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When it's all said and done, blame the cat!^_^

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Hello everyone!!

This is BlamedCat reporting in, otherwise known as Chris. I'm an avid gamer, video games and roleplaying (tabletop/online), have dominated my life and creativity. I've never really cared about weight growing up, just eating good tasting food (not always the healthiest) and enjoying the life that God has given me. I was born in '79 as a 3lbs 3oz premmie. So as you can imagine, I had to make up for lost ground with such a rough start. Hehe.

I had gained weight in high school, up to about 255 lbs. and together with my awesome mom, we got on the Atkins diet. It was an amazing time for me, cutting out sugar and eating mainly veggies and protein, but unfortunately going with sugar substitutes like Splenda, etc... Regardless, I dropped down to 205 lbs. and was VERY happy with myself. Somewhere during college I stopped staying on top of things and ballooned up, see all I did was watch my food consumption (aka diet), I never did exercise AT ALL.

I got married in '06 to my wonderful wife (I was 253 lbs) and I did what most newlywed couples do... I gained more weight! (good food [even though I was the one cooking] will do that too you) I mean, why go out and do stuff when you've got the most awesome person in the world right there with you? You can cuddle and watch movies and play games (yes, she's a gamer girl... SCORE!) together, which makes it perfect!

About 2011, I became very concerned about my weight. I was having frequent bouts of disgust with myself when I'd go to the closet and try to fit into a cool shirt or old pants and suddenly realize that I was looking more and more like the Comic Book Guy (Despite the fact that I can mimic his voice). At the time, I was looking at our family, we had a wonderful 3yr old daughter and I was convicted that with my weight, as it was 282 lbs at the time, that I might not live long enough to see her get married.

So I started out on SparkPeople with the encouragement of a friend and stopped drinking sodas. I dropped about 20 lbs. by counting calories and walking around the neighborhood. THEN summer hit. Since I live in Texas, it was terrible. I couldn't even go outside to walk like I had been in the habit of doing without breathing issues and fear of melting into a sticky goo puddle on the sidewalk. I stopped walking and started not caring about my eating so much. I didn't know about Nerd Fitness back then, I didn't know how to do any body weight exercises like the 20-Minute Hotel Room Workout, didn't know the concept of well rounded exercise at all really.

So the BlamedCat, grew, and padded, and fluffed up over the holiday season, all the way up till in 2012 he was 289 LBS!!!

I had to get back on the wagon and did so again. Cutting out desserts and getting back to walking, watching calories, drinking water, etc.

It's been a struggle this year with various hurdles life has tossed in the way. However, in June I was back down to 253 lbs.

Currently, I'm hovering at 257 lbs. and realizing I need to up my game and get focused on working out and eating right (not just right, REAL), so I can be around for my now, 5 yr old daughter (Reyna) and my 1 yr old son (Isaiah), and of course my beautiful wife.

My friend and I are both joining up with the Rebellion together to encourage and hold each other accountable. Of course, he's aaaaalllllllll the way up in Seahawks Country, so I need to hear from some local Texan Rebels* too! My goal is to get down to a healthy weight, probably 205-180 lbs, but THIS time, I'm going to listen to my body and try and do things to be HEALTHIER first and foremost. It's like Steve referenced in Staci's spotlight blog, “appearance is a consequence of fitness.†~ Mark Twight So I'll work on being fit and let the results follow.

I can look back at my life and realize that I have nothing and no one to blame but myself for being where I'm at today, for both good and bad (hence the title). It's time I stepped up and did this right. It's time to make life changes, not diet changes.

*Note: I may be proud to be a Texan, but I'm not too proud to accept support from EVERYONE and ANYONE. We're all in this together. ^_^

Current Challenge: BlamedCat's Rebirth: From Porkins to Poe     Tracking via spreadsheet


"Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." (Ephesians 5:15&16)

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Hi Hiraedd! Thanks for the warm welcome! I read your post on Hiraedd's Second Gateway: Quiet the Noise and I have to say that I am amazed at how well thought out and detailed you've orchestrated everything. You definitely took to heart making S.M.A.R.T. goals.

I really look forward to getting out there and get going!

Current Challenge: BlamedCat's Rebirth: From Porkins to Poe     Tracking via spreadsheet


"Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." (Ephesians 5:15&16)

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Hi Laureleye! I'm actually linked to California, my Dad grew up in the Inglewood area and I've got family in the Thousand Oaks area. ^_^

Wait, what? a Challenge? *looks up at the top of the screen* What in the... how did I miss that? Guess I better go check it out. Thanks for the heads up :)

Current Challenge: BlamedCat's Rebirth: From Porkins to Poe     Tracking via spreadsheet


"Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." (Ephesians 5:15&16)

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My friend and I are both joining up with the Rebellion together to encourage and hold each other accountable. Of course, he's aaaaalllllllll the way up in Seahawks Country

I am just going to piggyback on BC's thread if that is OK.

I am a former Marine who is about 200+ pounds overweight. After leaving the Corps I got into lifting fairly heavy and started down a good path. This is me back in 2000 or so...


It is needless to say that I am a far cry from that today. I would post a picture, but I do not allow them to happen. After that I started taking easy jobs and stopped lifting. Then came Everquest. That game got me addicted to MMOing and helped me turn me into the lazy person that I have become. Over the following years I just packed on the weight big time.

Now, I am 38 and I REALLY need to loose 225 pounds or so. I have a great wife who has put up with far more than she should and two amazing young boys who deserve more of me than they get. BC and I have been talking about this for a while and he pointed me here as a place that may be good for support.

Anyways, it is good to meet you all.


TheBBP, level 1 Jedi Adventurer

Hebrews 12:11-13
“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees.â€


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also not from TX - but I know where it is.....

welcome to NF. welcome to the adventurer guild - we are glad you chose us. you have chosen wisely....

Introspective Bookworm (Lvl 6)STR 8.5 | DEX 10 | STA 11 | CON 13 | WIS 15 | CHA 11Look, I... I may not be an explorer, or an adventurer, or a treasure-seeker, or a gunfighter, Mr. O'Connell, but I am proud of what I am. I... am a librarian. (Rachel Weiss, The Mummy)Intro/Current Challenge | Fitocracy | MFP 

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