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Were you always overweight?


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Yes. No real explanation for why. My sister was a stick. My brother was built like a fireplug (not fat, or even overweight, just american football running back body (wide shoulders, strong legs). My mom was skinny and my dad ran 5+ miles every day and was very fit. Me? Chubby as a baby, fat once 'chubby' didn't cover it any more.

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i was slim through school. Became anorexic at 13, then bulimic, then overexercised, then put on weight, slimmed out naturally at uni (then went through the eating disorder cycle all over again!)

I'm now a size 12 (I think that's a US size 8... i live in the UK!). I do exercise for an hour everyday though. No matter what. I'm aware i will never be disorder free but of all the obsessions I could have i'd rather be obsessed with exercise than with calorie controlling.

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I was a beanpole in school. Got heavy by the time I was 21 and just kept getting heavier through the years.

Level 3 Ranger / Level 1 Sexy Grandpa

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"The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want right nowâ€. ― Zig Ziglar

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Nope. Was almost scary skinny until post-college (mid-20's).

Switching to a lifestyle where I could afford to eat out every meal, could get around via driving (and only did), drank way too much beer, and having an eating schedule dictated more by social pressures (girlfriend-wife and coworkers) than real needs caused my magic metabolism to end.

A couple times when I was a traveling employee in my late 20's I dropped a lot of weight, slipping back into my forgetting to eat habits where I had no eating schedule, only to gain it back when returning to a schedule. Though I have no real verification, I know I graduated college at 165, I know I was 185 when I got married, but I suspect that once I dropped into the 150's or below when doing a year long project away from home. 'course when I decided to lose weight I was at 262.

currently cutting

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Nope. :( I was skinny as a kid. Then I grew boobs and wouldn't participate in P.E. cuz, well, they were pretty big and i didn't want people staring at me. Then I just got super inactive and got bigger and bigger. Then I had a baby, and that's when I just exploded with fat. :P Just can't get rid of that baby weight, and it made me so depressed and food was my go to to make me feel better. Then that made me bigger and feel even worse. So now I'm trying really hard to get in shape, because this is really no way to live.

I'm not in front.

I'm close behind.

But I'll catch up, just give me time.

I gotta go, go, go, go, go, you can't go fast if you go too slow

so go, go, go, go, go!

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Yes, at least from middle school onward. I am hypothyroid and gluten intolerant, though, so I think living so long with those undiagnosed didn't do me any favors.

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Nik, level 1 Dwarf. Warrior at heart, training with the Rangers

STR 2|DEX 0|STA 0|CON 12|WIS 0|CHA 1

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I pretty much was always chubby/stocky. Genetics kind of have me and my family built like tanks - so much so that when I was younger I was CONSTANTLY asked if I was on the (American) football team at school. Which was hysterical to me, since I really cannot stand sports for the most part (the ones I do enjoy are pretty much the martial ones that people rarely think of as a sport).

Honestly, I carry my weight well, which was one of my largest issues with getting around to losing weight in the first place. I weighed maybe 220/230 in high school, college it got to 240-250, grad school and unemployment had me floating around 260 (even with going to the gym frequently, though it was a very poorly planned work out, looking back on it. But even in college with workout buddies I never saw much change). But for the most part, people peg me at most as 220 (one exception was a wrestler who kinda needed to be able to size people up quick and accurate. To this day he's the only one who's guess my weight almost spot on). I'm currently around 245, and trying to get it lower. I work a desk/bench job, which has me sitting a lot, though I've been doing 7-8 hours of aikido a week for a few months now. Hopefully that, paired with the beginner's work out and watching what I eat a bit closer (I eat ridiculously healthy for a fat guy and have been told so by many, many coworkers), will help me get down to 220 or lower.

RisenPhoenix, the Entish Aikidoka

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Yep I was always overweight, even as a little baby. Which is strange, because my brother has always been skinny or normal weight. We ate the same things, played the same amount of backyard sports, were raised by the same parents (who were somewhat overweight), but I turned out the heavy kid in the neighborhood and he was one of the skinny ones. I dunno how that happens sometimes.

[sIGPIC]On the road of experience...[/sIGPIC]


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I was the right weight until about 21 (5'8 max 55kg), ok maybe that's a little on the skinny side. But I wasn't skinny, I was athletic. I danced competitively, I had a black belt in kav magra and did long distance cycling (also surfed and hiked). My body was attuned to my physical needs. Also my diet was mostly raw and high in protein-someone else was in charge of it. Diet changed when I moved out of the house and I stopped exercising, so 80+kg later, here I am fighting my way back down!

