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LGBTQA and Ally Safe Space

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Hi all. As usual I read more than I post, but hello :)


I'm fmt trans, and currently on hormones - which are about to switch from sustanon to nebido cos my levels are low and I went with the option that makes me slightly less of a pincushion. And I have, as things currently stand, 10 months or so to get myself ready for top surgery.


Which mostly means keep doing what I'm doing, but more so: add muscle -> lose fat.


Normally I lose focus after a while and things drop off a bit, but I'm hoping that with something of a timeframe, and a major one at that, it'll help me keep glued to this.

I'm considering recruitig some friendly sadists to help keep me on track, but at the very least I know there's people who will give me a nudge when I need it :)


The timeframe may also help a little with my dysphoria - just seeing an end to this gives me a way of keeping my head in check, which is good.


So I have an aim and I have an end-point(ish). Just need to do the stuff inbetween...


Also I have to move out of my flat which my landlord has sold, and move into a spare room for a few months till I can afford to set up again in my own place. Which should be...let's go with interesting. Yeah, that's a good word for it.

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[Cybernetic Warrior


Current Challenge

STR: 23 | STA: 25 | CON: 22 | INT: 10 | WIL: 19 | DEX: 1



Stuff I do:
Write stories and talk about being trans
Various filmy/webseriesy things

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Normally I lose focus after a while and things drop off a bit, but I'm hoping that with something of a timeframe, and a major one at that, it'll help me keep glued to this.

I'm considering recruitig some friendly sadists to help keep me on track, but at the very least I know there's people who will give me a nudge when I need it :)


*ears perk up* Friendly sadists, you say?



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*ears perk up* Friendly sadists, you say?



Aha! I knew there'd be some somewhere. I'm pondering options on sadists, potentially a facebook group or something where you can all bully me :D Am friending you on here, can work out something :)

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[Cybernetic Warrior


Current Challenge

STR: 23 | STA: 25 | CON: 22 | INT: 10 | WIL: 19 | DEX: 1



Stuff I do:
Write stories and talk about being trans
Various filmy/webseriesy things

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Aha! I knew there'd be some somewhere. I'm pondering options on sadists, potentially a facebook group or something where you can all bully me :D Am friending you on here, can work out something :)

This entire exchange makes me smile with the deliciousness of the idea.

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    ColoQ  ||   Level: 0
Techno Troll  ||  Assassin   
Current Challenge: 0 - V.2
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STR 0     ||   DEX 0    ||  STA 0
CON 0     ||    WIS 0    ||  CHA 0
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Hello! :-) 


Gay male here! Super new and fresh to the Nerd Fitness family, but it seems like it is going to be an excellent fit for me! 


I had a wee bit of a "DUH" moment recently... for me... 





Being gay is totally part of my weight loss struggles, we recently had a ten year class reunion and people submitted pictures for it, and I saw a picture of myself! Wow, I look amazing (except for the outdated clothes). Why did I feel so awkwardly fat and uncomfortable?! I think it was because I was soo in the closet (small town america can do that to a person). I wish it wasn't so, I am going to go back to my journals from back then look at my weight ;)  

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So I posted something about this in my challenge thread (it came up because it affected a couple of my challenges), but it made me curious:


This past Saturday was our local Pride celebration, and the weekend before was Pride in Richmond, VA just down the road. Where I grew up (KY), Pride was always a June thing, as it seems to be in most places. So I was wondering, in your necks of the woods, is Pride always June or is there a different local time for celebration? If it's another month, are there reasons for it? 


I'm of course not saying that LGBTQA celebration and awareness needs to be sequestered to a particular month, but I just hadn't heard anything different growing up, and Virginia definitely seems to have coalesced around September. 

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Level 1 Dwarf Adventurer - [ STR 0 | DEX 0 | STA 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0 ]


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So I posted something about this in my challenge thread (it came up because it affected a couple of my challenges), but it made me curious:


This past Saturday was our local Pride celebration, and the weekend before was Pride in Richmond, VA just down the road. Where I grew up (KY), Pride was always a June thing, as it seems to be in most places. So I was wondering, in your necks of the woods, is Pride always June or is there a different local time for celebration? If it's another month, are there reasons for it? 


I'm of course not saying that LGBTQA celebration and awareness needs to be sequestered to a particular month, but I just hadn't heard anything different growing up, and Virginia definitely seems to have coalesced around September. 

I think the tradition is to make it happen in June to commemorate the Stonewall Riots. However, ITs not a "requirement," and I don't think breaking from tradition is terrible. 


The Las Vegas pride celebrations were last weekend as well.  Mostly because its the beginning of weather where its not insanely hot - it was only about 98 degrees F.  I can't imagine getting drag queens to march in full getup, all dolled up in 115 Degrees.

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    ColoQ  ||   Level: 0
Techno Troll  ||  Assassin   
Current Challenge: 0 - V.2
Previous Challenges: ,
STR 0     ||   DEX 0    ||  STA 0
CON 0     ||    WIS 0    ||  CHA 0
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I think the tradition is to make it happen in June to commemorate the Stonewall Riots. However, ITs not a "requirement," and I don't think breaking from tradition is terrible. 


