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Conquius and the Midnight Steed - Epic Quest

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Lore: (I've been reading a lot of Stormlight Archives).


Conquius sat atop Jormungandr, lance at the ready. The air was thick with the smell of sweat and fear, grim determination set on the faces of the cavalry line.


Conquius readied his lance. The order to charge could come at any time. Jormungandr's scaled head peaked out from under thick armor plates. The drake would charge at his command, albeit slowly. Drakes were not swift animals - they could get up to a comfortable speed and coast for hours without relenting, but they certainly weren't built for a cavalry charge. Today, Jormungandr would have to do. Conquius' only other option for a mount was Cerberus, whose grey muzzle and stiff joints revealed the hellhound's age. Cerberus would be a great mount for a new rider, but Conquius feared that he himself no longer had any use for the hound.


The first horn blared long. Two long horn blares would mean charge, but instead it was followed by two short ones - the signal to hold. Conquius steadied Jormungandr. Oddly, the horn pattern repeated on the other side of the battlefield. A ceasefire. Had an agreement been reached between the highlords?


A thrumming of hoofbeats sounded from the east. Both sides of the battle turned to the source of the noise. A small pack of horses crossed the battlefield, no not horses, Ryshadium. Their stone hooves sounded a consistent beat as the three beasts passed the line of soldiers. The ceasefire was likely called so no one would hurt the animals by accident. Horses were one thing, but killing or even harming a wild Ryshadium was anathema. They were said to be as intelligent as humans, choosing their own riders for their valor and righteousness. They were capable of carrying a knight in full plate with the speed of a racehorse and the grace of a swan. No one knew how they reproduced, so they couldn't be bred. The only way to ride one was to find one and earn their approval.


As the pack of Ryshadium passed Conquius' company, he locked eyes with one of the elegant beasts. Its body was black as midnight with eyes that seemed to glow like stars. In that moment, the horse knew him. It knew his flaws, his insecurities. Conquius felt unworthy under that gaze. The instant passed, and the pack rode into the distance, leaving only a sense of awe in their wake.


The highlords must have taken the animals' coming as an omen, for they reached a peace agreement that afternoon.


Conquius sat with his company that night around a crackling fire. He stared into the night's sky, wondering what it would take to be worthy of riding a Ryshadium.


"Aye, I know that look." Rodnar said, over the fire. Rodnar was an old soldier, a veteran of several such conflicts. The scars across his face and body meant that there was no mistaking it. "You're thinking about the Ryshadium. Wonderin' what it'd take for ye to be some knight out of a storybook, galavantin' across the countryside atop a stallion made o'gold."


Conquius shrugged. Guilty as charged.


"Listen lad.. yer a decent rider, albeit a bit sluggish, and y've got a good heart. But put this out of yer mind. You'll be happier for it." Rodnar said, consolingly. "Most people won't encounter a wild Ryshadium once, let alone twice. Besides, the only folks I've seen riding Ryshadium already had enough gold to buy half the kingdom."


Conquius turned his head, confused. "But you can't buy a Ryshadium, why does it matter how rich someone is?"


"The saddle, boy. You can't throw a normal horse saddle on a Ryshadium and expect to walk right the next day. There's only one artisan in the realm who makes saddles for a Ryshadium. Her works are masterpieces, but they cost a fortune." Rodnar waxed. "Anyway, forget about all this and get some sleep. We have a long trek back to the Citadel in the morning."


"Yeah, get some sleep" Conquius responded. Outwardly, he brushed off any thoughts of the magnificent midnight steed, but inside, he fostered a small, secret hope that would spur him to action. Improve as a Rider. Do Valiant Deeds. Save enough gold for the Ryshadium Saddle. Find the Midnight Steed. Hope that I have become worthy of her. For tonight, that hope would have to be enough.


Over the past few months, I have been strongly considering a new bike, specifically, building a Surly Midnight Special from the ground up. I'm tentatively calling this bike Ryshadium. While I have the money to build Ryshadium today, this Epic Quest is about my journey to earning it.


Ryshadium would replace one or both of my current bikes, allowing me to sell them, and recoup the costs. Ryshadium would be my daily driver, my commuter, my road rider, my gravel grinder, my bikepacking bike, and my touring steed. It is compatible with disc brakes and thru-axles, it has a geometry and frame material that make it comfortable to ride on all day, and a weight that lets it still really rip. The bikes I have now are:

  • Cerberus, the Surly Cross-Check I built when I was a teenager. It has a road drivetrain, lightweight alloy wheels, and narrow tires, making it great for fast road rides. It also has cantilever brakes, which are great for cyclocross, but difficult to keep balanced, and don't perform as well as modern disc brakes. Also, it was built for a teenage Conquius who could handle a much more aggressive riding posture. Cerberus would require a lot of TLC to be fun to ride again, and I wouldn't be able to do any choppier riding (gravel, bikepacking, touring) on it without investing in new wheels.
  • Jormungandr, the Surly Disc-Trucker, is the bike I bought complete in 2021 for my cross-country bike tour. Jormungandr is the consummate pavement touring bike, ready to handle heavy loads, durable enough not to break any parts over thousands of miles of travel, and geared for loaded climbs. Unfortunately, that reliability and durability comes at the cost of weight. Jormungandr is a very heavy bike that makes my current commute very taxing, and gives me pause about taking it on future adventures.


