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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Cheers man! Really? That's interesting. Given how good it was I'd say it should work. I laughed out loud at this so much I woke the cat up, thank you!
  2. Eurgh, abs... Crunches done, very much no EC for me though. Congrats @Geek On Fire and @RocketbikeNinja on hitting silver!
  3. Awesome job on week one, you rock! With measuring I use belly button height for waist, widest part of my hips (my arse tbf) and widest part of the thigh. The widest part is a bit easier than picking somewhere as you can just keep measuring until the numbers won't go up anymore. Glad you had a good day yesterday, hope you find a way to wake yourself up today!
  4. Well done smashing the interview!
  5. Well done on the phone calling! I was terrified of calling people; it's only because I have to call people several times a day for work that I've improved on it. My mother thinks it's a generational thing; that as we communicate socially by instant messaging more and more we get less used to phoning people up for a chat, and that spills over into formal conversations too. Don't know whether there's any truth in that, but (anecdotally) age does seem to be a factor.
  6. Monday W2D1 - part two Really struggled to stay awake at work all day yesterday, but weirdly once I got the the gym I felt really good. Went something like this: 5min row warm-up - 1181m Cable chest fly - 35lbs x 3 x 8 BB row/twist/press - 12.5kg x 4 x 8 BB lunges - 30kg x 4 x 12 - increase weight next time Bastards - 3 x 13 Inverted Row - 4 x 10 - almost on top of this now, but don't know where to take it next. Not quite at the point where I can switch to pull-ups... Went home and immediately did knee tap lunges for the Darebee PvP. Had to sit down for a while after that, and as soon as I did my energy level returned to non-existent. Yoga was not done, but I think I've convinced the Mrs to try and do a 30 days yoga challenge with me which should be interesting. I made puttanesca risotto for dinner, with anchovies, capers, black olives, tomatoes, feta cheese... was absolutely gorgeous (though I think I could have eaten it twice!). Puttanesca word origin: Duolingo was done for 61XP. Smoking I had 8/8 (I really could have missed one for the last two, but I was tired and severely lacking in motivation by that point. Anyway, I hit the target so will try not to dwell on that.). Teeth brushed/sonic'd/flossed. In bed by 11 (and was much needed too!) W2 stats Poison Resistance: 1/7 Grinding: Gym 1/2, Badminton 0 Swim 1/3 Learn a New Skill: Duolingo: 61/350XP, Articles Read: 0/1 Full Health: Teeth 2/14, Sonic & Floss 1/7 Bedtime 7/7 Save Your Progress: Here I am Tuesday W2D2 Had another good swimming session this morning. Decided to try for a 400m breaststroke sprint time. Accidentally ended up swimming for 450m, but best 400 were done in 08:12 which is 18s better than my last record. Had I have only done 400m total (so my last sprint would have counted on the time) I should be able to shave that under 08:10. In total the swim was 1,150m in 33:02 (swim time 25:35). Have smoked two cigarettes so far today, which is on target. Also feeling a lot more awake and motivated to get my work done now. Tonight is badminton, then home for daily dare (40 raised leg crunches, ouch!), yoga, duolingo food and bed!.
  7. Thank you! *bows* Thanks! The smoking is definitely gonna be the hardest thing for this challenge (and the next few I suspect!)
  8. 7k run sounds like a good way to kick start your day! And yeah, it's difficult to celebrate your achievements when you set your goals even higher. I don't know what the answer is I'm afraid, but try to remember to celebrate what you have done, instead of focusing on what more you feel you could have done.
  9. Sounds like you had a great weekend, I'm rather envious!
  10. Sounds like you've got an extra bonus goal to go with your challenge goal!
  11. Knee tap reverse lunges done with EC. As soon as I got home from the gym. I don't think I can stand up.
  12. Excellent week one, and that 19 week workout streak is seriously inspiring. Burpees first thing in the morning though? That sounds like a special kind of hell to me :s
