reps Daily Dare: MTWTFSS 4,292kcal in, 3,136kcal out, 1,156kcal surplus, Protein=127g I may have drunk rather a lot last night! I didn't feel that drunk, but I'm feeling it today. On a challenge note: You can see what it did to my calories. Much of this was beer, and then when I got in I decided that 4 slices of toast with Bovril were a great idea! My budget is all but blown, so it'll have to be a frugal week for me! I slept in this morning rather than going for a run. I've got badminton tonight so I will hit my activity goal today, but it's still annoying. All in all not the best choice for a Wednesday night! Still, nothing that can't be recovered .
  8. Bahahaha! Thank you for that! Yeah, like alternating between "Hell yeah I'm working hard!" And "Oh my God this fucking hurts!"
  9. Love the new story Wolfman. Also, I NEED pictures of you as Ace Ventura in my life!
  10. Well done on the run, great that your conditioning's coming back so quickly! Also, you look really good in boots!
  11. Cheers for the advice, I'll mull over the options . ----- Tue W3D2 Move: 1/7 Track: 2/7 Brush: 1/7 Sleep: -2 Budget: £48.66 remaining Freedom: 23 days smoke free Ranger Mini: 3,984 kg reps ~ 8783.217 #reps Daily Dare: MTWTFSS 2,716kcal in, 2,783 kcal out, 67kcal deficit, Protein=94g Yesterday had a course thing, which took me out of the office all day. I toyed with the idea of getting up at the crack of dawn to go swimming but having got home late from snooker on Monday I decided to go after the course instead. After the course I ended up having to hang around and do some networking with a provider, so in the end didn't get an exercise in . Food was a bit rubbish too; had to have whatever was on for the buffet, and then Mrs got home so late we couldn't be bothered to cook so went to the chippy instead. The numbers above are a deficit by pure fluke (and are probably also wildly inaccurate). Also, I have MAJOR DOMS in my legs today, and had yesterday as well. It's been a while, so it's nice to know I can still push myself! -- This morning got up and went to the gym. Was struggling and failed some unexpected reps, which is odd. Here's how it went: Bench: 20kg x 6, 40kg: 6, 6, 6, 6, 5 DB Row: 22kg x 5 x 6 (each side) Incline DB Bench: 12kg: 12, 12, 6 Lat pull down: 65# x 3 x 12 Burpees - ran out of time and energy That gives me an additional 9,659.347 #reps for the mini, giving me 18,442.564 #reps this week in total!
  12. Sounds like a highly productive day already! Did Grocery Night go ok?
  13. So I've heard! Sounds like good advice to me
  14. Love this challenge! Will add up Monday's leg day tomorrow, and add chest day when I've done it tomorrow morning
  15. So I was thinking I hadn't seen your thread in a while, turns out that "while" is actually since last challenge! Following along now, glad to hear your back's getting better and your making progress with the work stress .
  16. Thank you, good to see you! ----- So I thought I updated here over the weekend, but that doesn't appear to have happened, sorry! Week 2 Final Stats Move: 3/7 Track: Not this week Brush: 2.5/7 Sleep: Nonsence. Complete, utter, total nonsence. Budget: £9.47 over budget Freedom: 20 days smoke free Ranger Mini: Darebee Finish Him! workout complete Daily Dare: MTWTFSS So Saturday was Parkrun in the morning. Felt really solid to start, and did the first lap in 05:27 which may well be a PB. Couldn't keep it up unfortunately; the cold was still present making if difficult to breathe, and staying up until silly o'clock Friday night drinking and catching up on here probably didn't do me any favours either! 5km done in 26:31, which is only about 27 seconds off my PB. The rest of the day was pretty much spent chilling out. Did a tiny bit of tidying and got back on the Daily Dares, then in the evening sat up with Mrs and watched some Arrow. I really want to get up to date on that and The Flash at some point. Sunday morning we went climbing. For some reason I was feeling really shaky and a bit weird, but I got through a few climbs I've not done before. Next time I want to try and complete the Grey circuit which they've just reset (grades 4A-5A). After climbing we went for second breakfast, and other than that another chilled day. Got in my daily dare and a short Darebee workout for the mini. ----- This morning marks the start of a much better week after recovery/plague/stress stuff last week. Got back in the gym, and I'm very glad to be back! Unfortunately it took me ages to get on a squat rack, and I missed the back end of my workout because of that, but here's what I did do: DB Military Press - 12kg x 5 x 6 Squat - 20kg x 6, 40kg x 6, 60kg x 5 x 6 - PR! Finally on the big boy plates! DB Lat raise/front raise/C&P - 5kg x 2 x 12, 4kg x 1 x 12 Reverse Lunge - 32kg x 2 x 12 - no time for last set Lunge Jump Should Press - ran out of time This was properly hard work and felt really good, so i'm not too worried that I didn't get time to finish. ----- Finally a question. I'm going to be going for the workout program mentioned earlier, with lifting Mon/Wed/Fri. A few people pointed out that I don't have any deadlifts in my plan however. Currently I have two days to alternate between, one legs & shoulders, one back and chest. So do I keep with this and forget deadlifts for now, or do I make Friday deadlift day and only do the rest once per week? And if I do make Friday deadlift day, do I do any accessory/other work on that day? Answers on a postcard please!
  17. Ooo, sorry to hear about the cold. It's a shitty time of year for it at the moment. Hope you're better in time for the half
  18. Finally picked something to do: Combat Feat: Darebee Finish Him workout (http://darebee.com/workouts/finish-him-workout.html) Result: Rangered
  19. Ah, it's amazing how many calories stress burns! Sorry to hear you're ill. Everyone seems to have it at the moment, it must be extended freshers flu or something. Hope you get over it soon
  20. Well met sir, good to have you! You've had some great advice on this thread already, so I just wanted to add a couple of things: For you initial challenge goals, it might be worth read these Level 1 Suggested Challenge Quests For XP, a lot of people don't use this but I use the My Character pages, and make up my goal XP according to those guidlines (all found here but I've copied the XP determining things in the below spoiler)
  21. I'm back in this! Archer push-ups done, no EC (3 sets of 4). Feels like these things are on the progression to one-arm push-ups, which is kind of cool!
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