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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. @Tanktimus the Encourager I need to record your speeches and set them to wake me up each morning. You have a true gift for motivating people. Thank you as always, I needed to read that this week.
  2. Well done keeping your cool at hockey, sounds like you had a lot to deal with that night! And well done on winning obviously! And well done on a great week 2 in fact!
  3. I don't know how much I can add here as Tank and Rhovaniel have given very good responses (and I totally agree with them), but please go and see a doctor. If your mother won't take you, and if it is possible, it may be necessary for you to see a doctor without her. I know that presents other hurdles but potentially these are hurdles you are more equipped to deal with right now. And remember, you are not alone. Whatever you decide to do we are here for you, we want to hear if you are struggling and we want you to be happy. You deserve to be happy.
  4. Well done on the fitness goals, and on the food - 5/7 is pretty damn good for a birthday week. Good start to week 3; looking forward to seeing you crush the week.
  5. Hah, excellent. What is that, an old Hulk film? Thank you! Taking it in stride might be a bit of an overstatement, but I'm soldiering on anyway ----- Stats at Sat W2D6 Don't drink like a dickhead: Drank 5, Dickhead 2 Workout: 6/12 Skills: 3/12 Journal: 13/28 Things wot 'ave 'appened: • Friday I went out at lunch for an underwriter's birthday and had a couple of beers. Was nice to catch up with some of the guys and one of the upsides of working in London is that I can see these people more. • Then at the end of the day we were called into our new manager's office for an end of first week debrief. Was totally not up for that as I was trying to get work finished, it was horribly uncomfortable, and we basically got told off for going out at lunch for not telling him where we were going (which we did), because it's apparently not the done thing (which we didn't know) and because we finish at 4 on a Friday (which we didn't know, and by the way it was 20 past 4 when we were having this conversation). I shouldn't have let any of that get to me, but it had been a long day and a long week, and I was tired and frustrated. This lead to me drinking like a dickhead, i.e. a couple of cans on the train home, a couple more at home with dinner, and then went out to see my dad and had another few out with him. Didn't do anything silly or even end up that drunk, but it was totally unnecessary and I was drinking in anger so that earns the dickhead mark. • Saturday was a better day. First Parkrun in the morning, where my ankle was really tight but I managed to slowly run the whole thing in a total of 28'57" • Then off to my old gym for the last time, where I got my squat to 40kg, my OHP to 25kg and my deadlift to 60kg. Felt really up for it and like I could spend all day there, so I tried for some pull-ups as well; got three sets of 5, 3 & 2 respectively. • Finally went to a friend's in the evening for a chilled out night and a few beers • Today (Sunday) went bouldering. I was there for over 2 hours and had a most excellent time. I can definitely see myself improving, the friend I climbed with is doing great too and I'm just loving this sport at the moment. ETA: Overall a lot to be positive about, I'm loving my workouts and feeling very lucky to have great friends to share these things with, both on here and in real life.
  6. The gif is incredible - I too need beer and an axe to throw and I didn't realise that until just now.
  7. Sorry to hear you're not well, but hopefully you'll feel better soon Definitely the right idea I think. You need to do something to stop yourself going mad, especially when you're off work. Have a great vacation!
  8. Thanks! It's keeping me conscious of my drinking, if not actually improving me that much yet! That's a really good point actually, thank you for that. I don't know how to clean at the moment, but given that a few weeks into SS cleans are introduced anyway there's no reason I can't learn to do them now for the OHP. New mission for Monday then!
  9. Happy anniversary man! Also, I'm pretty sure you're allowed to count 7 hours of roofing as lifting. I'm sure I read that somewhere...
  10. Well now I know how out of date I am with computers; I didn't even understand some of those specs! Well done on the run, are you enjoying the Zombies? Also, those times are not slow, you're doing great!
  11. Man, I have my fingers, toes and everything else crossed for you to get that new job, good luck dude! Have written down your birthday list, I'm at a conference on Monday but I won't forget to honour it!
