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The yo-yo ends here

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Hi all!

I started about 3 years ago looking at myself in the mirror and realizing what I was teaching my new born son on how to live. I was 330 pounds, 6' 2" and a smoker. I decided to get my rear in gear and get healthier. I quit smoking and over the following year, I lost 105 pounds.

The pace I had kept eventually caught up with me. My body seemed to reject the training and I began to get hurt.

( Back then, I didn't realize the importance of rest days.) I gave up on what got me to where I was and slowly began to put some of the weight back on.

After having a small scare with the doc, I was looking for a sustainable training system. What I found was Nerd Fitness!

I am at 266 pounds right now, a little healthier than a few months ago, and actually excited to get this journey going again!

Level 8 Scottish Highland Assassin

Str 20/ Dex 10/ Sta 15/ Con 17/ Wis 20/ Cha 13

"Most of the things worth doing have been declared impossible before they were done."

Daily Battle Log

My Fitness Pal



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Welcome and good luck with your goals!

Level 2   Human   Ranger

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STR 7.7  CON 4.8  Battle Log  We are Rangers.DEX 2.0  WIS 2.9               We walk in the dark places no others will enter.STA 4.9  CHA 3.3               We stand on the bridge, and no one may pass.


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I haven't decided on the next challenge yet. My schedule over the next few months is absolutely crazy and I am unsure if I will be able to check in consistently. I plan to look more into it, though.

My training right now is based on the level one version of the 300 workout Steve put together. Instead of pull ups, I am doing inverted rows on rings and I am doing the push ups on rings as well. (Which are really hard!)

Basically, my week goes like this:

Monday and Friday, body weight training, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday I do cardio or interval work, whatever sounds like more fun that day.

Wednesday I do yoga and Sunday I either rest or do a stretch routine I have left over from when I did P90X.

I also walk my dog sometimes in the morning, which lately has not happened much.

My biggest weakness right now is my eating plan, which is getting better as well. Instead of cutting everything I enjoy, I took another suggestion from Steve and have begun to cut out one thing at a time.

I am glad to hear your hubby decided to join you. My wife is still hesitant, and I an encouraging her and not pushing. I think once she sees my results without resorting to a P90X crazy workout, she'll come around as we'll.

Congrats again for hitting your goal the other day! That is super exciting!

Level 8 Scottish Highland Assassin

Str 20/ Dex 10/ Sta 15/ Con 17/ Wis 20/ Cha 13

"Most of the things worth doing have been declared impossible before they were done."

Daily Battle Log

My Fitness Pal



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Hey CC! Nice to meet you "officially" :) You've already made some huge changes in your life, which is amazing! Way to go!! Also, it sounds like you have solid motivation for moving ahead. Can't wait to see how your goals progress!

Nice to "officially" meet you too! I am looking forward to this journey and happy to have others in the fray with me!

Level 8 Scottish Highland Assassin

Str 20/ Dex 10/ Sta 15/ Con 17/ Wis 20/ Cha 13

"Most of the things worth doing have been declared impossible before they were done."

Daily Battle Log

My Fitness Pal



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