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Greetings from the East - No Better Time Than Now!

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Greetings from the East!

Hello everyone! This is my first time really trying out sharing my weight struggle with a community as a way of motivating myself to make the changes I need to. I have always been a go-it-alone type of ranger, so this is a new experience for me, one that I am a little tentative about embracing. An account of growing up with my mother’s loquaciousness on the subject of her own desire to “be less fat!â€, I have probably rebelled against her neuroses and taken a rather laissez-faire approach to the whole matter. (I have to deal with at least a few disparaging comments about my body every time I see her) In protest, I refused to weigh myself and always said I knew how to be healthy, it’s just an issue of willpower. However, with each year since the age of 15, my weight has continued to edge upwards and I realize that I need to stop it now, before things get out of control. I don’t envision my future self being an overweight person, or with diabetes, or depending on lots of different medications. I want to be slim and active, full of life, and confident in who I am. To make that future person a reality, I need to pay it forward now.

I’ve always been very active - I come from a fit family that can hike for miles and miles and hours and hours nary breaking a sweat. I played sports in high school, loved bike-riding and mostly reading fantasy (I will forever be most loyal to Wheel of Time and Song of Fire and Ice). After putting on the freshman 15, I made some good headway against the bulge by picking up running in my junior year of college. Then I discovered yoga in my senior year, and I’ve been addicted ever since. I found that yoga truly taught me to love myself, and take pride in the extraordinary things that my body could do, and I learnt a great deal by just learning to listen and feel.

For a few years I was in New York, living the life of the consummate Brooklyn-er. I did yoga at least three times a week. I had to give up running because it hurt my hip-joints. But I biked everywhere, sometimes up to two or more hours a day. I love living without a car and I’ll never go back! However, even then I wasn't as slim as I wanted to be. That probably indicates just how badly I was eating to make up for all those calories burned in exercise!

Then I moved to Beijing, China, where you can’t exercise outside because of the pollution, the yoga classes have absolutely no strength-building poses (it was all dancy-stretchy stuff), and I was sitting at a desk studying Mandarin for 10 + hours a day. Plus, all that oily oily Chinese food. I packed on the pounds and running on the treadmill and doing my own yoga practice at the gym (which I eventually joined in exasperation) just didn’t cut it. Most recently, I was working down in Guangzhou on a movie set and living in a hotel for two months. 3 big meals a day. No movement. None whatsoever. It was horrible.

Now when I put on my old clothing, or I catch sight of myself in the mirror or in a photo, I barely recognize the person I see. I’m a singer, and as such, I can’t afford to have this extra weight hanging on me. I feel embarrassed to be on stage in front of a crowd. And as harsh as it is, I realize that I won’t get cast for certain roles or hired for certain gigs.

I’ve always greatly admired people who do burlesque and aerial dancing or acrobatics. They are so strong, beautiful and confident in who they are and the body they were given. I’m actually performing with a burlesque troupe here in Beijing -- no, not dancing, just singing. However, I’d like to become comfortable enough with my body and proud in my health, strength, and talent, to do burlesque or aerial dancing. This is going to require a great physical change - I have lofty goals! But I know I have both the desire, and the ability to become physically adept. I just need the commitment and the drive. That’s why I’m here at Nerd Fitness! I need to stop taking such a relaxed approach to getting my weight under control. I’m in a great spot in my life right now to really focus on fitness. Everything is going well, I’m happy and doing what I want to. The time is now or never!

Ok, so with that big-ass introduction out of the way. Here are my goals:

1. Learn how to do the different strength-training exercises, and put together a work-out plan that is good for me.

2. Be able to do a pull-up or chin-up (oof!)

3. Get down to 140 lbs (small steps first!)

Level-up life-style goal - Become more confident at making healthy home-cooked meals.

Big all time win! - Doing a burlesque, aerial, or acrobalance dance performance!

I have lots of other goals, but I’ll focus on these first, and replace them with new ones once I accomplish them. Well, that about does it! Glad to be part of this community and I'm excited to see if it helps keep me on track. :-)

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Greenpeas5, Level 1 Ranger Scout



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What a great intro! I was also a go-it-alone kind of person but I'm really enjoying the company here on Nerd Fitness and I hope you do too.

It sounds like you have the right attitude -- everything in small steps. Cooking for yourself will help with weight control, no question. The great thing about strength training is that you can find something appropriate to whatever level you're at. Have you read through the blog archives? Steve has some great bodyweight workouts you can do in a hotel room.

Doing a pull-up or chin-up is a goal for me too but there's a plan for getting there in the archives here.

Googolplex, level 4 monk,  My avatar

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The great thing about NF is that no one will drag you down about anything. The folks are amazing; positive and helpful. There's even a little tough-love if you need it, but NOT negativity. I thought your intro was fun to read. Peronally, I love doing the beginner body weight (circuits); I feel like it has really helped my balance and grace (or at least reduced my klutzyness). I'm doing the Rookie workouts too, but the circuits is my favorite. Find one you like and have fun! Welcome.

The hardest part of the workout is lacing up your shoes'"

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Hey Laureleye,

I've been trying out the circuit Steve detailed in his circuit article - three rounds of lunges, squats, weights work - and it definitely tires me out, which is a good sign! Now that I'm fairly comfortable with the circuit I was thinking about introducing some variety. I'll definitely have to check out the Rookie workouts - thanks for the advice!


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Greenpeas5, Level 1 Ranger Scout



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Ah! I feel like it will take me forever to eventually be able to do an unassisted pull-up! Thanks for sharing that article - I hadn't seen it before. I'm going to start doing negatives! How are you doing on your pull-up quest?

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Greenpeas5, Level 1 Ranger Scout



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