  12. Hi! Good to have you here! And thanks for the reminder! Thanks, I did some. I probably looked something like that ^ as well! But managed something like proper crow pose for a full second, woo!
  13. Hey Miaulin, sorry to hear about the Bad Feelings, I hope things turn around for you very soon. That portrait you drew is lovely by the way.
  14. Stats at Wed W2D3 Don't drink like a dickhead: Drank 3, Dickhead 1 Workout: 4/12 Skills: 2/12 Journal: 10/28 As knackered as I was last night snooker went well. I won, the team won, and no alcohol was imbibed. Getting back around 11 is an unfortunate side effect of snooker now I'm getting up for work earlier, but I still found time to prep breakfasts and make a sandwich for lunch before turning in around half 11... ...and up for work at 05:55. Didn't sleep well at all last night, kept dreaming of work, of the gym, and dreaming that it was time to get up! Also didn't get on a squat rack again today at the gym. Mission for next time: go in, go straight up to whoever's on the racks and ask how many sets they have left. Given that I need the rack for squats and OHP I really can't avoid this! Instead I did a twisted version of Starting Strength A: Bench: Warm-up; 20kg x 2 x 5 Work sets: 25kg x 3 x 5 Deadlift: Warm-up: 40kg x 1 x 5, 50kg x 1 x 5 Work set: 55kg x 1 x 5 (PR) Reverse Lunge: 40kg total x 4 x 8 Someone remind me to get some skill work time in tonight please, I'm seriously behind!
  15. Not sure how I ended up not following this, but following now . It's really interesting to see the discussions between your present self and future self.
  16. I can try and upload a picture of my journal sometime tomorrow, but really my messy scrawl doesn't look that good! I'm pretty much following this guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fm15cmYU0IM which keeps it pretty simple without all the clever planning and colour coding stuff some people on here are doing (well, for now anyway!). Thanks! The book was Allen Carr's EASYWAY to stop smoking. I hope it helps your sister . Zombies, Run! is good, though I'm only two episodes in. I don't listen to music while I run, so the fact that you get little clips rather than a constant narrative works well for me. From what I remember your paces aren't too far off mine; I bet you could overtake me pretty soon . Thank you! Yeah, just gotta keep on tweaking until I get there. And yes, the smoking is a big thing; I'm glad I got free in the end!
  17. Happy birthday man, sounds like an awesome day! Well done on the run and the PR!
  18. Loving the pic so far. The hands in front of the crotch pose does add to the impression that they're naked though
  19. Thank you (me too!). ----- Stats at Tue W2D2 Don't drink like a dickhead: Drank 3, Dickhead 1 Workout: 4/12 Skills: 2/12 Journal: 9/28 So the first workout at the new gym wasn't the best. Train got in slightly late, and then there was some first time faffing I wasn't expecting, which all lead to me being pretty tight on time. Then there was no squat rack available, and I couldn't work out how the benches worked (my brain is not its most efficient at 8am). Anyway, here's what I did do: Squat Reverse Lunges: 35kg total x 4 x 8 Bench Incline DB Bench: 25kg total x 4 x 8 Deadlift: 40kg x 1 x 5, 50kg x 1 x 5 (PR) Hopefully I will have a bit more time and be able to do a proper Starting Strength workout on Thursday! Work was ok; slowly getting into the swing of things at the new office (the commute, however, will need some further hacking). After I got home I did manage to get in a bit of L-sit practice - I definitely need more consistency if I want to do this as I think I'm getting worse! Nothing exciting to report so far today; rest day and decided to sleep in rather than run. Snooker cup match tonight but I'm driving so drinking goal should still be sound.
  20. Congrats on the bench PR man! Many more to come now you're back up to that weight. 4 all! So which one will take the lead today?
  21. Well done on the marathon! Hope you got back ok?
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