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Hm. Right. YOu have one of these. 


I need to harass you more. I miss it. 

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RisenPhoenix, the Entish Aikidoka

Challenge: RisenPhoenix Turns to Ash


"The essence of koryu [...is] you offer your loyalty to something that you choose to regard as greater than yourself so that you will, someday, be able to offer service to something that truly is transcendent." ~ Ellis Amdur, Old School

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That sort of thing is scary.  It's good that you did make an appt and are getting it checked out.  I asked about caffeine because someone I know consumed so much caffeine regularly that he did give himself a minor heart attack and just needed to give it up.  


Glad you're enjoying Danmachi :-)

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Behave yourself, badly if necessary.

Current Challenge

Judo - Shodan

My Character

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On 3/1/2018 at 6:14 PM, RisenPhoenix said:

Hm. Right. YOu have one of these. 


I need to harass you more. I miss it. 


Well, that was the idea. Why keep setting up different places to do this when I can just give y'all a one stop shop for all your Kishi-harassing needs?


22 hours ago, Teirin said:

That sort of thing is scary.  It's good that you did make an appt and are getting it checked out.  I asked about caffeine because someone I know consumed so much caffeine regularly that he did give himself a minor heart attack and just needed to give it up. 


Yeah. I've seen lately that The Research seems to suggest cycling on and off of caffeine - so, generally two months on, one week off - so as to keep the effects fresh. And if this information is anything to go on, dosing myself as hard as I have been may not be the best idea in the long run anyway. So perhaps the whole thing can be mitigated and managed, and if it's just caffeine doing weird things then I can put a hard stop to that.


22 hours ago, Teirin said:

Glad you're enjoying Danmachi :-)


Indeed! Thanks for the rec.




Welp! I turn 32 today. It is a good day to be older. :D


But let's catch it up, shall we?


Thursday marked the beginning of another deload. Got to the gym early, got ready to go, but all the racks were in use and I didn't feel comfortable asking for the 2.5s for some reason to get my front squat weight up to a 100. So, I just did more sets of five until my form started to grind and that was that.


High pulls are going well enough that I'm comfortable moving forward with them in terms of adding overall reps. The hollow body tuck hold, on the other hand, probably needs to be kept where it is for a while. The reason I say that is that while I can do this at the demonstrated pace, I'm kind of shaky toward the end of it, and there are a couple details in the form where I tend to slip. But I don't mind. If anything, I'm glad that I'm aware that I need to work on this as opposed to powering through.


Karate didn't happen, though. There was an accident on the main road outside of K-sensei's neighborhood, and it was bad enough that they couldn't break through the traffic. So, I decided to go practice on the bag instead. Except that the bag was being used by one of those classes (groan), so I spent a while watching media on my phone whilst walking on the treadmill. Good times. And I did get on the bag after everyone was gone and done, so that was cool.


I took Friday off, because you have to use your leave or else you lose it. So I spent it doing... not terribly much. :D I got another box of books managed, and I'll be dropping that off at the library today. Otherwise, did S&S with the 70, and figured out that part of what was aggravating my elbow was warming up with too heavy a weight. So I've gone back to using Mary-bell, the 8 kg therapy KB, and I'm feeling a lot better as a result.


Kali afterward was an easy flow-based class. We've been focusing on dealing with attackers coming in at various angles. It suddenly made all the little details make sense, and I learned a new way to think about the work. It's not just that you guide people to your blade - there's also an element of receiving as well, which I kind of knew? But it was way more apparent to me this time.


So that was that.


Saturday, so far, has involved breakfast with my family at a good breakfast spot run by country hippies. It's amazing, and located in town to boot. Switched back on to caffeinated coffee, but nothing too strong. Just the regular stuff. I've been sitting listening to my heart and so far it doesn't feel like it's beating out of time or anything like that. So, I'm hopeful. I took my measurements beforehand, and I'm down a lb, but the measurements have stayed the same. Once upon a time I would have thought I lost a pound of muscle, but realistically, I'm taking measurements only at my waist, and whatever fat loss I'm experiencing right now, it'll come there last. Also, it's not like I'm weaker on my lifts or anything.


