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43 minutes ago, Kishi said:

I'm going to assume that you're angry for me rather than at me and say that I appreciate that.


Of course the former. I do hope little to none of this pressure is external, but even if it's 100% internal that doesn't make it consequence-free in terms of trying to find balance. 

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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17 hours ago, Urgan said:


Of course the former. I do hope little to none of this pressure is external, but even if it's 100% internal that doesn't make it consequence-free in terms of trying to find balance. 






So, yesterday, I was really productive. I avoided YouTube and Facebook beyond a couple little things and mostly just focused on getting done what I needed to get done.


I got through S&S with the 8 pretty well. Got dinner in the pot, hit up the dojo. Karate was a kicking night. It went very well. I'd been shadowboxing for a few minutes the previous two nights and... I dunno, but something just clicked back into place. I remembered how to be a controlled aggressor, and it was like everything that hadn't been working in the past month reset itself. Did well enough that the young'n who's been giving me grief had to be coached around me. Then me and K-sensei went and we pretty much brawled to the point that I was gassed out. It was pretty great.


Came home afterward and shadowboxed for a few minutes before eating dinner and going to bed.


So. Good night last night.


Tonight, single leg work and judo on the docket.


In life news, I'm getting my resume updated; I'll be sending it to a friend who might be in a position to help me get work somewhere else. Feels weird to have an actual Adult Job to put on there that isn't retail or food service. Oh, and family game has been moved to Saturday on account of bro's other game changing times on him.

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Plan was single leg work and judo, but that didn't come off according to plan at all. Had to stay late at work taking care of some cases, and then got pulled into a fight about the merits of a particular journalist's reporting. The leg work was brief and effective, but even with it being brief, by the time I was done I would have got to judo with half the class gone, so I decided to skip. In my defense, though, in brawling with K-sensei I managed to get a few tosses in; it was more randori than I've got in Judo... really ever since I started training here.


Assisted Squats: 1x21

Integrated Mobility: DONE


Full Squats: 1x15

Integrated Mobility: DONE


Elevated Deck Squats: 1x9

Integrated Mobility: DONE


Cossack Squats: 3x4

Integrated Mobility: DONE

  • It's curious to me that the deck squats are getting better even with the reduced practice. Legs wind up closer, balance is better, etc. It's not as good as doing them again, but on the whole I think this is good. I suspect that the Cossack squats are working a lot of the weaker areas in a more controlled way, and that these two are feeding into each other for me. This is a good.

Today's docket will be handstand work and Karate. I'm pretty stoked, as I seem to be on the cusp of progression, which is pretty great.


Ran my measurements today for curiosity's sake and, as usual, I've bounced up 10 lbs. I seem to hit this range between 178-187, which would be one thing if I was eating at maintenance, but I've been trying to cut for the past few months with no success. I'll be going back to maintenance after next week, just to give myself a break for a few months. Maybe a great thing will happen. Maybe even recomp. You don't know that it won't.


Oh, in other news, it looks like one of my other DnD crews is getting back together, and it looks like they want to get in on streaming things too. I think this one's going to be a lot of fun - a comic romp in which a dysfunctional family of adventurers stumbles their way into their classes and then proceeds to bumble their way through everything. I've already staked a claim as the gothic teenage son whose angsty poetry actually made contact with Eldritch powers ("Son I don't think these are even words" "THEY'RE THE WORDS OF MY SOUL, DAD, GOD"). I'll have to watch a lot of Kylo Ren videos to get into character.


But, uh, yeah. Life is good after the angst fest of a couple days ago. Body's composition frustrates me, but body's capacities do not, and life is better than I'm willing to give it credit for.

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On 8/20/2018 at 10:27 AM, Kishi said:

I got really analytical with myself afterward about what's going on, and I think that for me I've just got too many people clamoring for my time. All the teachers tell me, "You just need to practice 15 minutes a day," but if I practice everyone else's stuff for 15 minutes a day, that means I have to find another 45 minutes for practice on a daily basis, and that's with me being on the mats most days of the week. And possibly on Sundays now too, as one of the Kali students has been approached about setting up a boxing class in the dojo. Hah. I know his recommendations for extra practice already.


