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Slacker to Superdad: the journey begins

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29 Years I've been a slacker. I was always smart enough to get by without a whole lot of work, and I learned early on to only put my effort where it would have impact, not to waste my time on things that didn't matter. The way I saw it, I wasn't overweight and I didn't have much use for the ability to lift heavy objects or participate in organized sports, so I neglected my body in pursuit of other goals. I am a 6'4'' 140lb adult male who can't run 10 minutes around the block without feeling terrible for 2 hours after. I was OK with this, it was the opportunity cost of the advancement I had done in my career (I'm a small business CPA serving the creative disciplines) and the work I had put in to make myself a more emotionally balanced person. I was OK with what I wasn't doing. I was OK with being a slacker.

on August 19th 2012 at 4:03 AM I stopped being OK with being a slacker. After 2 days straight of being awake, a crippling panic attack and a pain so bad in my neck I couldn't hold my son, I was done being an incomplete human. I knew I needed to change. For the past few weeks I've been agonizing in the back of my head on how to get fit the best way possible, how do I set it up so I don't fail but still get results I want. I woke up and did as many push ups as I could (half assed push ups) and felt terrible, then I felt great! then my arms were sore for the next 4 days. This wasn't working.

A far-more-fit-than-I friend came across the site and thought it was a cool concept, so I started reading it up and liked how I could relate. I read the classes, I read the exercises, I got excited about all the things I could be. So now that the Iron is hot, Here's what I'm hopin to accomplish:

1. I want to be more fit - I don't know exactly what that means yet, but I know I have a lot of work to do on strength, stamina and agility to balance myself out.

2. I want to do it WITH my family - The goal is to make myself a better man for my son, I don't want to miss out on spending time with him to get fit, so I'm looking for things I can do from home.

3. STR, STA AGI gains are the goal, not appearances - Don't get me wrong, i'd love not to have to order custom clothing to fit my uniquely slim and long shape, but the goal is to be a more fit person, not to look good on the beach.

Current Level of Fitness:

1. I can run about a quarter mile before getting entirely winded and physically need to stop.

2. I can't lift much, but I can do about 15 proper push-ups. I can't do a pull-up.

3. I have a very poor sense of rhythm and balance.

4. I have terrible hand-eye coordination and have difficulty catching things that are thrown to me

5. I have a lot of back pain, upper and lower from bad posture.

Desired Level of Fitness:

1. Run a marathon by the time I'm 35 (6 years). Just one, just to do it.

2. Easily lift my own body weight in all practical applications (push ups, pull ups, climbing etc)

3. Take yoga seriously with a serious instructor and learn it well enough to practice on my own.

4. Learn some martial arts to improve my awareness of my own body and how to get it to do what I want it to do.

5. Strengthen my back so I don't have to go to the chiropractor every week from picking up my son.

I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to get there, but I did sign up for the company 5k on 10/20. I know I need to at least get training for that. My short term goal is to finish under 40 min. Bonus if I finish under 35.

I want my son to learn how to incorporate fitness into his life as a fun event, not as a chore and really enjoy being fit. I also don't want him to see me as an incomplete person when he grows up.

So that's the story, wish me luck!

Total newb, but I'm trying 

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Good luck to you! Kids are a big inspiration in getting fit. :) There are many programs that help you to train for a 5k.

I like to do interval training myself. Run 2 mins, walk 1 min. Repeat until desired distance is accomplished. Once you are hitting 5k then you can diminish rest time and increase run time. :)

Half-Orc Ranger


STR +4 DEX +2

STA +1.5 CON +2.5

WIS +2 CHA +3

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Thanks! I have a few coworkers that are runners and I'm starting with the C25K program doing intervals for now. I just wish I was one of those people who loved running like they do. I don't know where that comes from but I hope I find it! THanks for the support and encouragement!

Total newb, but I'm trying 

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I understand where you are coming from 100%. I was OK with not being fit and being slightly overweight. I could function in my world, so why waste my time with such nonsense. Deep down I knew that wasnt really OK... but on the surface things were fine.

Now I am the mother to 2 girls. I not only have the responsibility to be fit to look after them and be around as long as possible. I am their first role model! So I am doing this for myself and for them!

Good luck! I look forward to seeing your progress.

