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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Hope the race goes well man!
  2. Yeah, I only started them a few weeks ago so still trying to get the form down and the weight up. It's hard to know what to believe with dental stuff. My dentist told me to never rinse after brushing, even with mouthwash, which I thought was an odd one!
  3. Love the story segment mate. Good luck hitting that 1 plate this weekend!
  4. Happy National Guacamole Day all! Last night I had badminton (felt much better than Tuesday, but still lost miserably!), home for a quick dinner (beef fajitas) and then out to the pub with some friends. As Mrs has the day off today and I wanted to get up for the gym this morning I agreed to drive, so a fairly sober night for me. Was great to catch up with people though, and we spent a lot of our time playing "Toad in the Hole". It's a hilarious old pub game where you have to flick big, heavy coins into a small hole in a table-like thing. Totally simple, we had no idea what the technique was (or if there even is one), but it was a cracking laugh. Week 4 update Sleep - To bed - No idea how to score this. We went to bed very quickly after getting home, but lights off was a while later and according to Fitbit I didn't get to sleep until 2am. Gonna write this one off as not recorded and stay on +7. To rise - Got up a bit late, not too bad considering. 5 burpees imposed (not yet done), giving me a new total of 10. Workout - Gym this morning felt good, and totally wiped me out once I was done. Missed the last exercise due to being late, but here's what I did get done: Bench - 40kg x 5 x 6 DB Row - 18kg x 5 x 6 (PR) Incline DB Bench - 12kg (each hand) x 3 x 12 Lat pull down - 65# x 3 x 12 Non-Mowing - Still ahead, might be close for the week though! Weights and Measures - 1/4 so far. Gonna be tricky this week as I'm not at home every night, but I'll try and get a couple more. Teeth - 3/7 - Still losing points on not flossing, but actually the brushing's getting quite consistent this week. Smoking - 5.5 days ish smoke free. Not long til I hit a week now
  5. Thank you! Yeah, much better now thanks. The pub thing was a bit annoying at the time, but it makes a good story and at least I got a nice walk in! ----- Happy Battle of Britain Day everyone! (apparently) Week 4 update Sleep - To bed - Got home from snooker at 23:25 (we won 4-1 by the way, good start to the season!), made lunch quickly and managed to get to bed inside half an hour. That earns me 4 points towards a total of +7 points so far. Just need to hold on to these to actually meet my target this week! To rise - Woke up on time, lay in bed for a few minutes (ironically thinking about exercise rather than getting up and doing it). 2 burpees added for a total of 5 burpees so far this week. Workout - Runkeeper called for 1mi slow, 4 fast, 1 slow this morning. Felt pretty good today and actually quite enjoyed it. When I stopped I totally ceased up for a bit, but I've stretched it out and feel better now. Major DOMS in my legs and arse, which is an interesting feeling (and sort of nice?). Anyway, here's the run: NAME PACE CLIMB 1 mi 10:23 -17 2 mi 9:42 14 3 mi 9:00 8 4 mi 9:05 -19 5 mi 9:18 8 6 mi 10:08 10 7 mi 17:34 -4 The fast 4 miles was an average pace of 9'16"/mi, total including last little walk home) was 6.13 mi in 59:58, for a pace of 9'47"/mi. Non-Mowing - Mrs is off today and may catch me up, so I need to get on this now! Weights and Measures - Decided to get my early night last night. Will make time tonight. - 1/4 so far Teeth - 2.25/7 - I'm losing points on not flossing, but actually the brushing's getting quite consistent this week. Smoking - 4.5 days ish smoke free. I've put down a few thoughts on smoking, mostly for my own benefit, spoilered for size and potential yawnworthyness,
  6. Well, I'm sure you could find someone to post them to maybe?? Awesome (and yeah, slightly random) selection of tunes mate. Still loving that challenge story, will try and find some time to draw you something.
  7. Nooo! Jaffa cakes are definitely small cakes, not biscuits! ...I want this in and around my mouth... ...and now I'm actually starving! I don't even like peanut butter but that sounds glorious!
  8. Ooo, so I see. Swapping alcohol for protein shakes, serious stuff mate! And yeah, wouldn't life be so much easier if we didn't have to spend half the day at work!