On 8/20/2018 at 3:43 PM, Kishi said:

I know, and K-sensei's even told me that, but in turn he said that extra practice should be done on "Off Days," and I don't really have but the one on Monday you know? It kind of comes back to the question of "On" versus "Off" time, because pure "Off" time is really difficult for me to come by.


Yes, I see the same problem all the time. "Just do 15 minutes of meditation/stretching/core exercise/gardening/cleaning/extra exercises for each martial art". Sorry, the time just does not add up. 

On 8/21/2018 at 10:48 AM, Urgan said:

Living your life = "excuse." Despite the very fact that doing so perpetuates the ability to do martial arts in a world where one is not a monk living on a mountain. 



This is exactly why monks live in seclusion on mountains. It is why young Japanese men were able to make progress so fast as live-in students. They did not have to worry about earning a living. That gave them 8-10 hours a day more than we have to practice martial arts.


On 8/21/2018 at 10:08 AM, Kishi said:

Anyway, karate and kettlebells on the docket. I think I'm going to split the difference on going heavier and wait until I complete another cycle of GB, which should be another couple weeks. That should be enough time to get my body used to moving like this again.


Good plan. Giving your body some time to adjust will help prevent injuries. As you well know.


On 8/21/2018 at 1:48 PM, Kishi said:

I just feel like I'm trusted to be better than I am. I want to be worthy of that. There's a limit to how much better I can get on the mats, so the only way I have to get better is on my own. The trade I have to make in terms of my time is whether or not I spend it on what I admit are ultimately petty things which, frankly, don't give me anything constructive and in fact waste a lot of my mental bandwidth.


You are already doing a LOT of work to get better outside of group classes. All that core and functional strength work, sprints, bag work and everything you do in the gym. You've mentioned plenty of times that your strength and endurance serve you well in martial arts, as well as in picking up heavy things for your friends. ;)


The real question is what kind of life you want to have. You are not currently on the path to be a professional martial artist. Which is wise, because that is a difficult and poorly rewarded career. So you are going to have a full-time job or a writing career and do martial arts on the side. As well as spend time with friends, have a place of your own that you keep clean enough for your own comfort and take some time to do other things you enjoy. Everyone will push you to do more of the activities they enjoy doing with you. Figuring out where to set your boundaries is a formidable challenge.

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Level 81  Viking paladin

My current challenge  Battle log 

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On ‎8‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 5:52 PM, Mistr said:

Yes, I see the same problem all the time. "Just do 15 minutes of meditation/stretching/core exercise/gardening/cleaning/extra exercises for each martial art". Sorry, the time just does not add up. 


Yup. I get to the end of the day and I'm like, "... dude, wtf?"


On ‎8‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 5:52 PM, Mistr said:

This is exactly why monks live in seclusion on mountains. It is why young Japanese men were able to make progress so fast as live-in students. They did not have to worry about earning a living. That gave them 8-10 hours a day more than we have to practice martial arts.


Yup. We are Monks in name only; our monastery has no walls.


On ‎8‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 5:52 PM, Mistr said:

Good plan. Giving your body some time to adjust will help prevent injuries. As you well know.


Well know and poorly practice. :D Still, the past few days seem to indicate that this was the right idea, as I will try to illustrate below.


On ‎8‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 5:52 PM, Mistr said:

You are already doing a LOT of work to get better outside of group classes. All that core and functional strength work, sprints, bag work and everything you do in the gym. You've mentioned plenty of times that your strength and endurance serve you well in martial arts, as well as in picking up heavy things for your friends. ;)


The real question is what kind of life you want to have. You are not currently on the path to be a professional martial artist. Which is wise, because that is a difficult and poorly rewarded career. So you are going to have a full-time job or a writing career and do martial arts on the side. As well as spend time with friends, have a place of your own that you keep clean enough for your own comfort and take some time to do other things you enjoy. Everyone will push you to do more of the activities they enjoy doing with you. Figuring out where to set your boundaries is a formidable challenge.


For sure. I think for us a lot of it comes down to technical stuff now as opposed to having the athletic base to do the thing. It's no longer about having the guts and the conditioning to stand up under pressure; it's about being able to execute well.




Hookay, let's catch this up.


Thursday's plan was headstands and karate. Both happened, but I didn't get back home in time to finish the set of headstands. I made it out to Karate, did well, came back, tried to finish out my sets on headstands and just couldn't find my balance point on that. So, I'm stuck there now.