The rest of the day should be handstand practice, side lever practice, loaded work, bagwork. I'll be picking up a box fan today too for some added white noise in my room. K-sensei's offered some additional weekend training as well, which I might take him up on for funsies.


Aaaaand... yeah. That's the game so far.

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On ‎3‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 1:12 AM, Teirin said:

Happy Birthday Kishi!!!!!!  I hope it was a great day!




21 hours ago, Machete said:



2 hours ago, Urgan said:



Thanks, guys. :)




Saturday turned out pretty great. I got to see my folks, like I said. Training with K-sensei didn't happen as he got roped into doing judo and pretty much had the brains squished out of him. His words, not mine. He did invite me out to do it, but it would have been the time I was with my folks, and I didn't take the call initially, and when we got in touch later it was too late.


So it wound up being a normal day of training, but no harm for that. Forearm stands went up almost without a hitch, but the hitch means I have to stay here for a while. Which is okay. Just gives my wrists longer to get better, although speaking of those they're doing better too. Side lever work is at the Russian Twist stage, and the work was easy, so one more step and I'll be cleared to advance.


Trap Bar Farmer's walks were altered for fat-loss purposes to longer carries with shorter rest periods. Grip gave out in the end, though, so I'll stay at the present dosage for a while to see how that evens out.


Spent time on the bag after, and then did a ruck on the treadmill for 30 minutes. Got my heart rate about to the point where it was when running was a thing I did more. And with less impact. Woot!


Afterward, I went home, ate a pot's worth of good food and a sleeve of Thin Mints. And some Halo Top. Spent the night watching a playthrough of StarCraft, because I find the universe fascinating but don't really have much time to dig into playing or getting good at RTSs.


Sunday, had to get up and get out early for a boardgame day. Session wasn't bad - deadlift is now at 200 lbs, and given that I'm doing my lifts in clusters, I reckon that my pure strength is probably a fair bit higher. Not that I'm rushing to find out. Push ups are kind of stalled where they are right now, but again, no rush. They just don't feel smooth right now, and I really want to dig into articulating that hollow body.


Sprints didn't really happen. I went out and did one round and my left foot started hurting. I thought it'd be stupid to try to push through, so I packed it in and walked away. Tuck ups after were okay, but I'm going to keep them here for a while to iron out some kinks in form.


Boardgames afterward were fun. We spent a lot of time playing Tokaido, a boardgame based on the pilgrimage from Kyoto to Edo. It's an insane amount of fun - very simple to play, but very difficult to master. I didn't win a single time, but I had a blast playing it. Of course, more junk food.


Today will be a quiet one. I'm presently fasting again, skipping breakfast and lunch, just because I feel like it and so far the spacing and timing of food has mitigated the hangries I associate with this kind of pattern. So far, no negative feelings. Had one cup of caffeinated coffee at breakfast time and just had a cup of decaf for lunch. So far, all's well.

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23 hours ago, ladylydia said:

Happy Belated Birthday!!   :applause:


21 hours ago, Mistr said:

Happy Birthday!



Glad to hear that you did a bunch of fun things to celebrate.


Aw, thank you both! Also, that is the best cake. :)




Monday was quiet. Game went late, but it was worth it - we're getting into some new stuff that the DM hasn't shown to people before, although it may be a character that some of the players are familiar with. Not sure. It was fun.


And thanks to the Instant Pot, I was able to get my batch cooking done for the week and everything. I even managed to get my stretch time in, which I thought was pretty great. Just got shorted on sleep, but that's not unusual and it's not a pathology yet. As long as I stay mindful of lessons learned, I should be good and should be able to get down on time tonight.


Speaking of, tonight should be S&S, straddle planche work, and karate. Fun times.

