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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Glad to help. It's a long game, but not that long though! My mate started his match at the same time and finished two hours before me, which meant that he was waiting for me to finish for longer than he was actually playing! ----- Not much to report today. As above last night my badminton partner and I sacked off badminton in favour of Pokémon GO. Then went home, made a "Greek" cottage pie which was somewhat awesome, and then went out and caught some more Pokémon. I can see myself getting as ridiculously addicted to this as I did to Pokémon Yellow in the late '90s. Smoked 8/8 last night, which I think's pretty good given the amount of wandering around outside. Decided not to get up for swimming but have a lie in instead - I don't really need to go now I'm making up for it with running, and it was really nice to have a lie in on purpose rather than waking up late and rushing! Tonight is listing, then over to a friend's for a barbeque. Tomorrow is more song writing/recording and bouldering again. Should be a good weekend all in all . Week 4 Stats at W4D4 Down with the Sickness - 3/7 Until It Sleeps - 4/7 Iron Man - 0/2 The River - 0 swim, 2 runs = 2/3 Kuss Mich - 4/7 Wasted Years - 0/1:00 I Can Only Count to 4 - (weekend goal) 0/4 Darebee PvP - MTWTFSS - 2min star jumps (EC), 100 marching twists (EC), 1min push-up plank (EC)
  2. Yeah. My friend and I may have decided to skip badminton to catch Pokémon... woops! Snooker is a bigger table (4 times the size). In pool each player has a colour, and they try and pot the 7 balls of their own colour and then pot the black first. In snooker all the balls are communal and are worth points, so the aim is to score more points than your opponent. I hope that makes sense; I could explain in a lot more detail, but it might be a long post!
  3. ^^what Tank said. Loving the theme as always!
  4. Push up plank done with EC. This hurt from about 5 seconds in, so I'm surprised I lasted! P.S. I did 100 total yesterday too.
  5. Pokémon GO has been released in the UK! This is not a drill, repeat this is not a drill! Ahem, sorry about that. Whilst Pokémon GO is downloading, I best give a quick update. Did my daily dare (100 marching twists) before leaving work yesterday, then off to have a bite to eat at mate's house and on to snooker. I lost 4-1, which is my first loss in the 7 matches so far. It was an absolute war of attrition, taking nearly 4 hours to play the match, and I was shattered at the end of it. Stayed at the bar for a short while afterwards to recover. Didn't get home until 00:40, and rather than going to bed I stayed up and boiled eggs for the rest of the week's breakfasts. Up to bed at 01:40 after a very long day, 13 cigarettes smoked, and feeling absolutely shattered. This morning I got up a little late (unsurprisingly), but did manage to get out for a bit of a run. Runkeeper called for 4mi slow, but I was running short of time and my GPS wouldn't connect for some reason. I've just tracked it with a map as best I can, and it comes out at 3.21 miles in 35:25, for an average pace of 11:02 min/mi. Badminton tonight, an much Pokémon GOing! Week 4 Stats at W4D3 Down with the Sickness - 2/7 Until It Sleeps - 3/7 Iron Man - 0/2 The River - 0 swim, 2 runs = 2/3 Kuss Mich - 3/7 Wasted Years - 0/1:00 I Can Only Count to 4 - (weekend goal) 0/4 Darebee PvP - MTWTFSS - 2min star jumps (EC), 100 marching twists (EC)
  6. Well met, Sky Elvenword. I thought you might like your arrow back. This looks like an interesting journey, so I shall be following.
  7. Back shortly, just hopping over to Belgium!
  8. So I read that last sentence as buttlicking. Read into that what you will... Hope it clears up soon man, so you can get to destroying this challenge!
  9. Completely forgot to do the pop-ups . But twisty marching done with EC .
  10. Glad you enjoyed the strongman; looks like you did awesome on your first one!
  11. I know next to nothing about Warcraft, but I do love the minis. Went for Forsaken assassin on a whim.
  12. It's never too late! I'm out of sync so still running this for the rest of the week. Then I'll stick up a new one to join you all in week one! Good to have you
  13. I did not know that. I too am very happy at this news. Love this sketch! Actually, I love all Izzard, but still! Sounds like an awesome run. And your phone is correct; all runs should start with Eye of the Tiger! THIS! It needs to come out here soon!
  14. Aww, that sucks. But only a couple of weeks and you'll be back to it again
  15. It was awesome man! You should go next year; it never disappoints!
  16. It's more that I'll be watching it, the whistle will blow and I'll be thinking "what the hell happened there?". With running with the ball though, is it just you can travel as far as you like providing you bounce it every X number of steps, or is it more complicated than that? As someone in the UK, I feel your pain!
  17. Cheers man. I guess a small meal may have been ok; three massive fajitas was not! ----- If I just talk about the challenge, yesterday looks ok: Ran in the morning Smoked 7/8 To bed at 11 Teeth done In reality probably not so great. Badminton after work I just couldn't get my head into at all - I accidentally launched my racquet across the court by accident at one point I was that un-coordinated! Had to stop for a few bits on the way home, which ended up with me buying a load of Pepsi Max and a pack of biscuits I didn't need. At home feeling tired and grumpy I ate the entire pack (they were chocolate Hob Nobs, to be fair) after a huge sausage and mash dinner. Tonnes of caffeine with the pepsi before bed, nothing productive done really, and forgot to do my daily dare for the PvP. No swimming this morning as I had to get tyres put on the car. Snooker tonight so no time for anything else either. Hopefully Thursday will return you to our regularly scheduled programming. Week 4 Stats at W4D2 Down with the Sickness - 2/7 Until It Sleeps - 2/7 Iron Man - 0/2 The River - 0 swim, 1 run = 1/3 Kuss Mich - 2/7 Wasted Years - 0/1:00 I Can Only Count to 4 - (weekend goal) 0/4 Darebee PvP - MTWTFSS - 2min star jumps (EC)
  18. Jarric

    Killing Boars

    You've done well! Looking forward to the next one.
  19. Sorry to hear about your husband's tumour. From what I've seen you're strong enough for the both of you - you've got this.
  20. Looks like you've put a lot of work into this challenge already; nice one! I look forward to seeing how your story unfolds (both you, Jay and you, Rebel Five).
  21. Following along again m'hearty!
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