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Hello my name is Ross . I'm 23, 5'9, and I am 325 lbs.

I am a youth minister and a full time college student. I've always been overweight since I was a kid and honestly I've never had a problem with it. That was until just a few months ago and I got engaged. I'm getting married in 10 months and I want to live long enough to see my grand-kids. So I am determined to not just lose weight but become healthy.

I have cut out all sodas and sweat tea. It's water only for me! I'm waiting till after the new year to completely switch my diet to paleo.

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I have cut out all sodas and sweat tea. It's water only for me! I'm waiting till after the new year to completely switch my diet to paleo.

Hello Ross. I hope you meant sweet tea - a cup of sweat doesn't sound very appealing!

Switching completely to paleo in one go is a bold move, and if you pull it off it will have a huge and noticeable impact very quickly. But it may be hard work. So two suggestions for you:

1. Eat the elephant one bite at a time. Cut out bad foods and replace with good foods, but not all at once - it's much easier to change gradually than all at once.

2. Don't beat yourself up over slips. If you have a bad day and find yourself munching on something sinful, that's not an excuse to quit! Accept it and start again.

Oh, and if you don't quite manage it - if, say, you only make it to an 80% paleo diet - that is NOT a failure. That's 80% of a massive win.

You go for it!

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Ross I hope you have found a home here... This group will support you with everything!

I agree with Artinum on the Paleo thought... I would research both Primal and Paleo and start slow... I jumped in head first and struggled mightily with temptations and slipped quite a few times... I took a step back and started back a few items at a time and now I am full paleo and loving it!

Your motivation is a great one... Mine was similar... I had a son that changed my life... my wife and i promised ourselves that we would be around for his kids to meet us and we made some changes and got active... I have lost over 40 lbs since that day and am closing in on my final goal...

Never keep that thought out of your mind and you will achieve your goals!!

Now get to work!! Buy some books and do your research!!!

I would also suggest some nice running shoes... I have a feeling you will be walking/running a lot in the near future.

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Hi Ross, like you I'm planning to switch to Paleo at the start of the year. I think you've gotten to a great start by doing some little things first. I know my boyfriend and I are feeling much more confident about the decision since we've been cooking a Paleo meal once a day without the pressure of being full Paleo. It's also helped us start to get to know the resources in our area and what fits with our budget (grad student here, boyfriend is in sales). It isn't much, but as I said, it's been helpful. If you need some buddies who will be going through the same temptations and potential slip-ups, let me know. I know we're trying to find accountability wherever we can since we can only hold each other accountable at home.

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