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Time for a change....Introduction

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Hey, My name is Geramiah (Razar on the site) I noticed this site about a month ago and thought it was pretty cool to have something like this out there. Anyway's I am currently a licensed massage therapist with no job at the moment. I love video games with a passion! especially RPGs lol. For the past few years I have been trying to get in shape, be healthy and live a fuller life. Well, that hasn't happened really.

I live a fairly sedentary life style. my sleep schedule is all out of whack. I sleep between 11-2am and wake between 8am-12pm and I get insomnia a couple times a month which really messes up my sleep cycle. I play video games a lot because I don't have much else to do. No friends, no money to go do stuff, I don't have license, I have a wonderful girlfriend who works a lot but we still manage time together outside of the house. My free time is spent playing video games, watching tv, or exploring the internet for things to do such as martial arts, parkour, dancing etc. But that all costs money, money which I don't have. I should also mention my girlfriend and I live in my parents house until we are able to afford to live on our own and be stable. Because I don't have money I can't afford to go to a gym, or buy free weights. (Currently I have 1 weight adjustable dumbbell, the other one broke and is un-repairable) I try to work out a little every day or every other day.

Right now My workouts consist of 20-30 minutes on the elliptical which makes creaking noises every time you move one of the steps. I usually use a resistance 2-3 after 10 minutes on the elliptical. I then drop down to 1 resistance on the last 5-10 minutes. and I keep about a 50-60 RPM and every 2 minutes I go up to 70-80 RPM for 60 seconds. After the elliptical workout I stretch for about 15 minutes and go take a shower.

My Diet!....Is just terrible. I eat fast food.. a lot. had taco bell yesterday which I hate but I seem to eat it anyways. especially when its just put in front of my face. The paleo diet really interests me and I want to follow that, and surprisingly I have done a good job at following it. I have literally cut out over 80% of the stuff I am not supposed to eat. I have a cheat meal about every 3-4 days or so in which I have something I'm not. I don't go over board on those days though, and usually its just lunch or dinner that is the cheat meal. Again I have no money and most of my gfs money goes into her bills. and well I need to go shopping with my mom in order to make sure she gets the right stuff. but because its her money I can't force her to not buy certain stuff, which leaves less for me to get my stuff. I am hoping to get a job here soon....hopefully!

Originally when I found this website, it was through looking at links for parkour, when I came along this site for a post about parkour training or something. Parkour really interests me! and I would love to get into it. There is a training gym that I could go to but its a half hour drive with no traffic, and with how much the place costs on membership plus gas, its not really an option for me at the moment, maybe in the future. So I am really wanting to get focused workouts/training that focus on Parkour. I have had some training in martial arts ( Taekwondo i was a 2nd degree black belt and state champion in forms, weapons, and sparring.) I learned to do a shoulder roll in my training, however I am not ambidextrous, meaning every time I try on my left shoulder i fail miserably. But I am still practicing that roll, and hope to get it soon.

Anyway's yea that is me and my lifestyle and I need to change it! and I am hoping to get the encouragement, and help from the community here on this site. And build friendships! that is all I guess, not much more to speak of...so Hello To the Community and all those who take the time to read this.


Razar: Half-Elf Assassin


STR: 3 DEX: 2 STA: 1 CON: 4 WIS: 2 CHA: 3

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Sounds like Body Weight Routines is the way to go. The best thing is that your exercise equipment is always with you. Try starting with the Beginner Body Weight Workout and go from there. That is going to be my next step after I build up some strength with dumbbells. I found that i am not strong enough to use my own body weight (225lbs) right now. You can get plate dumbbells for pretty cheap as well.

As for diet, how do you have money for fast food, but cannot go to the store and start your paleo diet. Shift the funds from fast food and into GOOD foods for you. Save up your money and buy your groceries when you go to the store with your mom. Sell back some video games that you don't play anymore. I do that about every six months (depending on the games that I have).

You need to decide what your fitness goals are going to be. It is a sacrifice to get fit and healthy nowadays. You just have to pick what your sacrifices are going to be.

Glad to have you on NF Forums. Hope that we can help you on your quest.


Atlab'Urlyren Druu'giir -- Apprentice of the Crimson RebelLevel 2 Drow Adventurer----------------------------------------------------------------------------------STR 3 | CON 7 | DEX 3 | WIS 5 | STA 1 | CHA 2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Introduction | Current Challenge@michaelramm

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well...my mom doesn't ask who wants what for lunch or dinner...she just brings back fast food from time to time which takes money away from the grocery funds. which I have talked to her repeatedly but she still buys fast food without asking for other ppls opinions. I am still trying to get her to change, but its a slow work in progress at the moment. I would sell the videogames...I don't have any lol I only have 1 game I don't keep games fro very long because I usually get broed and trade them in to get otehr games for decreased prices.

Yea, I know that and thanks for the reminder on that. Thanks for your input/suggestions and I will check out the routine you posted. I am happy to be here.



Razar: Half-Elf Assassin


STR: 3 DEX: 2 STA: 1 CON: 4 WIS: 2 CHA: 3

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Hello and welcome Razar, I see your predicament with food, a possible solution would be to volunteer to cook (I love cooking, so easy to say), find some easy recipes and start from there, you have the time, maybe you have the skills and have not found about it yet, just my $.02.


monkey scout

"swim, bike, run", or at least "Don’t drown, don't crash, don't walk"

“If you ever start taking things too seriously, just remember that we are talking monkeys on an organic spaceship flying through the universe.†-Joe Rogan

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