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Tuesday was another relatively quiet day, honestly. The training habit is pretty well in place, and there's something to be said for practicing the same things over and over and getting good at those. I played with the 32, and it went well. Straddle Planche work was okay afterward, but I think I'm probably going to keep it at this level for the next cycle. I'm fairly sure that S&S is interfering with the development, but even so it's still not as good as it could be. Right now I'm at 4x12 of Hollow Scap Push Ups, and I can do them at cadence and with good form, but I'm shaky in the later sets and I'd really rather be smooth.


Could also be the nutrition playing havoc with it too, although before anyone asks, I still feel clearheaded and functional, and not like I need to lean on caffeine to have a general compassion for life.


I hit up Karate afterward, and it was a good class with an okay spar at the end. Nothing too terribly noteworthy, beyond that K-sensei wants to pick up a gi for me. Which means I need to get my cleaning done at the apartment so I can find my damn belt again. Hah.


I tried to get down in time for good sleep, but I couldn't manage it. Somehow things just didn't work out. I made room in my macros for some Bone Tea, that old preparation of beef gelatin, stevia, and heavy cream, which is something of a comfort food of mine (which, wow, never thought I'd live to say that), but I didn't think to prepare it alongside dinner. And the reason for that is that I bought a water filtration system, because I don't like the way the water tastes or smells when it comes out of the taps. The good news is, the filters work, and it tastes now like it came out of a fridge - no smell, good clean taste. The bad news is, it took time, and time was at a premium after class, and... yeah. So I got shorted on sleep again.


Fah, but that's annoying. But it was a risk that I chose to take, and ultimately it shouldn't be pathological going forward.


I'm telling myself I should judo tonight and I've got the gi in the car, so I can't trick myself into skipping. Still tired, but if I wait for things to be perfect, I'll never go at all. Judo and push ups tonight.

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15 minutes ago, Kishi said:

I'm telling myself I should judo tonight and I've got the gi in the car, so I can't trick myself into skipping. Still tired, but if I wait for things to be perfect, I'll never go at all. Judo and push ups tonight.

You'll feel better during and after judo vs having not done it at all. 

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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4 minutes ago, Kishi said:


Exactly. Worst case, I just wind up getting lots of practice falling and getting back up.


And that's like, half the battle! Lol. 

  • Haha 1

Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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Aaaaaaand in further developments, it looks like K-sensei wants to take a trip up to NYC (where the home dojo is) the weekend of April 13-14.


I suspect a test, but I'm not entirely certain. I think if I were going to be tested that he would tell me so. He did so last time too. OTOH, he said that the last time I tested that the next time I did, it would be with brown belts, and I don't think there are a lot of Shotokan brown belts down here who meet his standards.


Well, regardless, it means I have a month to really polish my Karate up to make it shine. Hoo boy.

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7 hours ago, Kishi said:

I tried to get down in time for good sleep, but I couldn't manage it. Somehow things just didn't work out. I made room in my macros for some Bone Tea, that old preparation of beef gelatin, stevia, and heavy cream, which is something of a comfort food of mine (which, wow, never thought I'd live to say that), but I didn't think to prepare it alongside dinner. And the reason for that is that I bought a water filtration system, because I don't like the way the water tastes or smells when it comes out of the taps. The good news is, the filters work, and it tastes now like it came out of a fridge - no smell, good clean taste. The bad news is, it took time, and time was at a premium after class, and... yeah. So I got shorted on sleep again.


Fah, but that's annoying. But it was a risk that I chose to take, and ultimately it shouldn't be pathological going forward.


Oh, yes. This is the story of my life. All the time spent in pursuit of living better getting in the way of living better. :D 

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Level 80  Viking paladin

My current challenge  Battle log 

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Sleep is for the weak!


...don't mind me as I go sleep for about 14 hours now.

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RisenPhoenix, the Entish Aikidoka

Challenge: RisenPhoenix Turns to Ash


"The essence of koryu [...is] you offer your loyalty to something that you choose to regard as greater than yourself so that you will, someday, be able to offer service to something that truly is transcendent." ~ Ellis Amdur, Old School

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22 hours ago, Urgan said:











3 hours ago, RisenPhoenix said:

Sleep is for the weak!


