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Asha's Journey - 2022

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It's been a while since I've actually worked out. I had worked out a little while I was pregnant, but then BabyG came and I was in recovery. I thought I was ready to get back into working out, and had actually started to a small bit before finding out that there were complications with my healing, so again I had to wait on working out. Now I'm ready to give it another go in hopes this time nothing will stop me. lol


I'm planning to use DareBee's Hero's Journey RPG workout program to help with keeping interest.

The current goal is to start with working out every other day and stretch on "off" days. Sunday is an automatic rest day.


I will be using this as a log for those workouts :)

Sunrunner | LVL 0  *(0%)

“It was difficult to think about worshiping God when so many things were going wrong. Or maybe, she thought, this is the most important time to pray.”
Trisha White Priebe, The Glass Castle


Books in Progress: Just as I am (20%), An Echo in the Darkness (14%)

Inktober52 | 2024 Books completed: Unbroken


Roadmaps: 2024,2023 | Previous Challenges: 20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1


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Day 1 - Press "START" to Play

> 100 points <

Total points: 100


Today was a legs day. Can definitely feel it in my thighs! Looking forward to seeing how things go. :)


Starting out on a journey today. Excited to see where this path leads.

Sunrunner | LVL 0  *(0%)

“It was difficult to think about worshiping God when so many things were going wrong. Or maybe, she thought, this is the most important time to pray.”
Trisha White Priebe, The Glass Castle


Books in Progress: Just as I am (20%), An Echo in the Darkness (14%)

Inktober52 | 2024 Books completed: Unbroken


Roadmaps: 2024,2023 | Previous Challenges: 20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1


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Day 2 - Stranger at the Crossroads

> 200 points <

Total points: 300


Today hit the legs pretty good again. Was definitely still feeling the previous workout, but pushed through and felt good enough to hit level 2 today!


Been walking for a while; legs are starting to need a break. That log over there looks like a good spot to.....



"Heeeelp!" *A fit but unkempt young man runs past.*

"What's wrong?"

"I came down this trail looking for my watch, but got turned around and now I can't find my way out."

I'm going to help him and pull out my map. "Looks like you need to take a left up there, then a right when it splits and then the rest are lefts."

"Thank you so much! If you need anything, let me know."

> On Day 7, he will come back and help out <

Sunrunner | LVL 0  *(0%)

“It was difficult to think about worshiping God when so many things were going wrong. Or maybe, she thought, this is the most important time to pray.”
Trisha White Priebe, The Glass Castle


Books in Progress: Just as I am (20%), An Echo in the Darkness (14%)

Inktober52 | 2024 Books completed: Unbroken


Roadmaps: 2024,2023 | Previous Challenges: 20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1


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Day 3 - Weapon Practice

> 100 points <

Total points: 400


Got in three sets of planks today. I can tell that my body is getting used to working out again cause it isn't yelling at me as much about everything. lol. (Though I can still tell I worked out.)


Finally made it to the armory. Let's see if they have what I'm looking for.

"Welcome to the armory, friend!" A round-faced man greets. "Is there anything I can help you find?"

"Just looking, thank you."

"Okay. Just let me know if you need anything."

"Let's see...*browsing sections*..Swords....hammers....bows....lassos...ribbons...rings.... Yes, I think that'll do!"

Entering the room for the rings, Asha spots a beautiful sapphire ring with a gold setting and small emeralds cascading down the twisting sides.

"I'll take this one, please."

Sunrunner | LVL 0  *(0%)

“It was difficult to think about worshiping God when so many things were going wrong. Or maybe, she thought, this is the most important time to pray.”
Trisha White Priebe, The Glass Castle


Books in Progress: Just as I am (20%), An Echo in the Darkness (14%)

Inktober52 | 2024 Books completed: Unbroken


Roadmaps: 2024,2023 | Previous Challenges: 20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1


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Day 4 - Under the Stars

> 150 points <

Total points: 550


Today's workout was a good mix of legs and core. A smaller workout, but good nonetheless.


According to the directions I got from the guy at the armory, I should be getting close to the ranger camp....