My brother on the other hand was the chubster, until he hit puberty. It all melted away. He is now 6'4ish, weighs about 80kg and that is the heaviest he has been. He will always be my chubby bunny though but hopefully one day he will stop calling me chunky monkey and ill go back to Bitty Beanpole (its a joke cos I'm the shortest of my siblings by about 2 inches)!

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I've always been big, and throughout my childhood I hated exercise. Well, in second grade I was always on the monkey bars, but then I got these huge blisters and was told to stop for a while, and I never really started again. I withdrew, turned inward, and spent most of my time reading and then writing. I hated to run; every time I started, my lungs would hurt. I tried to diet in high school, but I didn't really know how. If I didn't eat every 2-3 hours I would feel terrible and get a little crazy, so often it would be a fast/binge cycle that wasn't healthy.

I got to college and was determined to beat that terrible feeling I'd get when I didn't eat, so many days I wouldn't eat until lunch, I drank a bunch of smoothies, rode my bike everywhere, and I dropped down to 165. I was thin at that weight and felt pretty strong, but I couldn't sustain it. I gradually gained weight over the next 15 years until I was 250lbs. Now I'm 224 and losing, and I eat all day and am rarely hungry. In order to get to this point, before I was ready to come to nerdfitness, I had to come through HAES and learn that my body was worth taking care of at any size.

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I started University at 5'9" and 125 lbs. I was strong, from working on the farm growing up, but basically just a bag of bones. Started putting on weight during my undergrad, but it was okay, I was still fairly active and I actually looked better at about 140. But gaining weight didn't stop there, last 2 years of undergrad and during my Master's, I ballooned and maintained a high of 185 lbs until the last couple years. I started working out at home in 2011, but didn't have a program. Got sidelined by a couple of basketball injuries and was back up to 185 lbs before I knew it. Started again in Jan 2012, got sidelined by a basketball injury again, BAM! Back up to 185. Lurked NF for awhile, joined and started a specific program (for me) in November of this year. I'm down ~10 lbs, getting some of that farm girl strength back, and loving it.

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I was a veritable toothpick until college. I'd never exercised or watched what I ate (lots of junk food). My family was always trying to get me to put on weight because the doctors all said I was seriously underweight. I don't know what I did weigh, but I remember Mom constantly trying to get me to drink these giant chocolate and protein milkshakes.

then came college and the decision to try and go into the military. I started taking my health seriously and exercised religiously and ate healthy. I shot from something like 100 pounds to 130 in the course of a year. All would've been fine, but there was a decided lack of support. I was stalled in my martial arts training because I couldn't get the money together to go through the testing for my next belt and it was a bit painful to watch people who were not even half as dedicated as I was advancing through the ranks. Mom's physical health started to take a turn for the worse (she'd had serious health problems since I was born and she'd lived three times what the doctors had originally estimated) and what we didn't realize was that her mental health was degrading far faster than Dad or I realized.

Mom started accusing me of getting fat and that really hurt, a lot. I was doing poorly in school because of how much time Iw as taking off to help take care of her and nothing I did seemed to be good enough or anything. I became very depressed and pretty much retreated into reading and playing computer games whenever Iw asn't at school or taking care of Mom. I stopped eating for a week and lost 20 pounds. I probably would've kept that up except that I passed out int he middle of karate class and realized how stupid a move it was. I started eating like I had int he past and I dropped out of karate in a mixture of shame and frustration. My weight picked up to 130 and kept going.

I hit 150 and I felt fat and horrible. I flunked out of college and spent my time at home and Mom just kept getting worse. She ended up in the hospital for several months and finally her body gave up the fight. In the meantime I'd had my tonsils removed and I lose 10 pounds because the vicodin made me too queasy to eat. I've rather drifted in a limbo ever since trying to tie up the loose ends of the family finances since Mom died and trying to figure out what to do with my life. Here i am at 140 lbs and freshly determined to do something constructive with my life.

Space_Elf, Fallohide Hobbit Level 0. STR 0 | DEX 0 | STA 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0

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I was never fat until after high school and one semester of college.

I dropped out, worked sparingly, stayed active (playing rec league flag football, basketball and softball, plus playing basketball 5 or 6 times a week) but also drank 5 or 6 days a week, ate fast/fried food most meals and eventually stopped playing sports as often.

Then I joined the Army, lost about 35-40, kept it off until the last year I was in and slowly started putting it back on (and then some).

When I got out of the Army, I weighed around 210 pounds (September of last year). Since then, with less exercise and a worse diet, I have only put on 10-20 pounds in that time frame, but have lost plenty of muscle mass in the process.

Since I am a short guy (5'7") my 220-230 pounds sits on 3 places: my belly, my ass and my thighs. Hence the reason I tell people I'm not out of shape, it's just that my shape is round.

"Sweat more in peace, so you bleed less in war."

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