  13. Madness, madness I tell you!!!!!! Seriously though, have fun training for this; I'm sure you'll smash it!
  14. Kata looks good (not that I've done martial arts in many years), well done!
  15. Ok, gonna do an update of yesterday and half of today, so I'm updating in real time after this. Sunday - W1D7 Yesterday was semi-productive. Got up not too late, mowed the lawn and spent a couple of hours weeding the garden path. It's a job I hate doing, but at least I was out in the sun. And at least it looks nice now. Finished the ranger mini with a benchmark attempt on one set of pushups. Hit 27, which I'm sure is a lot higher than I could have managed a few months ago. Gonna have to start a PR book to record that. Also managed the daily dare with three minutes standing on one leg. Failed to get the EC unfortunately, which would have required me to do it with my eyes closed. Don't know why, but apparently I can't balance for more than a few seconds when I close my eyes. Duolingo was done, with 54XP to complete the goal for the week. Ate well with a fried breakfast, soup and bread for lunch and salmon, rice and veg for dinner. After dinner it was off to the club for bar work. Apparently this is one of my worst times for smoking, I guess because it's usually very dull! 14 cigarettes by the end of the day, which isn't great but it was tracked as required (and probably still less than a normal Sunday). Work is also a bad time for snacking, and ended up having a salami and a chocolate bar. Mrs offered to help me out while I was at work and boil me some eggs for my week's breakfasts at work, which was lovely of her. She didn't actually do it, and by the time I got home and realised it was too late to do them myself, I guess it's the thought that counts? Mrs also cleaned the bathroom yesterday, which once again was lovely. When I went to brush my teeth before bed I found that she had decided to throw out my floss sticks when cleaning. That could easily have been an excuse to give up on the flossing, but after much banging and rummaging I dug them out of the bin and did floss. All the noise (and a fair bit of swearing) woke the Mrs up, so now we both feel suitably embarrassed about the whole thing! Home at 23:30, in bed just after 00:30 (would have been earlier if not for teeth cleaning debacle). Slept awfully though, through a combination of too much caffeine at work, and my phone blowing up with Fitbit notifications at 4am. Not a helpful start for week 2! W1 stats Poison Resistance: 7/7 Grinding: Gym 3/2, Badminton 1 Swim 3/3 Learn a New Skill: Duolingo: 368/350XP, Articles Read: 1 Full Health: Teeth 14/14, Sonic & Floss 7/7 Bedtime 7/7 Save Your Progress: Here I am - week 1 complete! Monday - W2D1 Despite the rubbish night's sleep I did get up on time today and went for a decent swim; 41:43 including a rest/stretch after the warm-up, to swim 1,750m. That was 450 breaststroke warm-up, followed by 1,300m front crawl. The front crawl time was 28:10, which makes 130sec/100m or 21:40/km. Not a bad mark towards my next major goal of 2km in 40mins. Smoking's going well; only had 3 so far today and it's near enough 3pm. Other than that I'm feeling pretty drained and struggling to focus on work at the moment. Gym tonight so hopefully that'll give me a boost. Might do yoga for the ranger mini depending on if Mrs wants to join in, must do Duolingo, and then I think I need an early night!
  16. Awesome, well done on smashing week one!
  17. Looks like you're got some good, strong challenges, and are off to a great start on week two. Will be following along
  18. Looks like you're doing awesome, that race sound intense! Following along.
  19. Really like the goals, following along! Hope the convention went well.
  20. That looks amazing! I want all of that food right now!
  21. Well this weekend was on my feet all day Saturday at Mrs' college open day, and gardening and bar work Sunday. Unfortunately my typical day is sit at a desk at work all day, then gym, then sit on the couch at home all evening, so the week may not be quite so impressive!
  22. Words to live by. I'm going to write this down and put it up in my house somewhere. Thanks Tank!
  23. How you can look so cool after a night of hockey, and look so cool with two black eyes, amazes me. Well done on putting your all into your Saturday workout when you weren't feeling it!
  24. Excellent reformation of your challenge, good to see you getting things immediately back together when you have a set back, brilliant attitude. Looking forward to seeing how it develops as the challenge goes on. Little tip with the housework; if you complete the first week perfectly the rest of the challenge will be easy. Once things are clean it's so much easier to keep them that way! (@AugustaAdaByron I'm with you on the ironing though, I haven't touched an iron in years!)
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