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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. The only difficulty is finding a way to bind the whole thing together without egg. Depending what you don't eat you could look up paleo muffin recipes or vegan muffin recipes for inspiration?
  2. Sounds like a fun weekend to me, hope you have fun!
  3. Correct. Don't write "Whiskey" if you're talking to a Scot about Scotch; they will get offended! Good job on re-working your goals; hopefully you're dialling down the what works best for you
  4. Well done on week one. Would be cool to see the progress on your knitting too. Will be following along.
  5. Well done on all the points! Hope your legs are kind to you today after the squats!
  6. Wednesday W2D3 Continued Felt really crappy all afternoon yesterday. Couldn't focus at work properly and just felt really drained and spaced out, don't know why. Nearly decided to skip the gym for the day, but I managed to remind myself that I actually enjoy going to the gym and I would feel better for it. Gym was good. Went a little something like this: 5 min row warm-up - 1,170m DB side raise/front raise/hammer curl/press - 4kg x 4 x 6 Incline bench - 25kg x 4 x 10 Squats - 30kg x 4 x 10 - knees clicking, hips popping - will stick at this weight for at least one more session Core: a. 5kg leg extensions - 4 x 10 b. 8kg v-sit russian twists - 4 x 10 Lat pull down (machine) - 27kg x 4 x 13 Felt a bit better after this, but crashed on energy shortly after getting home. Windmills were done for the PvP. Dinner of fishcakes with cheesy, chivey mash and veg was cook. No Duolingo done; just couldn't concentrate. No yoga either, so I'm running out of days to get this in for the mini! Only smoked 7/8, which is a bit of a win for the day. Up to bed at 11ish (yeah, we're back to "ish"), teeth done. W2 stats Poison Resistance: 3/7 Grinding: Gym 2/2, Badminton 1 Swim 2/3 Learn a New Skill: Duolingo: 132/350XP, Articles Read: 0/1 Full Health: Teeth 6/14, Sonic & Floss 3/7 Bedtime 2/7 Save Your Progress: Here I am Thursday W2D4 Didn't get up to swim on time, but at least it meant some extra sleep. Need to get up and go tomorrow to complete swimming goal for the week. Still feeling a bit drained and overwhelmed for some reason, although it's better than yesterday. I wonder if it's the pre-payday blues; I always feel stressed when I'm skint. Actually, that might be it, especially with two birthdays to buy for which I putting off until I get paid on Monday. No formal exercise planned for tonight so: Must do yoga for mini Need to catch up (or at least do some) Duolingo 3 minutes "power grip" for the Darebee PvP. ...apparently Put my laundry away Wash up while Mrs cooks beef currey Eat beef currey (not actually a curry, more a sweet persian thing) Try and get a really early night to help with swimming tomorrow (well - on time anyway)
  7. I'll have to remember that comment for when I inevitably have to start something I don't like to reach a goal!
  8. Sorry to hear about your grandmother man, it's never easy. Here if you need me.
  9. No, I can't now either... Anyway, if you go on the Darebee home page it shows a gif of the exercise and it swaps sides. Assuming you can alternate then I've done it with EC. If not then let me know and I'll do it again one sided
  10. Haven't done them yet, but I assumed that you were supposed to alternate like this gif:
  11. Congrats on the weight loss! Hope you feel better soon; what have you got planned for the day? For snacks I find that I'll eat whatever I have in front of me, so I portion or weigh out the amount I want to eat into a separate bowl and sit down and eat that, and leave the main bag in the kitchen. Just the knowledge that I'd have to get up and go and prepare another portion is enough to keep me from eating a whole pack of something!
  12. Tuesday - W2D2 continued Badminton wasn't great last night, felt really uncoordinated and just nothing was working. Lost my temper a bit as well, which I'm disappointed in, I'm just getting so frustrated with it lately that if anything I seem to be getting worse at playing this game. Maybe I just need to get my head in gear and the rest will follow, I don't know. Anyway, home after that and attempted 40 leg raised crunches for the PvP. I say attempted; I did make it through but not all in one set. Am seriously considering doing a 30 day abs thing or something on my next challenge, because I really want to be able to get extra credit on one of the Darebee core exercises one day. Yoga was not done; Mrs didn't want to do it before dinner and by the time we'd had dinner and digested Mysteries of Laura was on, which we're getting insanely into at the moment. Duolingo was done however; earned 71XP completing the "Arts" skill. Dinner was mustardy pork chops with lentils, which was absolutely delicious. Also felt full afterwards which was nice (although the double chocolate muffin I caved in to at work may have assisted with that). Failed my bedtime goal. Mysteries of Laura finished at 11, so I should have been ready to go straight to bed after that. Instead I needed to make lunch for today and decided to finish reading a thread on here (and teeth were done). Went up about 11:20, in bed around half past, so it wasn't the worst fail ever. I've been pushing this further and further from "in bed by 11" to "upstairs by 11ish" all challenge though, and this was just a bridge too far. Smoking I was 8/8 again. Side note, since I started this challenge and cut my smoking my resting heart rate has done this: I can only assume it's the smoking as nothing else is much different. If so it's definitely doing me some good already! W2 stats Poison Resistance: 2/7 Grinding: Gym 1/2, Badminton 1 Swim 2/3 Learn a New Skill: Duolingo: 132/350XP, Articles Read: 0/1 Full Health: Teeth 4/14, Sonic & Floss 2/7 Bedtime 1/7 Save Your Progress: Here I am Wednesday - W2D3 Didn't get up in time to swim today, which was a shame; was really hoping to get that perfect week this week. Was quite nice though to have some time to chill out at home for a while before work, that never really happens. Otherwise all good. Teeth brushed, on two cigarettes for the day so far. Gym after work - I'm going to try and go 4 times this week (Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun) as I think I may only get 2 in next week, and in week 4 snooker starts and I lose Wednesday nights to that. I really want those gym shoes dammit! Must also do yoga for the mini tonight, plus the usual Duolingo and other goals. To be continued...
  13. Nice pic, and cool workout too! Might have to pinch some of that if I need to fill a day. And yeah, you've got a lot of rangers here!
  14. Oo, now I'm torn between "I'm skint and money is an issue for me making this" and "YES! Whisky Tasting"...
  15. Good luck, hope you get to sleep soon! Reading this probably won't help! Welcome back as well; my notifications have been a bit quiet without you
  16. That's really handy, thank you! I see one legged inverted rows in my future
  17. Sounds like an awesome weekend, I'm insanely envious right now! Can't work out what's making me more green; that you met Data from TNG or Spike from Buffy!
  18. Well done on the new 1RM! Glad you're feeling more motivated now; week 2's gonna be a good one
  19. I can assure we're all reading them; they're highly entertaining That's a shame. Have you got someone to run with/talk to?
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