  9. Cheers man! Thank you! Dizziness seems to be gone now *touch wood*, so all good. Hi!! Thank you love! Woo! ----- Happy National Eat a Hoagie Day everyone! (Ok, I'm not entirely sure what a hoagie is, and it's an American national holiday so has nothing to do with me, but have fun all!). Week 4 - the sotry so far Sleep - To bed - Got to bed nice and early, sat up reading Whispers Under Ground (the next in the Rivers o London Series). Lights out bang on time so+3 points so far To rise - Woke up really early (like 06:36) so I decided to lay back and snooze until my alarm went off. Pro-tip: Mobile phone alarms do not go off if you turn the volume off! Figured it out fairly early so only 15 minutes late out of bed. 3 burpees so far Workout - Badminton last night was a bit rubbish - I was trying to concentrate more on not injuring my hip than I was on actually winning. Gym session this morning felt good, and looked a little something like this: Squats - 20kg x 6, 40kg x 6, 55kg x 5 x 6 DB Military Press (each hand weight) - 12kg x 5 x 6 Lunges - 32kg x 3 x 12 - PR* DB lat raise/front raise/C+P (each hand weight) - 4kg x 3 x 12 *Sometimes you plan for a new PR, and sometimes all the dumbells you want are in use and you just have to find a KB that's somewhere near the right weight and make the best of it. Non-Mowing - Nothing done so far, but think we're rolling over last week's score so that would put me well ahead Weights and Measures - Forgot last night - 1/4 so far Smoking - <Like 3.5 days smoke free. Can't wait until I can say this in weeks or months and don't have to be so specific! Teeth - 1.5/7 (seems low, but I'll have to go with what I put yesterday) ----- Tonight - More snooker Tomorrow - Run, work, badminton Friday - Gym, work, drink??? Saturday - Parkrun, might climb a really big tree??? More on that later if it does go ahead. Also barbeque at friend's Sunday - Long run, gym probably? Work in evening. As you can see a highly solid and certain plan.
  10. New challenge already? Looks good so far man!
  11. Thank you! I think I ate enough, not all necessarily healthy but I certainly didn't feel hungry.. It is a lot to do though, you're right. Anyway, I am feeling better now so unless it happens again I shan't worry too much about it! ----- Won my snooker match last night, which was nice. As a team we lost 3-2, but we've never played in the league before (and I've never even met half the team before) so I'm not too worried about the first match! Sleep - To bed - Got home about half 11 and managed to get to bed inside 50 minutes, even with prepping breakfasts for the week! +2 points so far To rise - Aaaaand I got up on time this morning as well! The foggy, dizzy feeling seems to have cleared and I actually felt good getting up at 7. 0 burpees so far Workout - Ran this morning. Runkeeper called for 3 fast miles (plus a slow mile either side). And it went like this: INTERVALS PACE CLIMB 1.00 mi 10:47 -4 1.00 mi 7:49 6 2:00 9:53 -10 1.00 mi 8:27 3 2:00 12:19 -2 1.00 mi 9:10 6 1.00 mi 9:58 -8 2:18 10:50 8 Very happy with the 7'49" mile, I know it's not exactly a world record but I didn't expect to break 8 minutes at any point! Overall that works out as 5.58mi in 52'37" for an average pace of 9'26"/mi. A pretty good run overall I'd say. Non-Mowing - Nothing done so far, will see what I can do this week. Weights and Measures - Actually remembered! 11st1 (+1#) and 15.71%BF (-0.74) last night. More weight and less fat sounds good to me. Smoking - Something like 62.5 hours smoke free so far. Teeth - 0.75/7 (I think) -- Tonight is badminton, maybe a bit of adulting, and an early night. Tomorrow gym before work, and otherwise a pretty chilled day.
  12. Glad to see you've got your priorities straight!
  13. What an awesome week 3! (which means it's week 4 already? Yikes!). Well done on the chin-ups! And the extra run! And getting all your workouts! And the continuing meditation streak! And I'm gonna stop now because I could go on for hours at this rate!