...don't mind me as I go sleep for about 14 hours now.


I mean, if you want a challenge, I can just bomb your phone with notifications. I really don't mind...




So, hey there guys! I am posting from the other side of the MD appointment. Results to follow, but first, a recap:


I tested the new push up max and broke into the 30s on a single set. It was hard, though. I suspect that might be an effect of going low carb - busting out a long single AMRAP set is an explosive thing to do, and I think I might have been a bit depleted going in, which I would be. But on the other hand, more reps is more reps. I'll take 'em.


Judo afterward was educational. Did some newaza, then ended up playing training dummy for a brown belt. We played around with tournament rules and while I got gotten a lot, I managed to solid throw him at one point - perfect execution, ippon and all. All the other higher-belted folk were all O.O. That was pretty great. :D


Today, I've gone to the doctor's, and... well, they don't really know what the hell's going on. Like I thought. :D I got hooked up to an EKG and my pulse taken, and I apparently have a RHR of 58 BPM. (broke into sub-60 without having to go for a run. Hell yeah!). So the official working diagnosis is exercise-induced sinus bradycardia. They couldn't find anything else. They took some blood for a CMP to check my thyroid and all that, which I suspect is kind of a nonsense catchall kind of thing because I haven't bloodwork done in years and they wanna see what's up. But I'm on to see 'em again in a couple of weeks to go over the results. I'm guessing my HDL and LDL will be higher than they'd like, but that's normal on a Paleo/Primal eating plan and a CMP isn't going to get into the percentages of good LDL and bad LDL anyway.


But yeah. No surprises. It's like being told that Senpai noticed you, though. It's nice to have someone in the medical profession tell you that you're doing well.


Anyway, I've been told to go back if something happens so that I can get set up with a Holter monitor, but in the meantime, it's the beginning of the next weightlifting cycle. Elbow's feeling fine. So, front squats, high pulls, front lever work. Some kind of PT for the chest. And Karate to follow.

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3 minutes ago, Kishi said:

I tested the new push up max and broke into the 30s on a single set. It was hard, though. I suspect that might be an effect of going low carb - busting out a long single AMRAP set is an explosive thing to do, and I think I might have been a bit depleted going in, which I would be. But on the other hand, more reps is more reps. I'll take 'em.


PRs are like that. But yeah just now entering Low Carb Life likely won't aid the process too much. Your body needs to adjust to the new diet a bit.


5 minutes ago, Kishi said:

Judo afterward was educational. Did some newaza, then ended up playing training dummy for a brown belt. We played around with tournament rules and while I got gotten a lot, I managed to solid throw him at one point - perfect execution, ippon and all. All the other higher-belted folk were all O.O. That was pretty great. :D


Also. You did the thing.


5 minutes ago, Kishi said:

Today, I've gone to the doctor's, and... well, they don't really know what the hell's going on. Like I thought. :D I got hooked up to an EKG and my pulse taken, and I apparently have a RHR of 58 BPM. (broke into sub-60 without having to go for a run. Hell yeah!). So the official working diagnosis is exercise-induced sinus bradycardia. They couldn't find anything else. They took some blood for a CMP to check my thyroid and all that, which I suspect is kind of a nonsense catchall kind of thing because I haven't bloodwork done in years and they wanna see what's up. But I'm on to see 'em again in a couple of weeks to go over the results. I'm guessing my HDL and LDL will be higher than they'd like, but that's normal on a Paleo/Primal eating plan and a CMP isn't going to get into the percentages of good LDL and bad LDL anyway.


But yeah. No surprises. It's like being told that Senpai noticed you, though. It's nice to have someone in the medical profession tell you that you're doing well.


So...you're gonna die. Eventually. I definitely think whatever worry you have should be well eased by this. If we can keep you from killing yourself by way of wild simultaneous swings of training and diet, I think you're gonna live as long as genetics will allow lol. 

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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19 hours ago, Urgan said:

PRs are like that. But yeah just now entering Low Carb Life likely won't aid the process too much. Your body needs to adjust to the new diet a bit.


