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Weight Loss and Medication?


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Hello there. Been a while!

I attempted Paleo and working out early in the year, but fell off the horse around May. From May to September, I ate absolute junk... chocolate cake, fast food hamburgers, Little Debbie Snack cakes, etc. I also never worked out, and yet I went from 124 pounds to 112. Given the somewhat drastic weight loss (nearly 10 pounds over the summer without trying), I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with anxiety/depression.

He prescribed me some medication, which I've been taking dutifully. It's certainly helped my sleep and emotional moods, BUT it also means that since September, I am right back up to 124 pounds, and gaining. I am trying to get my diet back in order, but one of the side effects of the medication is weight gain. This is apparently very common in anti-depressants; my doc warned that I'd be hard-pressed to find one that didn't either kill my libido, or put on serious weight.

My question to you guys is, how can you accurately measure if your diet/weight loss goals are working if you are on medication that is chemically preventing you from losing weight? If the medication is for a chronic condition, then how can you work around this side-effect?

"Total abstinence is so excellent a thing that it cannot be carried to too great an extent. In my passion for it I even carry it so far as to totally abstain from total abstinence itself." -Mark Twain

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Well, I have some experience with this. A couple of years ago, I started taking Concerta for ADHD. Stuff gave me incredible migraines. I eventually figured out that the meds were lowering my blood sugar and killing my appetite at the same time. I started eating every 2-3 hours to keep my sugars up; next thing I knew, I was up to 276 pounds. I could concentrate properly for the first time in my life, but I was constantly miserable. What with that and some digestive issues, sorting out exactly what I can and can't eat has been challenging.

Let me guess: you're probably one one of the SSRIs (Paxil, Zoloft, Prozac, etc.). I would start with tracking your intake; are you eating any differently? Are you back doing Paleo, or just eating whatever? What are you doing for exercise? It might help to think in terms of 'things accomplished' rather than 'weight lost'; weighing 124+ pounds and deadlifting twice that is no small thing. (Look at Spezzy, for example.) If you can, get regular assessments of your bodyfat percentages or track bodypart measurements.

If you're careful about your diet and disciplined in your exercise, you can achieve whatever goals you set. Regular exercise can also help with the neurotransmitter imbalances.

That being said, if you don't want to be stuck on SSRIs for the foreseeable future, cognitive behavior therapy is an effective alternative. It takes longer and can be more expensive than meds, but it does work. Talk to your doctor and/or psychiatrist, let them know what you're doing and what you want to achieve, and see what they say.

Good luck!

"If you get into trouble, you can always eat something, blow something up, or throw penguins." - Jim Henson


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I'm trying to figure this one out myself. I started a new medication, and my weight has been steadily dropping. Granted, it also made me very nauseous and dropped my appetite like crazy. A lot of medications have the side effect of weight gain/loss. You might approach your pharmacist about the possibilities of these side effects.

“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.â€

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Yeah I'm been back on Paleo for about two weeks, though I'm taking it a little slowly because I have never been able to go FULL Paleo (I allow myself dairy and 2 cheater meals.) I've just been trying to cut out the things I am used to.... no more fast food (only homemade salads), no desserts unless strictly Paleo, etc.

And yet I've gained 3 pounds in those 2 weeks. It's infuriating and very very frustrating....

"Total abstinence is so excellent a thing that it cannot be carried to too great an extent. In my passion for it I even carry it so far as to totally abstain from total abstinence itself." -Mark Twain

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Yeah, I know. Meds do that to you. It's a real pain, but consider the alternative... Personally, I'm a wreck when I'm not on my meds.

It's a real struggle to switch from 'I've got to weigh less' to 'I've got to be stronger/faster/more flexible'. I still have trouble with it. It can be done, though. Just remember: awesomeness takes time to develop.

"If you get into trouble, you can always eat something, blow something up, or throw penguins." - Jim Henson


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Having been on an SSRI for a while, I can understand your frustration. Depending on the individual and the dosage, they may make you just less active. You might want to add a FitBit, pedometer or something to gauge your general (non-workout) activity level. You may also have a little less problem as you adjust to them. Good luck, and tell us how its going.

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