  14. Excellent news, very pleased for you! Well done! Important question: What song did you buy?
  15. So, it's been a couple of days since the last update. Friday I went to see a band as mentioned. In fact, what I did was walk to the wrong pub (about 15 mins away), walk back past my house to go to the right pub, meet my Dad, decide we didn't like the band and then go back to the first pub I went to! Anyway, was a nice night after that. Stayed up way too late after I got home watching TV (like two hours later than planned - -24points...). -- Saturday morning got up (after maybe 5.5 hours sleep?) and went for my Parkrun. Completed in 27:41 - not great but not too shabby. Then went bouldering. We were trying to work our way through the "Watermelon" problems (graded 4B-5C), of which I think I actually completed 1! Felt like i was learning a lot of technique though, and I pushed it really hard (maybe too hard?). The result is that now my fingers, forearms, triceps, lats, hip flexors and one ankle hurt, so definitely a good workout there! Rest of Saturday was spent chilling out with a book, and finishing the stop smoking book. I smoked my last ever cigarette around 10pm on Saturday. -- Sunday was due to start with an 8 mile run. I got up and went out, and it felt really great. I was expecting to have problems with my hips from Saturday's climbing, but I felt really energised and glad to be out. About a mile and a half in I had to stop to open a gate, and I felt a little twinge in my hip. About 200 yards later I got a HUGE twinge in my hip, and the leg nearly gave way underneath me. I tried to walk it off for a bit, but went I started running again I felt really light headed and dizzy. Ended up walking home, 3.12mi in total of which I ran about the first half. Less than stellar performance, but there was no way I could've carried on. Went out shopping with Mrs afterwards, and I still felt really dazed, a bit like being drunk. I wish I knew what was going on there. Went over to my parents for a Sunday roast with the whole family, which was really nice to spend some time together. Then late afternoon I went with Dad over to a charity gig and saw some cover bands. All a good laugh, much much beer was consumed, chairs were stood on, ridiculous dances were danced, lyrics were sung loudly and badly. All in all a good night. Got to bed about on time. -- Today I woke up, realised that I still can't close my hands properly after Saturday's climbing, decided it was futile going to the gym and promptly went back to sleep. I'm going to give myself a free pass on the sleeping in and the exercise today, as I really don't think the gym would have been wise. I still feel really weird and dazed though. Don't know if this is linked with stopping smoking or just coincidental timing, but I just feel a bit drunk, a bit dazed, and I'm finding it hard to focus. If it keeps up more than a couple of days I'll have to go to the doctor I think. -- Week 3 round-up Sleep - To bed - -57 I think (out of +7 ) To rise - 40 burpess for the week (still need to catch up on 30 of them) Workout - 1 Miss, 4 attempted but partially completed, 2 fully complete Non-Mowing - I won this one! Weights and Measures - Why can't I remember this is a goal? Smoking - Finished the book, and smoked my last ever cigarette on 10/09/16. 11/09/16 first day smoke-free. Teeth - 2.5/7 (I think). Must try harder.
  16. Glad you had such a good race, sounds like a fun one! Rest up well for your next one!
  17. Cheers man! Yeah, I think they are hopefully at the right level to push me a bit without being too overwhelming. That's a shame. Thanks for letting me know though, I won't feel too bad if I don't go now! It's rough. I know you have shift work which makes it tough to get a good sleep routine; I've got no excuse though! Thank you . I won the non-mowing this week, so Mrs should be mowing the lawn tonight . Cheers man, and no problem!
  18. Good news about the leg, hope you're back to full strength soon. With the story, I would say write the story you want to write mate. Most folks on here aren't too easily offended, and those who are are sensible enough to quietly not read it and move on with no fuss. Ultimately a zombie apocalypse story lends itself to a certain level of violence anyway, it's the nature of the genre.
  19. That sounds like a very good plan, and a very good attitude as well. Sorry to hear about your Dad, if there's anything I can do let me know.
  20. Great news on the gym, sounds like a good set up for you.
  21. Cheers man! Yeah, most of the time I spend with my Dad now is watching music (and him fixing my car!), him and Mum definitely gave me my taste for rock and prog.
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