...Looks like this is the place! Time to set up for the night and get in my night stretches.

The stars are beautiful tonight.

Sunrunner | LVL 0  *(0%)

“It was difficult to think about worshiping God when so many things were going wrong. Or maybe, she thought, this is the most important time to pray.”
Trisha White Priebe, The Glass Castle


Books in Progress: Just as I am (20%), An Echo in the Darkness (14%)

Inktober52 | 2024 Books completed: Unbroken


Roadmaps: 2024,2023 | Previous Challenges: 20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1


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Day 5 - Through the Woods

> 100 points <

Total points: 650


Today was a big legs day!


It's a nice beautiful day to continue my journey. Looks like I'll be tackling these overgrown woods.

Forging my own path is an adventure of its own, but my legs are ready for a clear path....

....what's this??? That's the strangest rock I've ever seen; almost as if it has a luminescence to it.

Might as well add it to my collection. *Digs up strange glowing rock*

Woah! it's moving! This isn't a rock.....it's an egg!!!

*A baby dragon suddenly pops its head through the side of the egg*

"Hey there little guy. You can join me if you  want. Maybe we can help each other."

Sunrunner | LVL 0  *(0%)

“It was difficult to think about worshiping God when so many things were going wrong. Or maybe, she thought, this is the most important time to pray.”
Trisha White Priebe, The Glass Castle


Books in Progress: Just as I am (20%), An Echo in the Darkness (14%)

Inktober52 | 2024 Books completed: Unbroken


Roadmaps: 2024,2023 | Previous Challenges: 20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1


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Day 6 - Blocked Path

> 100 points <

Total points: 750


Upper body workout today. Lots of push ups. Didn't finish part 2, but wasn't bad.


Continuing down the path there seems to be something in the way.

Maybe I can climb over it....

*baby dragon looks on questioningly*

"....well it's not like I can punch my way through..."

Made it over the blockade. On with the journey!

Sunrunner | LVL 0  *(0%)

“It was difficult to think about worshiping God when so many things were going wrong. Or maybe, she thought, this is the most important time to pray.”
Trisha White Priebe, The Glass Castle


Books in Progress: Just as I am (20%), An Echo in the Darkness (14%)

Inktober52 | 2024 Books completed: Unbroken


Roadmaps: 2024,2023 | Previous Challenges: 20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1


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Day 7 - The Oracle

> 100 points <

Total points: 850


Today's workout consisted of a lot of high knees (400) and plank jump-ins (40). My legs feel great! I'm sure I'll feel it tomorrow though. lol



*scream* "Dude! My heart about jumped out of my chest!!! Why did you do that???"

"....I thought I'd say hi, but then I was behind this tree, and I don't know....It was funny before it happened."

"Not funny...." *the baby dragon pops out and scares the stranger*

"Now that's funny!" I say laughing. "Why don't you join us? You owe me a favor anyways."

"For sure!"

As we walk further down the path we continue to talk and tell each other about our journey since we split. Of course I had a hard time convincing him I didn't raid a dragon's nest.

Deep into our conversation we heard a noise.

"Stop....Listen..." The dragon was on high alert, but a little timid.

"Who dares enter my woods!?" A voice boomed. "Turn back now and you won't be harmed. Don't try to be a hero!"

Once we found the voice, we entered into a battle.


"Thanks for the help!"

"If it wasn't for your little dragon pal we'd both be toast!" The stranger said, laughing. "I guess he won't be bothering anyone else. Hope the rest of your journey goes a bit smoother."

Sunrunner | LVL 0  *(0%)

“It was difficult to think about worshiping God when so many things were going wrong. Or maybe, she thought, this is the most important time to pray.”
Trisha White Priebe, The Glass Castle


Books in Progress: Just as I am (20%), An Echo in the Darkness (14%)

Inktober52 | 2024 Books completed: Unbroken


Roadmaps: 2024,2023 | Previous Challenges: 20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1


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Day 8 - A Night to Remember

> 150 points <

Total points: 1,000


Lots of work for my core and my legs today.


Man, I'm beat! Glad we're coming upon our next camp. Ready for some rest and merriment.

