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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Following along again Awesome! So are you going to run it?
  2. Really sorry to hear you've been suffering. I would say make sure you get to the doctor if it doesn't clear, but I see you've already got it scheduled (also, I love "choose your own adventure"). Hope the steak and cider was good!
  3. Well done on week 0! If you're struggling with getting in the weekday run, could you do that in your lunch break too? I'm just thinking that as you've finished a lifting session up and a run down you could swap one?
  4. I'd say dumbbells and plates as well. You can always stick plates in a backpack instead of the vest (not as good obviously, but it's an option until you can justify the expense of the vest)
  5. Yeah, good thought, I'll see what I can do later in the week.
  6. I'm in for this, not sure how much I can do this month so signed up for Silver.
  7. Glad your mood's improving, hopefully the start of a long upswing . I'll join the club for not knowing how to adult too. I'm a 27 year old insurance broker, and I struggle with basic adult tasks like cleaning the house and brushing my teeth. I don't think anyone ever really has it all together, you just get to a point where you can manage and then get better at making it look like you're coping to the outside world!
  8. Thanks, good to have you! --- Quick update before we go in to week 1. My hips have been a bit sore over the last couple of weeks, and after climbing today they are very very angry with me! So my movement goal for the next week will likely consist of yoga, foam rolling and short walks. Hopefully I'll be ok in time for the race next weekend *fingers crossed*
  9. I love surprise good workouts! Wish it happened more often, but I know what you mean about having to force yourself to do them and then they go really well.
  10. Yeah, I was wondering about that (mainly because huge heavy deadlifts sound really cool). I don't know where I'd fit it in to that type of plan though. Any thoughts? Cheers man, good to have you along. And please, spam away!
  11. Awesome goals. I may have to check out these books, that's a really interesting concept. Also, love the way you summed up the reason for your sleep goal (mainly as it's the same reason I have one!)
  12. Glad to have you! And please, steal away! That could work, that way I would have the choice on the day depending on what parts of my body are more tired. Thanks for the thought Yeah, I'm never sure whether rest days have to be resting totally, or just resting from the specific type of exercise that you did the day before? That said, you're right, loads of doubling up isn't likely to be sustainable or enjoyable in the long run. As I'm currently laying in bed talking to you guys and not running because I've hit it a bit hard this week I can definitely see the benefit of not overdoing it. I'm probably going to stick with the plan one of the coaches at our gym drew up for me for the time being (although I'd welcome any thoughts on it). It's an AB split, and the idea is two heavy movements at 5x6, two lighter movements at 3x12, and one explosive compound thing at the end. Works out like this: A (legs and shoulders): Squat 5x6 Dumbbell Military Press 5x6 Lunges 3x12 Dumbbell side raise, front raise, clean and press 3x12 Lunge jump shoulder press 4x6 B (Chest and Back): Bench press 5x6 Dumbbell row 5x6 Incline dumbbell bench press 3x12 Lat pull down 3x12 Burpees 3x15
  13. Your challenge title is the strangest thing I've read in quite a while! Great idea though, I'm going to have to check out Mr Money Mustache now. Your positivity for all things exercise is really making me smile . I particularly liked this:
  14. I'm up for that! Have fun, and try not to think to much. Sounds good to me! Well done on the goals so far, and good luck to your other half with his race!
  15. Found you! Great goals as always. Sorry you had a rough day Wednesday, I hope your BJJ class and the new hair helped
  16. So many jobs (and particularly retail and service jobs) live or die by their managers. I remember one pub Mrs worked at in particular, hugely popular, loyal staff. The manager left, the new one didn't have a clue how to manage people, and as a result the staff turnover went sky high and the profits went through the floor. Glad your feeling so good in J2 anyway, it sounds like it suits you well
  17. Good to see you! You've hopefully seen CQ's explanation by now. And if you haven't already, I thoroughly recommend watching Blackadder seasons 2, 3 and 4 (you can watch season 1, but it's not really the same). Yeah, if I can ever persuade drunk me to do that I'll be a very lucky man!
  18. Pint of the black stuff as usual barkeep. If I wasn't hyped for this challenge before I certainly am now! Hopefully everyone being at camp will give me a chance to catch up on some threads too!
  19. Loving the challenge set up, looking forward to seeing how the incentive works for you. Also, interesting point about MT - I understand the point of staying loose and not tensing up, but it seems counter-intuitive to take a blow to the head for any reason!
  20. That's... a very good point actually. I'll try to remember that.
  21. Very excited! I'm counting down the days now! Any last minute tips?
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