Friday, I had a doctor's appt with a doctor who does Crossfit. It was a good appt. He really seemed to care about me and what I was up to, and he took his time to get to know me and my situation. Better than the PCP I have, that's for sure. I'm under orders now to get a physical done, and I reckon when I get my funds caught back up that'll be the next thing I do. Besides, I'm in my 30s and insured. It's probably time for me to get a new baseline established anyway.


Anyway, the appt went late enough that I decided to skip work and just do nothing. It was grand. I went out to do Kali after, which came off fine. Manong is doing the teaching, but I'm the one who's getting paid; this seems profoundly unright to me, but when I pointed it out to Manong he said not to worry about it. I don't get it, but the self-imposed pressure is on. Although, I still find myself learning new things even when he's training others, so, IDK.


Did upper body stuff after, and tanked on push ups. Think I'm going to drop CC's progressions from the program, since the GB progressions reputedly carry over to doing lots of push ups anyway. OTOH, though, picked up a cue for rowing work and was basically able to cut out any soreness I experienced doing my ground rows.


Saturday, went to D&D with my folks, as some in-game drama has split the party of my brother's game so that one subset goes in the morning and the other in the afternoon. Game went well, ate lots of food. After that was kali for a bit, then off to do more gaming with friends. We started a game of Munchkin with the idea of it being a starter, and 4 hours later we were done. I almost won it, but tripped at the finish line; this is pretty typical for me in games to the point that I consider it an honor to play well, and not a poor showing for being the second time I've played.


Sunday was core work. Tuck rocks rocked me hard; I seem to have hit 90 reps as a ceiling somewhere, and I think it's because I'm sacrificing some quality reps to make up in quantity. Not good, but better caught now than later. I think I'm going to have to find a way to progress this even slower than I was before, which won't be a problem. Everything else, however, went according to plan, and even better - I jogged a mile at the end and my hamstring didn't act up on me.


For the sake of transparency, with these connective tissue issues, I seem to get DOMS more than acute soreness. So, my elbow will be sore the next day, and my hamstring was sore today. But neither one seems to last and as I said, neither one is occurring in the moment anymore.


So, uh yeah. Deload week this week, and it'll be capped off with a Family Reunion in Iowa, meaning travel, meaning training obstacle. Annoying, but it can be worked around. I just don't know if I'll do anything or not.


But that problem takes a backseat to the immediate - I'm off caffeine to burn off that half life and today is draaaaaaaging.

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7 minutes ago, Kishi said:

Anyway, the appt went late enough that I decided to skip work and just do nothing. It was grand. I went out to do Kali after, which came off fine. Manong is doing the teaching, but I'm the one who's getting paid; this seems profoundly unright to me, but when I pointed it out to Manong he said not to worry about it. I don't get it, but the self-imposed pressure is on. Although, I still find myself learning new things even when he's training others, so, IDK.


Teacher be teaching you how to teach. Good to hear he's not chucking out out the door and telling you to have at it. Not that I assumed he would, it's just a Good Thing. Much like a well-earned rest day.

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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18 hours ago, Urgan said:


Teacher be teaching you how to teach. Good to hear he's not chucking out out the door and telling you to have at it. Not that I assumed he would, it's just a Good Thing. Much like a well-earned rest day.


Right, yeah. Come to think of it, that's exactly what it feels like.




Monday down. Monday was quiet. Normal DM-san was back. I got my resume updated and sent out to my contact-friend. I'll be blitzing that company the old-fashioned way, although the next step will be to get Google set up to notify me of jobs. Otherwise, though, it was actually pretty quiet. It was nice.


Today should be kettlebells and karate. Kind of debating whether or not to get a haircut for the reunion - I'm not shaggy, but I could probably stand a trim.

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Welp, Tuesday didn't go according to plan. I got stuck at work (again) and got out late (again) and barely had time to get back home and get food in the IP before donning gi and getting out to class (again).


Fortunately, 1) it's a deload week, and 2) even if it wasn't, everything I'm doing right now is building me toward GPP, so I can afford to lose some swing time.


Class was good, focused on kicking, still need to work on keeping my off hands in the proper places. I honestly wish I had more notes or a more dramatic way of putting it, but it's honestly just the same old same. Need to keep grinding down my problems one at a time.


