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The Comeback...

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So this is it, i dont want to dwell on the past so i will get straight to the point. I have had a very up and down life when it comes to depression (OCD & Aniexty) This was caused from being bullied throughout school and my Dad and a friend passing away. I have always tried my hardest to get back up when i get knocked down like we all have to in life, and every time i get knocked down i get back up stronger and faster. The heaviest i have ever been was about 294 lbs, this was through lack of self dicipline and anti depressents i was on at the time, i dabbled in bits of training over the years and stopped and started as alot of people do, but then after starting training and truly commiting myself at a boxing gym i lost all together 91 lbs in weight and at the same time gained strength. Stupidly last Christmas i lost my self dicipline again, i had a bad sparring experience at the gym where one of the members was a bully who pummeled begginers like me. I took it month after month until i had enough and tried to hurt him back, if you keep poking a lion in its cage it will break the cage down and wreck havoc. Since then i have put on around 42 lbs and feel like hell. Its time to finaly put an end to feeling like this only this time i will keep the weight off and get even slimmer, stronger and faster. I came across this web site and i have to say it is awesome! I am a massive nerd in all aspects haha, and i will get my Superman body! I will be enjoying my last Christmas as the person i am now, and then on the 2nd of January my jourey begins, i will be following the paleo diet, and will be training 5 Days a week, three being bodyweight training and two being long distance running. Before pictures will be posted and i will be posting more as i progress. Sorry for the essay and i cant wait to get to know you all. Jon :-)

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Thankyou for the reply it means alot, when you put it like that it does make sense. Especialy when im going to aproach it like Steve does in regards to 80% Paleo and one day off (That doesn't mean i will go over the top on my day off) What makes me so angry with myself Athena is i was almost there! I was pretty much fight fit and would have been competing now but i gave up on myself and lost all my self dicipline, now its time to get it back. The Paleo diet sounds extremely tough to adjust to, but i will stick at it and keep the will power there.

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Jon86, don't let the fact that you've slid back, even the fact that you've seriously slid back, overcome you. Too bad you didn't stop sliding sooner, but you did stop. That's the important thing. Sieze today and start eating like the person you are deserves to be fed - real food, not junk. A lot of us in the adventurers have commited to walking a mile every morning; jump in with us and don't look back. Welcome and see you for the next challenge!

The hardest part of the workout is lacing up your shoes'"

1011 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Current Challenge |

INTJ | MFP | FitBit

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Welcome to the rebellion Jon. Athena, Metal-Weaver and Laureleye represent why this is such an awesome place, the convergence of nerdiness brings out encouragement and really great ideas. Glad to have you aboard. I'm with you on three strength days and two run days, that's what I'm doing as well and it works pretty well for me. Stick with it and you will amaze yourself.

Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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Just thought i would give you all an update on how im doing, i have been following the paleo way of eating and i have to say it is tough but i am seeing it through. I love how i dont have to count calories or measure my food etc. I am training pretty intense too, maybe not as extreme as i was when i was training towards fighting as a boxer, but it is extreme enough to the point i feel like being sick and can feel my muscles ripping ready for my good protein foods to repair them. I have created my own body weight workout where i start off with 9 minutes boxing heavy bag work to warmup, then i go through an eight exercise bodyweight circuit covering my whole body. I perform 3 sets of it with 10 reps on each exercise. Im doing this Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays for the first two weeks, then im introducing my running again on Tuesdays and Thursdays where i know i will start to see even better results. My starting weight was 250lbs, my goal weight is 192lbs. When i boxed i got down to 203 lbs from 294lb, i know i can do this! Thankyou for the support fellow Nerds :D

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Hey Athena thanks for the support, i have just been reading through the 6 week challenge and it looks awesome! Think i might have to join in :D Cant wait to wear nice clothes again, thats what i keep thinking of when i feel like giving up half way through a workout, thats what keeps me moving forward!

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Glad to hear you're still around, and going strong! :D


It's a great time to jump in on one of the 6 week challenges, if you'd like the online accountability/support!

Hey Athena i hope your well :-) Could you explain a couple of things to me please... Do i have to join a team and is a team the same as a guild? Also how do i join a team/guild? Im going for the Assasin as im doing alot of bodyweight training and running :-)

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Hi Jon, and welcome. I can relate...battled depression for many years, I myself once had my best friend in HS die suddenly (of a congenital heart defect that he didn't know he had, the day after one of my grandparents died...that was a fun week...) and though my father is still alive, I haven't spoken to him since 2000, so he might as well be dead to me. (He brought it on himself; I had to break away from him for the sake of my mental health.)


It sounds like you know what you're doing, so go get it! As someone who just hit a weight room for the first time in his life about eight hours ago, I want to hear about you sparring with sides of beef. :)

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Accountability teams are just for fun and extra support in a small group (usually a cap of 6, I think). Teams are different from guilds. Guilds are just a division for the 6 week challenge, to help you focus on your goals in a group of likeminded rebels. Your guild choice is based on your preferred style of fitness, and there's no admission process, you just pick a guild, and start a thread in that guild, introducing yourself and stating your goals.


FAQ for you: http://nerdfitnessrebellion.com/index.php?/page/index.html/_/challenges/6-week-challenge-rules-r15

Thanks for explaining Athena, will be posting an update on today in a bit so check it out. Hope your doing good on day 1 :D

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Hi Jon, and welcome. I can relate...battled depression for many years, I myself once had my best friend in HS die suddenly (of a congenital heart defect that he didn't know he had, the day after one of my grandparents died...that was a fun week...) and though my father is still alive, I haven't spoken to him since 2000, so he might as well be dead to me. (He brought it on himself; I had to break away from him for the sake of my mental health.)


It sounds like you know what you're doing, so go get it! As someone who just hit a weight room for the first time in his life about eight hours ago, I want to hear about you sparring with sides of beef. :) Heyy Gunner how you doin buddy? Thankyou for the reply it means alot and its nice to hear from people from the same walks of life etc. My mental health is thankfully under good controll now, it has been a tough ride and there is no cure but i can finally live happily. The one thing i need to get back is my fitness, i miss wearing nice clothes and feeling confident when walking down the road. I will experience this again through hard work and determination. I have done it before and i will do it again, except this time round i will go further and the whole distance. By this point you should be having a few aches from last nights workout in the weights room? Get the protein in you and keep moving forward! You can do it! As for doing bag work on a side of beef, i havnt done it yet. But i will haha!! Maybe that can be one of my next challenge goals!

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