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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Thank you! Yeah, should be suitably muddy for me ! Thank you, will let you know how it goes!
  2. Love the videos . What's really impressive though is that you stuck at it for that long and that many takes, serious kudos for that! Looking forward to the next one
  3. Challenge Complete. Managed 2.55k swimming this week (because trying to count whilst swimming? That shit's hard man!)
  4. Thank you ----- Thu W1D4 Move: 3/7 Track: 4/7 Brush: 3.5/7 Sleep: -35pts Budget: £39.58 remaining Freedom: 12 days smoke free Ranger Mini: 0.7/2.5km swam Daily Dare: MTWTFSS 3,554kcal in, 2,655kcal out = 899kcal surplus. Protein = 81.4g Fri W1D5 Move: 3/7 Track: 5/7 Brush: 4/7 Sleep: -68pts Budget: £14.05 remaining Freedom: 13 days smoke free Ranger Mini: 0.7/2.5km swam Daily Dare: MTWTFSS 4,149kcal in, 3,271kcal out = 878kcal surplus. Protein = 124.9g Not been the best couple of days challenge wise. Excellent night on Thursday and at the pub to see a band with Dad on Friday was all good fun, but not great for the goals! Sleep is obviously suffering (because of drinking in the evenings), and Nutrition is utter nonsense! If someone could invent beer where the calories all come from protein rather than sugar I would be extremely grateful, thank you! Workouts and daily dare have suffered a bit too, partially because taper week, partially because of injury, and partially because of hangovers and lie-ins! I'm not too worried about that, will just need to get more on it after the OCR! -- Today has been ok; need to go and do some more adult stuff but have been to the supermarket at least. I did try the Daily Dare, but I can't do this shit: I've also been for a swim, got 1,850m in 51:51 (actual swim time 40:32) which completes my goal for the ranger mini. I did it as a ladder (in metres: 50, 100, 150 etc. up to 300 and back down to 50) alternating between front crawl and breast stroke. Also did a couple of viedos for Wolfie's mini. Cross posting them here in case you want to see my ugly mug!
  5. Ok, I tried the cross tricep extensions and can't even pull out one rep! When Darebee only asks for 10 reps you know you're in for a bad time!
  6. Bahahaha, that took me a minute but I genuinely laughed out loud at that!
  7. Oh that looks amazing!
  8. Cheers man, I will. Didn't get round to putting up yesterday's stats but can confirm it's now 12 . And yeah, loads of fun! Dinner party with friends. We made Swedish meatballs together, I ate a massive amount and had lots of beer and a bit of wine. Sat up talking and drinking and playing cards until 1am, so much fun!
  9. Love the vid, you have so many medals! Congrats on the PR! *sighs loudly*
  10. Late to the conversation, but totally agree with this. I think if you give an excuse you're effectively saying "I'd love to but I can't because...", at which point you've given the other person a problem to solve (whether they're trying to be helpful or just trying to bend you to their will). And if you lie then you're setting yourself up for loads more trouble down the line when the truth comes out. Also, it's not really anyone else's business why you don't want to/can't do something unless you want to share it. On the language thing, I can accept that language evolves (to a point) as long as the message is clear. Where I work 90% of my communication with clients is by e-mail, so I have to be absolutely clear and unambiguous, but it amazes me how poorly some so-called "professionals" write their e-mails (especially when I have to go back and ask them what the hell they mean!).
  11. It's been a difficult day today (read: I am horribly, horribly hungover), but you've all made me smile so thank you! Thank you Glad to have you (finally ) Thank you Darling. Yeah, really looking forward to it! Just want to skip tomorrow completely and get straight to running on Sunday! I know, it's mad here! Thank you mate. And I thoroughly approve of all Hugh Laurie gifs!
  12. Well done resiting those Oreo's - life seems to be throwing a lot of them at you of late!
  13. Damn, I do love a bit of food porn! I've hit my upload limit now, so I have to upload all of my pictures to Imgur and then link them here, it's a pain. Well done on hitting your gym goal man
  14. Awesome workout dude, that looks intense! Big stuff looking at going back to college, that's really cool man. That in itself a very good reason to give this a try!
  15. Don't be daft, I wouldn't miss your mad ranting for the world man! I really need to learn to skim; I have this weird compulsion to read every word!
  16. Hey dude, it's been a while, how's it going?
  17. Wed W1D3 Move: 3/7 Track: 3/7 Brush: 3/7 Sleep: -6pts Budget: £46.53 remaining Freedom: 11 days smoke free Ranger Mini: 0.7/2.5km swam Daily Dare: MTWTFSS 2,983kcal in, 3,028kcal out = 45kcal deficit. Protein = 140.4g - nailed it! Not much more to report on yesterday; swim happened as above, finally got a daily dare in. Won my snooker match, still really happy with the way I'm playing at the moment . Not sure what's causing that so I'm just going to enjoy it while it lasts. Sleep is being slightly problematic. Got in last night at 22:47 and could have gone to bed straight away, but instead I sat up onlin (to be fair I was on here mostly. Got to bed just within the hour so got my 1 point, bu i could quite easily have got 4 or 5. Then this morning my alarm didn't go off (no idea what that's about, but I need to get it fixed pronto) hence the -6 total score. Having overslept I then decided to lie in bed and catch up fully on here (which took me over an hour, how on earth does everyone else seem to stay up to date???). So no exercise, and no time tonight, so unintentional rest day it is! Round a friend's for dinner and drinks tonight and staying over, so no exercise tomorrow morning either. Will have to make some effort to exercise after work instead. And I might even have to swim on Saturday (!!! ) (I hate going on the weekend, it'll be packed) to get in my distance for the Ranger Mini.
  18. Happy birthday dude, glad you had a great day and sorry I missed it! That plate rack looks cool; bet you could build one without too much trouble
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