I did a full spreadsheet on how much it would cost me to build Ryshadium. I won't go into numbers, but it isn't cheap. That money could alternatively be invested in modifying and improving Cerberus, and I'm having a hard time deciding which way I want to go. Thus, I've come up with a reward strategy where I give myself "Gold" for riding my bike. Details later.  I can use that gp to buy parts to either improve Cerberus, or save up for Ryshadium. Optimally, any parts that I buy for Cerberus can be swapped onto Ryshadium in case I decide to build it, which is why I hesitate to buy any expensive parts that would be incompatible between the two (e.g. wheels).


This strategy - spending a lot of time riding Cerberus and Jormungandr before buying a new bike - also gives me the opportunity to assess whether or not I need a new bike, or if the bikes that I have will be suit me long term with the right upgrades.


Improve as a Rider:

  • Create a riding plan and set of cross-training workouts that will improve my riding fitness.


Save enough gold for the Ryshadium Saddle:

  • 1gp per mile ridden.
    • Modifier: 1.5x if ridden with friends.
    • Modifier: 2x if loaded (panniers, cargo trailer).
  • 5gp per ride that replaces a metro ride or drive.
  • 5gp per cross-training workout.
  • 10gp per day spent on a bike trip.
  • 50gp for completing a Valiant Quest.


Do Valiant Deeds:

  • Conquius Audax
  • Knight Errant
  • In Aid of the Phoenix
  • More to come as I think of them.


Find the Midnight Steed:

  • Plan out bike builds for Ryshadium
  • Make incremental upgrades to Cerberus


By the end of this process, I'm either going to build a new bike, or keep my current bikes and invest in upgrades. I'm going to use this post to record the basic stats of my rides, describe progress on my Valiant Quests, and keep y'all apprised on Cerberus and Jormungandr.

Conquius, Level 5 Cavalier

 STR: 10.5  | DEX: 8  | CON: 12  | INT: 13  | WIS: 9  | CHA: 10.5

"Perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim."

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Saturday 04/22/23


7 miles to drop off compost and pick up my birthday cake!



- 7 miles: 7gp

- Replaced a drive to drop off compost: 5gp

- Replaced a drive/metro to pick up cake: 5gp


Total Earned: 17gp


Current: 17gp

Conquius, Level 5 Cavalier

 STR: 10.5  | DEX: 8  | CON: 12  | INT: 13  | WIS: 9  | CHA: 10.5

"Perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim."

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  • Conquius changed the title to Conquius and the Midnight Steed - Epic Quest

Out today doing errands and prepping for my D&D session next week. Should get a good chunk of miles in.


I buried the lede a little bit with this Epic Quest. I have done some TLC on Cerberus to put him back into good riding condition, and that's what I've been putting miles on recently. Namely: New handlebar tape, new brifter hoods, new shifter & brake cables, and a new stem to give me a more relaxed riding position.




After the encounter with the Ryshadium on that tense battlefield, Conquius returned to the Citadel, and took to his nightly duties.


As he went about them, Cerberus piqued his head up at Conquius questioningly. Cerberus had gotten rather old, so Conquius had given him a place of comfort within his living quarters. Cerberus didn't get out much anymore, and certainly didn't see battle. His greying fur and eyes meant that he wouldn't be reliable on the field of war, so Conquius decided to give him a life of dignity in his old age.


Putting down his chores, Conquius petted Cerberus' head and neck. His fur had gotten thick and matted in some places. "Come on" Conquius spoke gently to Cerberus. "Let's get you brushed."

Conquius and Cerberus headed down to the horse stables. Conquius lifted the massive brush, as long as his forearm, and brushed Cerberus on the Citadel courtyard. He took his knife and cut out clumps of matted fur. Cerberus rumbled with delight. Conquius then took to other measures of care - clipping Cerberus' overgrown nails, brushing the hound's massive teeth.

"Has it really been this long since I took care of Cerberus?" Conquius thought, a pang of guilt in his chest. "I've had a lot going on recently, but" Conquius' thought stopped. An idea came to him.


Conquius drew Cerberus' old saddle from the stables. It was made of an infernal leather that would protect the rider from the Hellhound's flames.


