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Past Challenges: #1, #2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9#10#11#12#13#14#15#16

Current Challenge: #17


“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Lm sumo squats bar+20kg 2x8

B ring dips 3x5

B chins 5x3

curls / laterals 2x8 / 2x20

lm press 120 degrees / rear delts bar+10kg 3x10 / 3x20

B high pulls 5x10


Easing my way back after lower back issues.

Ring dips were good. Dropped from 3x8 before to 3x5; glad I didn’t have to drop back to the thicker band.


Need to ease back into the chins.


The rest was fine.

I need to get rid of the power rack. I’ve bought a standing chin up bar. I’ll do ring push ups in place of incline and I can still do ring dips. My exercises will be more careful now. No ?lifts, front squats and I’ll go back to pendlay rows. 

B = band

Lm = landmine 


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Lm sumo squats to RDL bar+20kg 3x5

B ring dips 3x6

B chins 6x3

curls / laterals 2x8 / 2x25

Lm press / Rear delts bar+10kg 3x10 / 3x20

B high pulls 5x10


I changed the legs to landmine sumo squat to RDL as lower back felt OK.


Chins and dips felt tough. I’ll probably add reps or sets in December now.


I’ll run tomorrow then try the other routine later in the week.

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Lm squats bar+20kg 3x10

Ring kneel push ups 6x3

yates rows 40kg 3x8

curls / laterals 2x8 / 2x20

lm press / band rear delts bar+10kg 3x 10 / 2x20

high pulls 3x10


Added ring push ups and tried low reps and on knees to start. I’ll build them up. My chest exercises are now ring dips and push ups and I want to progress to without assistance on both.


The curls I am pausing and squeezing each rep for 5 seconds so 2 sets is enough.


I do 120 “ish” degree landmine press and bend my inner knee this time. Really felt it in my side delts.

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Lm sumo squats to RDL bar+20kg 3x5

B ring dips 7,7,5

B chins 7x3

curls / laterals 2x8 / 2x25

Lm press / Rear delts bar+15kg  3x8 / 3x20

Band rear delt raise 2x20


Same number of reps of dips but went from 3x6 to 7,7,5. Minor improvement.


Added a set of chins and I’ll add another next time. 


I switched from band high pulls as think they were more like the ?ly inverted rows. I’ll do behind the back band rear delt raises: from now on will be rear delts as it’s too long!


I’m looking at mid January for adding weight to banded chins and dips.


I’m looking at June as a target for be chins and dips. Modest but would be ok progress. 2kg weight added a month.


Im taking 3 months off in July to study French full time and will probably take 3 weeks on ze beach after ?️



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Lm squats bar+20kg 3x10

Ring kneel push ups 7x3

yates rows 42.5kg 3x8

curls / laterals 2x8 / 2x25

lm press / band rear delts bar+10kg 3x 8 / 2x20

Rear delt raises 2x20


Added a set on ring push ups. I am turning out the arms at the end of each rep. Hits the upper chest and is useful for more advanced ring exercises.


Added weight on rows. I was trialling grip width. 

Added weight on curls.

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Lm sumo squats to RDL bar+20kg 4x6

B ring dips 7,7,6

B chins 8x3

curls / laterals 1x8 / 2x20 (+2x20 tricep extensions)

Lm press / Rear delts bar+16kg  3x8 / 2x20

Band rear delt raise 2x20


Went from 3x5 to 4x6 on legs, so increased volume.

Added 1 rep on dips and 1 set on chins.

Only did 1 set of curls as my shoulder felt a twinge. Added tricep extensions instead.

Added 1kg on landmine press.

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