The Las Vegas pride celebrations were last weekend as well.  Mostly because its the beginning of weather where its not insanely hot - it was only about 98 degrees F.  I can't imagine getting drag queens to march in full getup, all dolled up in 115 Degrees.


Yeah, I know June has some historical significance, and a lot of places still have them in June because it's kind of "traditional" nowbut I was mostly just curious how frequently localities were spreading the love around the calendar, and why.  I kind of like having ours in September, and I totally get why Las Vegas would want to not have theirs in the summer! Those poor ladies...

Level 1 Dwarf Adventurer - [ STR 0 | DEX 0 | STA 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0 ]


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So I posted something about this in my challenge thread (it came up because it affected a couple of my challenges), but it made me curious:


This past Saturday was our local Pride celebration, and the weekend before was Pride in Richmond, VA just down the road. Where I grew up (KY), Pride was always a June thing, as it seems to be in most places. So I was wondering, in your necks of the woods, is Pride always June or is there a different local time for celebration? If it's another month, are there reasons for it? 


I'm of course not saying that LGBTQA celebration and awareness needs to be sequestered to a particular month, but I just hadn't heard anything different growing up, and Virginia definitely seems to have coalesced around September. 


I think that most major cities and smaller cities have their pride in June because that has been designated as Pride Month for as long as I can remember! 

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So I went presenting "female" to therapy this morning. Wife emailed after I was done asking me to stop at a fabric store on the way home.


I'm like, ummm sure, and I did. No dirty looks, maybe a double take, but everything was fine and refreshingly or nary.

Sent from my LG-D321 using Tapatalk

Oh my god, you look amazing! :D

That took some courage to go to the fabric store in femme mode, but it sounds like it went perfectly fine. Glad to hear it. :)

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So I posted something about this in my challenge thread (it came up because it affected a couple of my challenges), but it made me curious:


This past Saturday was our local Pride celebration, and the weekend before was Pride in Richmond, VA just down the road. Where I grew up (KY), Pride was always a June thing, as it seems to be in most places. So I was wondering, in your necks of the woods, is Pride always June or is there a different local time for celebration? If it's another month, are there reasons for it? 


I'm of course not saying that LGBTQA celebration and awareness needs to be sequestered to a particular month, but I just hadn't heard anything different growing up, and Virginia definitely seems to have coalesced around September.

February in Sydney (summer)

November in Perth (summer) this is the parade and the festival/fair day is in February ( summer )

Wait! What............?

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So the blue didn't work out the way it was supposed to, but hey. Happy Bi Visibility Day!



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Level 69 Battle Kitten

Battle Log | Current Challenge

MyFitnessPal | Fitbit | Duolingo

                                                                                                                                                                 Ici je vis la vie que j'ai choisie

Je suis partie pour reconstruire ma vie

C'est dit, c'est ainsi

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Hiya, two weeks post knee surgery here. I had an ACL replacement with graft plus medial and lateral meniscus repairs on my right knee. It was supposed to be a same day surgery, but I reacted to the anasthesia and was throwing up every five minutes and whenever they tried to get me off oxygen my stats started to tank. Good news is the surgery was a complete success! I recovered from the anasthesia and left the next day. I was on narcotics for a few days (they make me sick as a dog, so I got off as soon as I could.)


The surgical team was great! I came out to my surgeon as FTM and he and the team did very good using my prefered name and most of the surgical staff at least tried the pronoun thing. I wasn't exactly planning on being out necessarily, but he was wondering why I was on both testosterone and premarin and he wanted to figure out how that would effect my blood clotting factors post surgery. He ended up asking if I wanted my prefered name and pronouns on my chart and I said, sure! My other docs also asked about it, too. Wow, 20 years makes such a huge difference! I'm 48, older guy here. Everyone was really good, from the surgical team to the nurses and assistants at the hospital. My spouse (AFAB/genderqueer and thinking about T) was able to spend the night in the hospital with me, in a lazy-boy type chair they wheeled in for them. That made such a huge difference to have them there with me! I didn't even know they could do that. I was used to the strict 'visiting hours are over' and they chase you out with firm orders.


So... now I've got a big brace on my leg. My knee looked like a pumpkin the first time I changed the dressing, but the swelling is down, I've gotten the stitches out and it's starting to look like a knee again! I can unlock my brace while I'm stitting, but keep it locked while I'm walking (with crutches, non-weight bearing only.) I've already had my first PT sess after surgery and go in tomorrow for my next PT. I've already made some progress in being able to bend my knee.


I've got four more weeks of non-weight bearing, but I hope to be able to start with a recumbent bike trainer soon. My spouse even ordered me a trainer so we can put my old 'bent upstairs on the trainer and I can get ready for real cycling on our tandem trikes (two delta recumbent trikes which can connect together, or be taken apart for solo rides.) The trainer should be coming in a week or so, but I won't start on using it until I get the green light from PT.

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Hi guys and gals, wanted to do a quick intro. I'm not new around here but I'm back after having left for a bit. I'm newly (in the last year) out as a FtM transguy and thought I would say hi.

I've known exactly what I am and what I've wanted for 10+ years now and finally made the leap to being happy for me. Along with this also comes really pushing to change my bad health addictions to become all I can be.

So I'm back again and working towards being fully and authentically myself.

Oh and my life deets are 26, Cole, and BC, Canada :)

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