Lusitanian Druid, Level 9
STR: 13 | DEX: 15 | STA: 17 | CON: 22 | WIS: 25 | CHA: 25

“We are what we repeatedly do; excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.†- Aristotle

Current Challenge: Living the Good Life II Past: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th,  8th9th, 10th11th, 12th


Goal: 1001 Steps on the Road to a Home -> 18/348 in 2015 



Goal: loose 9KG in 2015 -> 1.5KG lost 

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Thanks! I have a few coworkers that are runners and I'm starting with the C25K program doing intervals for now. I just wish I was one of those people who loved running like they do. I don't know where that comes from but I hope I find it! THanks for the support and encouragement!

haha. I've been a runner for many years and it's definitely a love/hate relationship. For me, most runs are really hard, but during those runs there are moments of pure power and elation. It's those moments that make you love running...and the feeling you have once you are finished. That's pretty awesome too. I'll be interested to hear how you make out.

all the best

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Thanks Everyone! A few people I know who run said it starts off as a love/hate but then like a kid with bath-time it just eventually becomes part of your routine that you look forward to. I'm just the type to get bored easily so even though I listen to books on tape I find myself making excuses not to run. I really have to do it though to hit my 5k goal on 10/20, so I'll keep it up!

Total newb, but I'm trying 

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Will my biggest obstacle right now is sticking with it. For the strength/stamina part I'm thinking the exercises I have outlines in my challenge will help me get started and give me a good feel for what to do next at the ends f the 6 weeks.

One of my big issues is keeping my calorie intake up with quality foods. I have a very fast metabolism and a small stomach, so I tend to be more of a snacker rather than a big meal person. I've been adding protein shake in the am and at night before bed to get in a few hundred more calories over the day. It would've easy if I just ate crap food, I could get in 3000 calories of Doritos but I'm trying to do it with relatively healthy foods, eggs, meat whole grains, veggies etc. at the same time I'm trying to watch the household finances and feed my wife who is home with a newborn so I sometim have to sacrifice quality for convenience.

Total newb, but I'm trying 

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your goal to exercise w/your kids is awesome. there are so many ways once you start exploring. i'm lucky in that my kids are already pretty active.

it can be as simple as going to the park and chasing them around for 30 minutes. It rained yesterday - so I played Twister w/my daughter until our legs gave out.

Sarah Fragoso has a book out about Paleo lifestyle - while you might like her recipes - I think you should definitely check out the back section of that book. She has some great exercises that you can do w/your children - as in using them as weights. It gets the babies involved, gives you a chance to spend time with them, etc. I think it is brilliant. You should be able to get a copy through your local library.

Introspective Bookworm (Lvl 6)STR 8.5 | DEX 10 | STA 11 | CON 13 | WIS 15 | CHA 11Look, I... I may not be an explorer, or an adventurer, or a treasure-seeker, or a gunfighter, Mr. O'Connell, but I am proud of what I am. I... am a librarian. (Rachel Weiss, The Mummy)Intro/Current Challenge | Fitocracy | MFP 

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Hey dude, good luck with your goals, and aims to be a good role model for your new young man.

Looking at it quickly and your goals/aims I would strongly suggest getting into a gym and hitting the weights HARD, this will help you develop strength and help with the back issue/future issue, mix that with some yoga or a martial art (the latter being my suggestion making sure that you stretch routinely) will give you the fintess levels you desire and also the appetite you want to shovel food down your gob and help you put on some mass.

While running is a good goal and can give you a level of fitness it's not for everyone, although I think alot of people think of it as the first thing to go to (no bad thing of course) but there are plently of alternatives to try.

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Thanks animal! Part of the reason I didn't jump right to strength training at the gym is that I don't want to take time away from family to pursuer these goals. With the little man being only a month and a half my wife still needs a lot of help meeting his needs and she needs a break every once in a while too. I've been doing my basic bodyweight exercises late at night/early in the morning while waiting for him to sit and burp after eating or between cleaning sets of bottles. Once he gets a little bigger I think I will join a gym and get a trainer to start off right. The nearest is about 15 to 20 away and on my way home from work.

Total newb, but I'm trying 

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@ali that's what I'm all about right now. I didn't grow up with a very active childhood. My parents made us smart, but when I showed no interest in organized sports they didn't have much of a way to incorporate fitness I to our lives. I want my son to feel the value of being a complete human and I want to get there myself.

I also don't want to be that dad that's old before his time, complaining about his back instead of chasing his toddler.

Total newb, but I'm trying 

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Thanks! I have a few coworkers that are runners and I'm starting with the C25K program doing intervals for now. I just wish I was one of those people who loved running like they do. I don't know where that comes from but I hope I find it! THanks for the support and encouragement!

My wife SWEARS that you get addicted to as you run more. She did not enjoy running at first, but now she cannot go 3 days without a 2-3 mile run. I am like you, in that, I do not enjoy running, but I am willing to give it a try and maybe get addicted to it, like she is!

Good luck.

Atlab'Urlyren Druu'giir -- Apprentice of the Crimson RebelLevel 2 Drow Adventurer----------------------------------------------------------------------------------STR 3 | CON 7 | DEX 3 | WIS 5 | STA 1 | CHA 2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Introduction | Current Challenge@michaelramm

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