Otherwise, I think I've become pretty undisciplined with how I use my time. Even accounting for the fact that I have a lot going on, there's stuff I need to do that I've been putting off, and I've been staying up late and coming into work late, which has left me leaving late. And my finances need to be tightened up some more too; I'm getting billed for ish I'm not using, and that doesn't make any sense to me.


On the plus side, though, I've been shadowboxing five minutes every day for the past week, and I've continued my writing, so that's good.


Also, friend kicked resume back to me for edits. As this is actually her specialty and what she does for a living, it seems like good form to take her advice. So, edit first, then resubmit, then blitz.


So, uh. Yeah. That's life right now. Leg work and judo tonight; we'll see how it goes, but everything's in place and ready.

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So, two guesses how the past two days went.


Leg work, but no judo on Wednesday. Work ran late, and even deloaded I still ran out of time to get there before the halfway mark.


Thursday almost didn't go according to plan but I managed to pull off my headstands and get to Karate. Class was good last night. We were too busted up to spar, so we worked on leg checks, blends, and counters. Also worked on trapping and throwing with the leg. Man. Landing from throws is hard when you're coming down from one leg.


It was a full class, though, and no trouble for that.


Anyway, all my plans are pretty much up in the air at this point. I thought I was going to skip class last night to work on laundry for the reunion, but then I texted my folks to see what was appropriate. And they were like, "Shorts and shirts," and I was like, "Score, I can go to class tonight," and then when class was over I checked and they said, "Well, maybe you should do a nice shirt with shorts." So now the plan is to skip out early, except I don't know if I can, because the possibility of OT was raised for next week and I need to figure out whether I'm going to get to take an extra day out of my leave or if I'm going to make that worthwhile and not.


Lack of interest in my goals, indeed.


So, at present, goal is to leave early, get my hair cut and laundry did and my car cleaned out and some training done, and then home to try to sleep some before getting up at 0500 for an early flight out to Dallas. I suppose we'll see what gives, depending on what work does to yank me around.

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On ‎9‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 12:38 PM, Urgan said:

We often have to fly to Atlanta before going west from there. Travel by plane is weird. 


A-men to that.


On ‎9‎/‎3‎/‎2018 at 12:58 PM, ReturnOfTheDad said:


Relatable, tried to lower the coffee prior to baby arrival....didn’t go well:


Just now getting caught up on your thread. Safe travels! 


Yeah, no, it's exactly like that. That's why I only quit once every two months for a week or so. Get the residual caffeine out of my system, and then when I come back, whooooooo




My oh my, what a few days it's been since last I had a keyboard in front of me. Let's see if I can cover the broad strokes of it.


Friday, I got my haircut and did deloaded GST for the upper body. It worked out. Got my laundry done and got home to a late dinner with my Dad. This time, he managed to hook up an independent A/C unit for the guest room and made it cold enough for me to comfy, and I was actually able to sleep for a bit, which sounds kind of derogatory but isn't because it's so much more time than I had before.


Got up early Saturday morning and made the drive to RDU. Got breakfast, flew to DFW. Tried to buy a couple glasses of wine for $40, but they were super slow on the service, and I convinced father that this was a poor investment. We made up for it with artisanal candy shop junkfood. Good times.


After that, we made the flight to MLI in the Quad Cities on the IA-IL border. Mom picked us up there. I went with them to visit some friends of theirs from when they'd gone to IA to take care of my Grandma; these friends turned out to be super cool. Afterwards, went out to dinner with some of our extended relations that we get along with, which was good times. Stayed up late to talk with my Godmother, because we really don't get the chance to do that very much, and I'm glad.


Sunday was the celebration of my Grandma's 90th birthday, so we ended up pulling our family from the four corners of the earth which is apparently where we all ended up. My cousins, it turns out, have become pretty cool people in the 20 or so years it's been since we saw each other last. I think the reason we don't speak to each other has a lot more to do with my Mom's problems with that side of the family, and I'm going back and forth over the idea of reaching out to them on FB to establish connections and have us be a part of each other's lives, although I'm not sure there's much to be done for it. Oh well. Wanna try.


In training news, I did hit the deloaded section of the GST core work, so that was good. I don't like that I missed out on my KB training, but then again, given how light I was going I don't know what a deload would have looked like anyway. I also compared Kali notes with my little brother; he made the comment that, "Kali is a deep system, but there's so little to teach, you know?" and I was like dude.