Cerberus' ears perked up upon seeing the saddle. His tail wagged vigorously, and he pranced in a small circle. Conquius was reminded that Cerberus was a dog, after all. Small blue flames returned to Cerberus' paws. He was ready to run.


"Just once around the Citadel, let's not overexert ourselves." Conquius assured Cerberus, as he attached the saddle and mounted the beast. "Remember, calm out of the courtyard."


Cerberus' footsteps were calm and stately leaving the courtyard, but Conquius could feel the energy and excitement that pulsed within his old mount.


Once through the portcullis, Cerberus took off at speed, bearing Conquius swiftly over the bridge that crossed the Citadel's moat. Cerberus fell into the old patrol route instinctively. He stumbled over some of the path's overgrowth, but maintained his composure, and recovered well. The agility of the beast surprised Conquius. Hasn't Cerberus gotten old? Had he underestimated his old friend? Conquius leaned in, putting increased confidence in Cerberus, remembering the days where they had ridden from sunup to sundown.


When they finished their patrol route, and returned to the bridge, Cerberus was panting happily, tongue out. Conquius dismounted, and walked Cerberus across the bridge. Cerberus limped slightly. The hellhound's excitement had gotten the better of him, but there was something in the glimmer of Cerberus' eyes - the memory of old adventures they had had together. Conquius and Cerberus reentered the living quarters, and sat for dinner.  Conquius got ice for the leg that Cerberus was favoring. They both would sleep well tonight.


Conquius and Cerberus screenshot.png


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Conquius, Level 5 Cavalier

 STR: 10.5  | DEX: 8  | CON: 12  | INT: 13  | WIS: 9  | CHA: 10.5

"Perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim."

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Sunday 4/23/23


Two rides.


11 miles riding around town grabbing coffee and dropping off an Amazon package for return.

- 11 miles: 11gp

- Replaced a drive/metro to drop off the package: 5gp


5 miles riding to a buddy's improv show at a local bar.

- 5 miles: 5gp

- Replaced a drive/metro to the bar: 5gp


Today's Total: 26gp


In the Bank: 43gp

Conquius, Level 5 Cavalier

 STR: 10.5  | DEX: 8  | CON: 12  | INT: 13  | WIS: 9  | CHA: 10.5

"Perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim."

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Monday 4/24/23


Birthday miles! Commuted into work, met up with some old touring buddies afterwards for beer and vegan bar food, rode home in the dark.

- 29 miles: 29gp

- Replaced a drive/metro to work: 5gp

- Replaced a drive/metro to meet up with friends: 5gp


Today's Total: 39gp


In the Bank: 82gp


I now have enough for the Carradice Bagman ? I may revisit one of my rewards since I tend to get a disproportionate amt of gp from it, though.

Conquius, Level 5 Cavalier

 STR: 10.5  | DEX: 8  | CON: 12  | INT: 13  | WIS: 9  | CHA: 10.5

"Perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim."

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Tuesday 4/25/23

Cross-Training workout. Intervals of jump rope, burpees, planks, and mtn climbers. 5gp.


Earned today: 5gp

In the Bank: 87gp


Wednesday 4/26/23


Commute to/from work. Longway both ways, bc my morning shortcut  was blocked off.

- 26 miles. 26gp

- Commute replaced a drive/metro: 5gp


Earned today: 31gp


In the Bank: 118gp

Conquius, Level 5 Cavalier

 STR: 10.5  | DEX: 8  | CON: 12  | INT: 13  | WIS: 9  | CHA: 10.5

"Perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim."

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Saturday 04/29/23


Rode 25 miles with my brother, an old touring buddy, and my cousin from Ireland. Had a grand time.

- 25 miles x 1.5 (ridden with friends) = 37.5gp (rounding up to 38)


Earned today: 38gp

In the Bank: 68gp


Conquius, Level 5 Cavalier

 STR: 10.5  | DEX: 8  | CON: 12  | INT: 13  | WIS: 9  | CHA: 10.5

"Perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim."

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I hadn’t thought to look for you here, just in the five week challenges! Love this story and your way of telling it. Here to follow along!

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Past Challenges: #1, #2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9#10#11#12#13#14#15#16

Current Challenge: #17


“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Monday, May 1

- Interval training, followed by some light calisthenics. 5gp


Tuesday, May 2

- Bike ride to a haircut appt

- 9 miles: 9gp

- Replaced a metro ride: 5gp


In the Bank: 87gp


Saving up for a Brooks Cambium Saddle.

Conquius, Level 5 Cavalier

 STR: 10.5  | DEX: 8  | CON: 12  | INT: 13  | WIS: 9  | CHA: 10.5

"Perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim."

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Something I've struggled with when theory-building Ryshadium is the drivetrain. I've settled on a 2x10 or 2x11 drivetrain, but I want enough gears to get up hills easily while loaded. That's something Jormungandr can do, and I want to be able to do it relatively well on Ryshadium.


