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Paleo Central: The First Nerd Fitness App is NOW AVAILABLE!


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Are peanuts Paleo? Nope, they’re legumes!

Should I eat regular potatoes or sweet potatoes?*Sweet potatoes, they have a lower glycemic load.

What can I drink instead of milk?*Try coconut milk or almond milk!

Paleo Central*has finally arrived, Nerd Fitness's very first iPhone application that's now available in the App Store! *This app has been designed with Paleo beginners in mind, removing all of the guess work about what you can and can’t eat while trying to follow the Paleo Diet.

We've been hard at work on this app for over six months (seriously, development started back in May!), and it was officially approved by Apple yesterday. *I'd love for you to check it out.

Now available for only 99 cents!

What's in Paleo Central?


With a database of 4,000+ items, Paleo Central will let you know which items adhere to the Paleo lifestyle, and which items don’t make the grade. *Not only that, but you can click on each and every food in the database for an explanation on WHY it's Paleo or not, and what you can eat instead. *We went through and wrote out descriptions for each and every term in there, and even managed to throw in some easter eggs for true nerds (yes, a Phoenix Down is Paleo! So are Fire Flowers).

This app was built with speed and convenience in mind, so you'll be able to open, search, and make a decision within seconds. *If you're using Paleo Central on an iPhone 5, the app runs so quickly a simple search breaks the sound barrier. *You've been warned.

We've also made it super simple to browse Paleo approved food, separated by category, so you know what to buy when you’re at the grocery store. *Never wonder again - open the list, pick out your foods, and start eating!

Last but not least, we've included the "Beginners Guide to the Paleo Diet" directly in the app,*in case you need a refresher on what the Paleo Diet is, how it works, and how to get started with it.

But that's just the beginning...

I need your help!


We have a database of over 4,000 words, and we did our best with beta testers to make sure EVERYTHING was in there, but I want to make it bigger and better. That's where YOU come in! If you happen to search for an item that's not in Paleo Central, click on the support button, and send us an email at apps@nerdfitness.com and let us know specifically what's not in there! *We'll be CONSTANTLY improving the database and making additions.

We'd also love to hear what other features you'd like to see:*Paleo recipes? How to eat Paleo out at restaurants? Food tracking? *I want to do everything in my power to make this the best damn Paleo Diet app in the app store, so we'll be adding new features as soon as humanly possible.

Last but not least, if you happen to pick up Paleo Central and think it's worthy,*you'd be my hero if you took a few minutes to leave a review in the app store. Or, if you've already bought it, click on support, and then click on 'review' there! How successful an app is depends greatly on the reviews, so thanks for taking the time! *Seriously. You're my hero.

Frequently asked questions

When will [feature] be added? As soon as we can! *Based on what suggestions we get for which new features are most popular, we'll get to work on those features starting as soon as possible!Screen-Shot-2012-11-28-at-10.36.01-PM.jpg*

Why a Paleo app? Great question! *This is my first attempt at creating an iPhone app, so I wanted to create something that would be both super helpful and feasible to get to the app market. *I get emails, texts, gchats, and facebook messages from NF rebels and friends who tend to ask one question above all: "is _______ Paleo?" On top of that, the "Beginner's Guide to the Paleo Diet" gets visited by 200,000+ Paleo newbies each month - I figure why not remove "is ________ Paleo?" from everybody's vocabulary!

Where's the Android version? *Another great question. *At the moment it's only available on iPhone because we had to start somewhere. *However, now that it's available, I have every intention of porting it to Android. *If you happen to be an Android app developer and have interest in porting Paleo Central, email me at steve@nerdfitness.com*with the subject "ANDROID APP DEVELOPER" and let's make a deal.

What's next?*Don't worry, we're already hard at work on a Nerd Fitness app as well :) *Paleo Central might be the first NF mobile app, but it certainly won't be the last!

Who built the app?***Remember Saint, the computer programmer who went from*60 pounds overweight to 6-pack abs? *Well, it turns out he's one hell of a programmer as well. *Six months ago I approached Saint and asked if he wanted to help me bring this project to life. *Fortunately for me, he agreed, and we've spent the past six months exchanging hundreds of emails, thousands of g-chats to get things done.

He's created his own company,*XEOCREATIVE, and is going to continue to develop Paleo Central implementing changes and upgrades.*If you are looking for an iPhone app developer...email Saint at*c.stjames@gmail.com*or find him on twitter at*c.stjames@gmail.com. *He's the man and does an incredible job - worth every penny.

Who drew the caveman?*NF rebel and artist*extraordinaire, Damy! *I reached out to Damy months back and asked him for a kickass caveman. *Fortunately for everybody, Damy knew exactly what I wanted - viola! A Paleo caveman. *I think he needs a name - any suggestions?

Paleo Central is a go!

Thanks for taking the time to check out Paleo Central!

If you decide to download a copy, thanks for putting your trust in us to build a quality product. I'm excited to hear what you think of it and how I can make it even better. *Constant upgrades and improvements are planned - let's make this the best dang app in the app store!

If you take the time to leave a review, thanks for that too!*

So...is it Paleo?

And what do we name our Caveman?



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My current idea for name the Caveman is to name him Bob. Based on a theory a friend of mine has called "The Bob Theory". "The Bob Theory" spun out of a conversation about trying to work out how humans discovered what foods/things were poisionous and what was not and therefore save to eat. The idea was that every tribe had a member (who we decided would have been named Bob) that they tested every potential new foodstuff on. If Bob survived it was safe to eat, if Bob died not long after consuming it then said item wasn't edible.

Spooky_Rach, level 3 dwarf ranger


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Got it for my wife today as she is starting paleo. We went to baked potato and it said NOT paleo, which surprised me, so I clicked to go to the desciption. It was pretty inadaquate. I think the descriptions need to be more detailed if the intent is to teach people WHY something is paleo or not.

Since the app was inadaquate, I went and searched the web for why and I'm pretty convinced that a baked potato IS plaeo. They're whole foods, have no gluten or lectins, and are eaten in nature pretty commonly as are most tubers. Chimps, our close cousins, have been known to dig tubers up with sticks. We have the capacity to naturaly digest them.

The only reason I see that they're really avoided is their high glycemic index, which just means they're not low-carb paleo. But, if you don't have insulin resistance problems and allow fruits in moderate quantities, potatoes should be fine. Honestly, they should fall into the same category as fruits for if they should be present on your diet according to your goals. But any reason for not eating them shouldn't be for paleo/non-paleo reasons.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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Got it for my wife today as she is starting paleo. We went to baked potato and it said NOT paleo, which surprised me, so I clicked to go to the desciption. It was pretty inadaquate. I think the descriptions need to be more detailed if the intent is to teach people WHY something is paleo or not.

Is there any way we could get a quote or screenshot of the potato entry for the people that don't have the app?

White potatoes are usually in the grey area of paleo. They were originally discarded from the diet since they are in the nightshade family and can contain small amounts of the toxin solanine. But that is only when they are green, and only in the peel. They also, as you said, have a high GI and should be avoided for those wanting weight loss.

They are one of the few whole foods that you can live off of solely. Think of the Irish, somewhere around 90% of the population lived solely off of potatoes for a long time with little to no ill effect, until the potato famine that is. If that doesn't scream paleo to me, I don't what will.

Similar can be said about rice also.

Level 1 Woodwose

STR 5 | DEX 2 | STA 1 | CON 2 | WIS 5 | CHA 4

WAR 0 | RNG 0 | SCT 0 | ASN 0 | MON 0 | DRU 0 | ADV 1

Current Challenge: Specialization is for Insects

Previous Chapters: 1


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