Monday morning we had to part. Didn't do so on the best terms as one of my Uncles decided to come down on me for what he thought was me running gossip on one of my Aunts. Which I wasn't, but I could see how I'd be construed as doing so (she's had some respiratory health issues which were well-known, and she's West Coast; I thought with how bad the fires were this year that maybe she'd had some exacerbations, and I'd made comments about "how she'd been" with regard to that and regarding my hopes for their ability to travel and have fun and get away from that. She's also known for a real dramatic streak. This didn't help that). Anyway, I've made a habit of the Proverb about gentle words turning aside harsh rebukes, so I didn't rise to it. I just said I was sorry and tried to own it; in the end, he was mollified and said we needed thick skins to get along in this family. No freaking kidding.


Mom got pretty pissed about it; later in the airport she said he was like that as he'd been the sole son in a family of girls and he'd grown up with the idea that he needed to "be the man" so to speak (ie toxically alpha). But whatever, you know? He'd stayed up late, didn't get to sleep, and he came at me tired and aggrieved on his wife's behalf; frankly, I think it would have been weird for him to be gracious. (because I'm arrogant and think that being gracious in all circumstances is something that's unique to me, but in my defense, it's a really rare trait and I don't tend to see it in other people, and everyone is so damn delicate).


I sent a long FB message to my aunt apologizing and explaining; she accepted it and I have no reason to carry my guilt further, so I laid it aside.


The trip home was eventful in that we got to CHI and got delayed by a few hours over weather. But made the flight home. I made use of the time by listening to the Dresden Files. It's probably my third read-through of the series, but it's different this time, 1) because it's narrated by James Marsters, and 2) because I'm listening for some very specific narrative structural tricks which Butcher has said he uses. Regarding the narration, it's really high quality and definitely makes things different. Marsters doesn't narrate like I'm used to, and I don't know if it's because of the First Person Limited perspective from which the Files are told, but he makes it sound like Dresden's talking and he plays it with some definite emotion and gives it weight which frankly I'm not used to and totally makes the prose come alive. Also, whenever he pulls a British accent I'm like, "... Spike?"


Regarding the structure, it's super-effective and incredibly well-done, and I'm realizing that in my own planning that I've been way too concrete. I've underestimated the utility of this structure, and I have reason to go back and change it up.


Tuesday I took off to get laundry done and just spend some time away from people. Did S&S and hit a pair of swing sets w/ the 16. Had some twinges I wasn't expecting; not sure if that was on account of having skipped KBs completely for a week or what. Thinking I'm gonna have to adjust my plans downward a bit in terms of readjusting the weights, but that's okay.


Oh, in other training news, I'm gonna scale back my leg work to elevated deck squats. I noticed that I can do elevated deck squats down and up in the proper form at a certain height, but there's a height where that doesn't apply anymore, and I need to figure out where that is so that I can iron it out all the way down. There's a definite percentage in this - my connective tissues like me more when I go back and get cranky when I go too far forward in the progression scheme.


Anyway, Karate on Tuesday was me, K-sensei, and Waifu. Lots of play with positional stuff, and I basically underestimated some of my positions that I could fight from. Need to learn to think beyond certain hand positions, especially seeing as I fight with gloved hands.


And, uh, yeah. This is the way of things right now.


Tonight's docket is leg work and judo. I think I missed the promotional ceremony on Saturday, so I guess a lowly white belt I remain. But who cares? The belt keeps the gi together. Besides, given my luck, I'll be stuck here until late and miss class anyway, so.

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Welp, it played out about as I expected it would. Work got way hairy at the last second, as some of the support that I was expecting for having taken time off was, uh, not provided. So, I wound up having to make up for lost time as opposed to being able to treat it like a normal day. Great.


The legwork went well, at least. I'm paranoid about how easy it is, but this is a personal insecurity I need to work with/around, and anyway I need to remain focused on my form when doing this stuff. Downright meditational, really.