Yup. I mean, all the training I do that isn't martial arts has a definite power component, and even the martial arts have explosive elements as well. Guh. This could be a long couple months.


19 hours ago, Urgan said:

Also. You did the thing.


10 hours ago, Teirin said:

Congrats on the extra awesome throw on a senior belt!


Yup! Thing doage occurred. And I couldn't have got that throw if I hadn't showed up. But yeah, it was one of those awesome, committed things where you throw so hard that you throw yourself; his back got to the mat first, though. :D


19 hours ago, Urgan said:

So...you're gonna die. Eventually. I definitely think whatever worry you have should be well eased by this. If we can keep you from killing yourself by way of wild simultaneous swings of training and diet, I think you're gonna live as long as genetics will allow lol.


Yes, very much so. Really made the day good to no longer have that on my shoulders. Now I just need to settle down on my training and figure out how to balance progress versus joint/tendon health.


10 hours ago, Teirin said:

Glad you went and got everything checked out.  58 BPM RHR is nice!  Good work on both :-)


Thanks! Just glad I could. This whole having an adult job thing is really great. :)




So! Thursday wound up being a good day. Like I said, got the medical check done and that was good news. So to celebrate, I tried to kill myself in the gym. :D


Warmed Up


Front Squat








Volume = 6,740 lbs.


High Pulls: 3x6

Integrated Mobility: Done.


Hollow Body Tuck Hold: 4x36s

Integrated Mobility: Done.


Incline DB Bench Press: 1x18x22.5


Felt good. I was kind of worried about dropping off on the front squats, but apparently even with the sense of reduced power I still managed more volume versus week 1 of the last cycle. Glad I've been logging this.


I'm kind of torn on the high pulls because on the one hand, more reps is good for increasing bloodlfow and promoting healing, and on the other hand they're bad because they can aggravate the problem. Left elbow was a little twingy during and after, and though it feels good now, I'm kind of wondering if it might be better to just up that on a cycle-by-cycle basis as opposed to the traditional program of "boost when it feels easy." One, because I have a broken sense of what's easy and what's not, and two, because a lot of what I do involves working with people who frankly don't give a rip about the health of my connective tissues.


The issue then, of course, being patient and disciplined with the approach, but that's traditionally a problem in most calisthenic pursuits anyway. And it's not like I'm doing this because I want to just get stronger and look good getting there; I'm doing it for what it can do for me outside of the gym, and an excruciatingly patient approach may just be the ticket.


Hollow Body Tuck Holds went way better. It's an opportunity to learn how to breathe behind a braced core, and I felt way more solid overall.


Finished up with enough time to go for a walk for recovery afterward, and then Karate. Karate went well - had some effective sparring and managed to incorporate some judo into it rather nicely. Also finished it well, but my God I was dragging. To be clear, I kept up, and nobody noticed, but it took a lot more effort than it has before to make that happen. My rice afterward was super tasty. :)


Got more details on the trip to NYC and it doesn't sound like it's going to be a testing situation. It's going to be me, K-Sensei, and a third martial brother of ours, taking a trip up there and seeing the sights. K-sensei definitely wants me to be up there to see the home dojo, but he's not said a word about testing. He said that we'll go to train with them, but that it's going to be a more traditional setting and that it'll just be about seeing what I see and taking what I can get.


He could be lying, or playing close to the vest, but that doesn't seem likely.


Anyway, I'm supposed to have Kali and S&S tonight, but my Consumptive Friend has been rumbling at me to go see movies again, and this time I'm actually interested. I don't know if it's going to work out to being tonight or what, but I ran measurements just to be on the safe side and while my weight's stayed about the same, my waist has shrunk to about 35" flat. This is consistent with the feeling that a lot of my clothes are sitting looser on me lately. Body fat percentage is calculated to 16.7%, but I'm willing to admit that there's a possible error of 3-4% upward. I suppose it might not be a bad idea to compare my number to the NF guidelines and see how they stack up.


Still! I feel good. Progress is progress.