Sunrunner | LVL 0  *(0%)

“It was difficult to think about worshiping God when so many things were going wrong. Or maybe, she thought, this is the most important time to pray.”
Trisha White Priebe, The Glass Castle


Books in Progress: Just as I am (20%), An Echo in the Darkness (14%)

Inktober52 | 2024 Books completed: Unbroken


Roadmaps: 2024,2023 | Previous Challenges: 20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1


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Day 9 - Collapsing Bridge

> 200 points <

Total points: 1,200


Today was a leg workout. I didn't feel it while I was working out, but definitely feel it now! ?


That rest was just what I needed! Plus, some extra food doesn't hurt.

I don't think this path has been used for a while....that bridge looks mighty old. I think getting across as fast as possible will be ideal.

If only you were bigger *looks at baby dragon* we could both fly across. In any case, I'm not sure I can jump the whole thing. Running will have to be the way to go.

*Begins running across the bridge* ..... *CRACK!* Oh no!!! The bridge is collapsing!

Aaaaahhhhh!!!! *scrambling for a branch or anything I can grab & climbs up the cliff* *PHEW!* That was close! Lost my bag though.... There goes that extra food.

Sunrunner | LVL 0  *(0%)

“It was difficult to think about worshiping God when so many things were going wrong. Or maybe, she thought, this is the most important time to pray.”
Trisha White Priebe, The Glass Castle


Books in Progress: Just as I am (20%), An Echo in the Darkness (14%)

Inktober52 | 2024 Books completed: Unbroken


Roadmaps: 2024,2023 | Previous Challenges: 20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1


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Day 10 - Into the Storm

> 200 points <

Total points: 1,400


Lots of push-ups and planks today. I don't think I had enough water in the day leading up to my workout cause I'm not feeling the greatest now... ?



Welp. Looks like we're heading into a storm.... wish I hadn't lost my pack.

Oh well. Let's just enjoy the rain and hope for the best!

Sunrunner | LVL 0  *(0%)

“It was difficult to think about worshiping God when so many things were going wrong. Or maybe, she thought, this is the most important time to pray.”
Trisha White Priebe, The Glass Castle


Books in Progress: Just as I am (20%), An Echo in the Darkness (14%)

Inktober52 | 2024 Books completed: Unbroken


Roadmaps: 2024,2023 | Previous Challenges: 20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1


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Day 11 - Close Call

> 100 points <

Total points: 1,500


Today was legs. I actually felt pretty good about this workout! :) Thanks to the "choose your own" feel to this workout thing, I have to do 200 skips by the end of today ontop of my workout. It'll be fun, I guess. lol


Guess I should have taken shelter a while ago; this storm is getting pretty rough.

I think I see a... *CRACK* Owww!!!!! I don't think I should move, I might have broken something.

Stay awake....stay awake....st..st...aaay aw....

Sunrunner | LVL 0  *(0%)

“It was difficult to think about worshiping God when so many things were going wrong. Or maybe, she thought, this is the most important time to pray.”
Trisha White Priebe, The Glass Castle


Books in Progress: Just as I am (20%), An Echo in the Darkness (14%)

Inktober52 | 2024 Books completed: Unbroken


Roadmaps: 2024,2023 | Previous Challenges: 20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1


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Day 12 - Refuge

> 100 points <

Total points: 1,600


Today was a nice yoga flow. Definitely needed the stretch!


Oh, man....I sure was out! I wonder how long I slept? Wait.... Where am I???

"Oh, hi there! You're finally awake." She looks kind enough....

"I found you out in the woods and figured I could help out a bit. That was a pretty nasty storm, and you were completely knocked out!"

"Oh....well....thank you."

"No problem! Feel free to stay as long as you need!"

Sunrunner | LVL 0  *(0%)

“It was difficult to think about worshiping God when so many things were going wrong. Or maybe, she thought, this is the most important time to pray.”
Trisha White Priebe, The Glass Castle


Books in Progress: Just as I am (20%), An Echo in the Darkness (14%)

Inktober52 | 2024 Books completed: Unbroken


Roadmaps: 2024,2023 | Previous Challenges: 20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1


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