Anyway, without judo, I wound up going home to play with a bunch of different stuff. Wound up working on my writing and solved a major problem with the magic system I'm building in my world. It does wind up treading a lot of the same ground as one might find in Old WoD Mage: The Ascension, but with enough tweaks that I think it'll stand apart.


waaaaaaaah why couldn't I beat Butcher to the punch on his magic system because it works so well and it's so cool and life is hard aaaaaaaaah


Handstands and Karate on the docket tonight. Having ruminated on discipline, I think I need to be disciplined about work in addition to everything else. I could stay late every day for a year and not catch up to my work load; I need to learn to leave when it's time and to get up when it's time and to get done what I need to get done. It helps nothing for me to try to kill myself getting anywhere.

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Sounds like you had a good visit with your extended family. If you're ever in Iowa or travelling through Chicago and have time on your hands, let me know. Both are in day-trip driving range for me. I'd love to hang out in person.


Good for you for keeping your cool in dealing with your uncle. It is really hard to maintain your composure when someone is unreasonable. Go Kishi!


1 hour ago, Kishi said:

Having ruminated on discipline, I think I need to be disciplined about work in addition to everything else. I could stay late every day for a year and not catch up to my work load; I need to learn to leave when it's time and to get up when it's time and to get done what I need to get done. It helps nothing for me to try to kill myself getting anywhere.


Yeah, that is a tough call. You have already determined that you want to move to a different job where you will have opportunity for advancement and recognition for good work. There is no point in putting in extra effort at your current job. If you can stay just a bit above average for your team you will be fine.

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Level 81  Viking paladin

My current challenge  Battle log 

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On 8/23/2018 at 5:52 PM, Mistr said:

The real question is what kind of life you want to have. You are not currently on the path to be a professional martial artist. Which is wise, because that is a difficult and poorly rewarded career. So you are going to have a full-time job or a writing career and do martial arts on the side. As well as spend time with friends, have a place of your own that you keep clean enough for your own comfort and take some time to do other things you enjoy. Everyone will push you to do more of the activities they enjoy doing with you. Figuring out where to set your boundaries is a formidable challenge.


^Quoting this for emphasis.  Also because it's a thing I've been slowly realizing, too.  And as I had mentioned to a poster here, and I think you're the same as me in this regard, time on the mats at this point is about quality, not quantity.  Endless time would be helpful, we don't have that, and it's better to focus on solid practice more than "I'm logging all this time." At least that's my opinion.  Maybe I'm wrong.


Also glad the travels went well!  My family is pretty much all stuck in New England, so it's not terribly hard to pull everyone together for gatherings, besides everyone not wanting to travel more than an hour and a half to see people.  Because New England.

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RisenPhoenix, the Entish Aikidoka

Challenge: RisenPhoenix Turns to Ash


"The essence of koryu [...is] you offer your loyalty to something that you choose to regard as greater than yourself so that you will, someday, be able to offer service to something that truly is transcendent." ~ Ellis Amdur, Old School

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On ‎9‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 12:57 PM, Mistr said:

Sounds like you had a good visit with your extended family. If you're ever in Iowa or travelling through Chicago and have time on your hands, let me know. Both are in day-trip driving range for me. I'd love to hang out in person.


Aah, that's right! That is your neck of the woods, isn't it? I always seem to be passing through Chicago, never staying there. But if that changes, I will let you know. :)


On ‎9‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 12:57 PM, Mistr said:

Good for you for keeping your cool in dealing with your uncle. It is really hard to maintain your composure when someone is unreasonable. Go Kishi!


Thank you! I do try. People, lady. They're just nuts.


On ‎9‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 12:57 PM, Mistr said:

Yeah, that is a tough call. You have already determined that you want to move to a different job where you will have opportunity for advancement and recognition for good work. There is no point in putting in extra effort at your current job. If you can stay just a bit above average for your team you will be fine.


I figure as much. It's actually easier right now since they're requesting documentation of x amount of cases written up for medical review; the quantity they ask for is relatively easily achieved, and once that happens I can pretty much just cruise out the rest of the day.


On ‎9‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 3:45 PM, RisenPhoenix said:

^Quoting this for emphasis.  Also because it's a thing I've been slowly realizing, too.  And as I had mentioned to a poster here, and I think you're the same as me in this regard, time on the mats at this point is about quality, not quantity.  Endless time would be helpful, we don't have that, and it's better to focus on solid practice more than "I'm logging all this time." At least that's my opinion.  Maybe I'm wrong.