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5 minutes ago, Kishi said:

Yes, very much so. Really made the day good to no longer have that on my shoulders. Now I just need to settle down on my training and figure out how to balance progress versus joint/tendon health.


6 minutes ago, Kishi said:

I'm kind of torn on the high pulls because on the one hand, more reps is good for increasing bloodlfow and promoting healing, and on the other hand they're bad because they can aggravate the problem. Left elbow was a little twingy during and after, and though it feels good now, I'm kind of wondering if it might be better to just up that on a cycle-by-cycle basis as opposed to the traditional program of "boost when it feels easy." One, because I have a broken sense of what's easy and what's not, and two, because a lot of what I do involves working with people who frankly don't give a rip about the health of my connective tissues.


The issue then, of course, being patient and disciplined with the approach, but that's traditionally a problem in most calisthenic pursuits anyway. And it's not like I'm doing this because I want to just get stronger and look good getting there; I'm doing it for what it can do for me outside of the gym, and an excruciatingly patient approach may just be the ticket.


Enormous volume (really high reps, specifically) even at low weight can be a source of stress to the joints. I do not suggest not moving the joint at all or even changing the exercises you are using right now. You might consider taking a few reps off and keeping the volume similar by adding sets. Keep the weight, see how that feels vs current programming. If you're doing AMRAP, cut it off before failure or extreme fatigue. Find a safe range, then expand it again bit by bit. That way you can rediscover what easy/manageable is.


Let me just say that having people not see the value in you remaining in one piece is a problem. Full stop. It's not even in their own best interests, come to that. 

15 minutes ago, Kishi said:

Anyway, I'm supposed to have Kali and S&S tonight, but my Consumptive Friend has been rumbling at me to go see movies again, and this time I'm actually interested. I don't know if it's going to work out to being tonight or what, but I ran measurements just to be on the safe side and while my weight's stayed about the same, my waist has shrunk to about 35" flat. This is consistent with the feeling that a lot of my clothes are sitting looser on me lately. Body fat percentage is calculated to 16.7%, but I'm willing to admit that there's a possible error of 3-4% upward. I suppose it might not be a bad idea to compare my number to the NF guidelines and see how they stack up.


Steady as she goes.

Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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20 minutes ago, Urgan said:

Enormous volume (really high reps, specifically) even at low weight can be a source of stress to the joints. I do not suggest not moving the joint at all or even changing the exercises you are using right now. You might consider taking a few reps off and keeping the volume similar by adding sets. Keep the weight, see how that feels vs current programming. If you're doing AMRAP, cut it off before failure or extreme fatigue. Find a safe range, then expand it again bit by bit. That way you can rediscover what easy/manageable is.


Well, so the way that GB's programming works, you essentially hit a variation of a movement and then have a series of 9 setxrep progressions before moving on to the next. It's specifically geared toward small steps rather than big jumps or AMRAPs, as the coaching philosophy ties strength to mobility and tendon/ligament strength. Last step was 5x3 for a total volume of 15 reps. Now it's 3x6 for a total volume of 18 reps - not exactly a big jump; and it seems to me that there could be a percentage in just practicing here for the next month and letting the body adapt.


I don't think the programmed volume is necessarily bad, but I do think it could be bad for me to try to progress faster than I'm ready for.


29 minutes ago, Urgan said:

Let me just say that having people not see the value in you remaining in one piece is a problem. Full stop. It's not even in their own best interests, come to that.


Well, in fairness to them, they're all more broken or in worse shape than I am. The dojo is primarily heavyweights, with one or two lightweights and me as the sole middleweight. J-Sensei has specifically instructed me in the past not to throw people "Because that's a lot of them to throw and get back up." And it's not like we go with ego - when we roll, we don't crank, and there's not a lot of pride-rolling where someone gets the lock and the other tries to fight out.


It's just that, well, I do take a lot of the falls proportionately to everyone else when I go, and it's not like everyone's throwing with perfect technique. They don't mean to go for that stuff, it just kind of happens. It's not an attitudinal thing, it's an attritional thing.

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