I couldn't figure out how to do it until I read through the link above. It has helped me nail down some costs of Ryshadium, and given me the confidence to go forward with it. The plan rn is to basically copy the drivetrain on the Co-Motion Deschutes (a bike I almost bought back in 2021 when I got Jormungandr).


Right now I'm accumulating the parts that will work on both Cerberus and Ryshadium, then I'll go full steam ahead on the frame, drivetrain, and wheels.

Conquius, Level 5 Cavalier

 STR: 10.5  | DEX: 8  | CON: 12  | INT: 13  | WIS: 9  | CHA: 10.5

"Perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim."

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5 hours ago, Sovalis said:

I hadn’t thought to look for you here, just in the five week challenges!

Yeah! I figured that this might take longer than 5 Weeks, and would include some pretty epic rides, so I decided to make it my Epic Quest ?

Conquius, Level 5 Cavalier

 STR: 10.5  | DEX: 8  | CON: 12  | INT: 13  | WIS: 9  | CHA: 10.5

"Perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim."

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Wednesday 5/3/23

Commuted to work, then took the long way home to stop by a vegan deli and REI.

- 24 miles: 24gp

- Replaced a metro to work, the deli, and REI: 5gp


In the Bank: 111gp

Conquius, Level 5 Cavalier

 STR: 10.5  | DEX: 8  | CON: 12  | INT: 13  | WIS: 9  | CHA: 10.5

"Perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim."

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Sunday 5/7/23

Long ride. Plenty of gravel, but I think mostly pavement. Training for something, keep it posted to find out what.

- 61 miles: 61gp


In the Bank: 183gp





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Conquius, Level 5 Cavalier

 STR: 10.5  | DEX: 8  | CON: 12  | INT: 13  | WIS: 9  | CHA: 10.5

"Perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim."

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Dropping 130gp on a Cambium Saddle that will go on Cerberus, but will be transferred to Ryshadium should I decide to build it.


In the Bank: 183 - 130 = 53gp.


Currently tooling around on Cerberus, recovery pace, writing D&D in a pub. More miles to be recorded tonight.

  • Like 1

Conquius, Level 5 Cavalier

 STR: 10.5  | DEX: 8  | CON: 12  | INT: 13  | WIS: 9  | CHA: 10.5

"Perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim."

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Monday 5/8/23

Rode down a trail to a local brewery, drank a beer while I wrote some D&D. Not quite a 1hr Recovery Ride, but a nice easy spin and some creative work.

- 7 miles. 7gp

- Replaced a metro trip: 5gp


In the Bank: 65gp

  • Like 1

Conquius, Level 5 Cavalier

 STR: 10.5  | DEX: 8  | CON: 12  | INT: 13  | WIS: 9  | CHA: 10.5

"Perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim."

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Sunday 5/14/23


Mother's Day celebrations weren't until 4PM, so I had plenty of time to get out and ride. Runny nose and a sore throat that I thought were from allergies ended up being sickness. Still managed a solid 40 miler.


- 40 miles: 40gp


In the Bank: 140gp




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Conquius, Level 5 Cavalier

 STR: 10.5  | DEX: 8  | CON: 12  | INT: 13  | WIS: 9  | CHA: 10.5

"Perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim."

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Spent most of last week recovering from being sick. Got some good miles in Friday and Saturday, see Conquius Audax for more deets.


Friday, May 19th

Work commute. Happy Ride Your Bike To Work Day!

- 23 miles: 23gp

- Replaced a metro commute: 5gp


Saturday, May 20th

Long Ride preparing for my Audax.

- 82 miles: 82gp


In the Bank: 250gp.

  • Like 1

Conquius, Level 5 Cavalier

 STR: 10.5  | DEX: 8  | CON: 12  | INT: 13  | WIS: 9  | CHA: 10.5

"Perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim."

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Saving up for Ryshadium is well under way. While I'm planning on building Ryshadium off of a Surly Midnight Special, I came across the Curve Kevin of Steel frameset on Instagram, and fell in love with the Ninja Mermaid colorway. To me, it encapsulates the Starry-eyed Midnight Steed that this Epic Quest is all about.


The price for this frameset is way outside what I'd be looking to spend, but I wonder if I could get that colorway on the Midnight Special. I know a powder-coater in my hometown that might be able to do it.


I'm going to set a price for the powder-coating job in my head, the max amount that I'd be willing to spend. If it's less than that, I'll go through with it. If not, I'll stick with black & be happy with it.

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  • That's Metal 1

Conquius, Level 5 Cavalier

 STR: 10.5  | DEX: 8  | CON: 12  | INT: 13  | WIS: 9  | CHA: 10.5

"Perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim."

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