I agree with you completely. I personally think that quality of practice trumps quantity, and I've got a lot of personal evidence to back that up. Only problem is, everyone and their grandma's asking for quantity, or so it feels like. It's lately gotten easier to deal with, and I don't know if it's just me making time for a few minutes every day and that quality showing through such that it's keeping people off my back? Or if I've simply made peace with the situation? Either way, though, I do tend to take more good from my situation than not, or so it seems.


On ‎9‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 3:45 PM, RisenPhoenix said:

Also glad the travels went well!  My family is pretty much all stuck in New England, so it's not terribly hard to pull everyone together for gatherings, besides everyone not wanting to travel more than an hour and a half to see people.  Because New England.


I suppose, depending on whether or not you like your family, that this is either a Good Thing or a Hassle. I'm not sure what it'd be if my family were in that situation. :D




Whoof, it's been a while. Let's do the summary.


Thursday went well. Thursday, I realized I'd been doing the handstand training wrong - the program apparently calls for it to be trained like the other movements (which do include static holds) with the addendum that you're not allowed to quit until you've completed all the sets. The way I'm reading the instructions now, it appears that you don't take the longer rests - like I've been taking - unless you fail to keep a hold, and only once that failure happens do you start to rest.


So, back down to step 1 of my present progression. But that's not the end of the world. And actually, it's pretty hecking convenient; good way to get a lot of practice done relatively quickly, since time's at something of a premium these days. I was able to run through it, no sweat.


Karate afterward was good. I don't remember much of it, but my body does, and that's enough for me. :P I mostly remember it for good sparring. Although, strangely enough, I seem to have hurt myself. It wasn't immediately apparent or anything, but I got home, made dinner, went to bed, and then stayed up all night w/ anterior shin pain on the right. Weird stuff. Didn't last, thankfully, but weird stuff. Did not go to work the next day.


Friday just wound up being an upper body day, since the folks I go to assistance teach have cut us back to 2x/month. Which was fine by me. I played around with some custom rep schemes and progressions - mostly just adding one rep at a time on push ups and coming up high again on the rows since I noticed that I'm not completing the ROM like I should be. On one level, it's a little frustrating, but on the other, it feels good, you know? Like I have good control over things.


Saturday, I caught up on sleep and went to Kali. Kali went well, but we're getting into parts where I'm realizing I can't be lazy with my technique. We played around with some different interruptions, and I got them, but they're different and unusual, and we don't really practice them all that much. I kind of have a whetted appetite to spar this stuff out, but we can't because people aren't buying their damn masks like they need to and this gets dangerous when you can poke out eyes and such even going light like we would be.


Kettlebells went off without a hitch.


Sunday was Core day. Had to roll back the Tuck Rocks even further, but feels right now. Was tempted to try to just add 1 rep at a time on those as well, and realized that would drive me insane, so settled for this as a compromise. Everything else went fine, though. Came back home, ate healthfully, and then added some assholery on top of it that I definitely didn't need to. Tasty, but definitely overdid it; woke up too early this morning as a result.


This week will be interesting. Got a hurricane scheduled to hit us sometime in the latter half of the week, and work has offered OT for production's sake. So, I'll be working 12-hour days this week, while I can, as even if I'm restricted to how much adverse weather leave I use, I can still get a ton of extra hours which will translate to extra pay, which I need because those car repairs are coming due and I really don't feel like starving next month. Honestly, I'm just grateful that I can do some training on my own and at least keep the machine moving, you know?


But tonight, rest. Rest and ease.

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*trips into the angst fest and everything else in your life a week too late to be of any consequence but here are some cookies just in case*

So the first half on your self described "angst fest", which you can skip if you're feeling less angsty and do not require supportive cheerleading at this time, hence the spoiler to prevent eyesores.


On 8/20/2018 at 11:27 AM, Kishi said:


Other moves went off without a hitch, and I got to practice on the heavy bag for a bit. Some stuff went well, and some stuff that I thought would go well went awfully. I'm not retracting very well on my roundhouse-to-side-kick combo and it's weak this way. It really got into my head, actually, and I found myself in a dour place about it ("K-sensei sees it coming, the younger student scuttles out of the way of my side-kicks anyway before I can land forcing me into sloppy back kick, and I can't use this on the female students, why TF am I even bothering with this"). Ultimately, I'm bothering with it because it's a unique pattern that you don't see anyone else do, and if you prime people to expect a roundhouse and they go to block, it sneaks you around and you can blast them with a straight before they even know what's happening.


I got really analytical with myself afterward about what's going on, and I think that for me I've just got too many people clamoring for my time. All the teachers tell me, "You just need to practice 15 minutes a day," but if I practice everyone else's stuff for 15 minutes a day, that means I have to find another 45 minutes for practice on a daily basis, and that's with me being on the mats most days of the week. And possibly on Sundays now too, as one of the Kali students has been approached about setting up a boxing class in the dojo. Hah. I know his recommendations for extra practice already.


It just seems like if everyone knew how much I was practicing, they'd get off me about extra. Or maybe they wouldn't. IDK.


AAck I feel this.  All of it, especially the trying something no one else does because it'll be worth it later.  Hang in there, if you aren't already.  It'll come and you will knock their freakin socks off.  It will come, just like all of your other amazing gains have. 


On 8/21/2018 at 11:08 AM, Kishi said:


I swear to God, I'd tell him that and he'd answer by asking what I'm doing. If I told him I had to go home and cook, he'd tell me to put something on and then practice for a few minutes while it heats, then do my stirs/whatever, then practice for another few minutes. If I told him I needed to write, he'd say to write a page, then get up and shadowbox for a bit. If it was WoW he'd beat me. And then tell me to shadowbox. I do not train under people who accept my excuses.



My music teachers did this to me ALL THE TIME.  And I wouldn't train under anyone less either.  It pain in butt, but it make you better.  Also it pain in butt and sometimes traumatic so don't stick around for that part.  They're trying to teach efficiency.  I'm pretty sure the real root is just because they like to see their students in pain, but efficiency has a better CV appeal.  


On 8/21/2018 at 12:09 PM, Kishi said:


I don't deny it. He - and the others, for that matter - just don't see their extra demands as being unreasonable. And on paper, it's hard to disagree - it's practically of the Rebellion to say that big changes only require small amounts of time per day. And in my head, I go, "Hm. Do I really need to watch YouTube? Do I really need to engage in Fandom? Do I really need to get worked up about that argument on Facebook where no one's gonna listen to anything I have to say?"


So, like, I don't like the extra training, but I don't trust my excuses either. And even looking at how I've failed to clean, isn't that just a personal failing in terms of not using my time properly? It's not even like I'm actually going into the office for OT despite my clearance; I could use Saturday mornings for that instead of puddling about and vegging on content.


Yeah but you need to decompress too.  Or you haven't found a way yet to make cleaning your decompression.  Sometimes you gotta step back and veg for a hot second, and I would be the last person to begrudge you that privilege.  


On 8/21/2018 at 2:48 PM, Kishi said:


Oh, don't be silly. You can't practice kicks if you're stirring dinner with your toes. :D



Well, a lot of the pressure is self-imposed. I've not been prescribed mindless practice; K-sensei's trying to help me progress by identifying weak places and shoring them up with targeted practice. It's not like we can do that in class; this isn't like the old days when it was just him and me. We got a lot more people now and he's gotta take care of them, and since I'm the senior of all of 'em, I gotta help with that too. He's not an awful person, or at least I don't think he is; if anything, I just want to be that much better. He knows that, and because he's my teacher, he's tried to offer the one thing that he knows I'm not doing as much as a way to get better.


He and I both know there's never going to be a time when I'm good enough, but we also know that he's never gonna be good enough either. The difference is, I'm the one who feels the weight of it, while he's at a point where he's doing everything he can to get better and doesn't have a sense of pressure anymore. It's something he lives now, you know?


It's the same with J-sensei. He's a broken-ass old Marine who's approaching 70, and most of our students are either too heavy or too broken to do much work. I'm stuck as a middleweight, and the structure of my body is such that I have to know a bunch of different techniques, not just because I can use them but because they can be used on me too. We can't do randori like most places do, and realistically a lot of what's holding me back is underlying body-mechanical issues that need to be ground out in practice.


As for Kali? Manong doesn't give two shits whether I practice or not. But I don't want to be stuck in a position where I'm teaching this stuff and I don't understand what people's issues with it are. So I tell myself that I have to practice, because I got people looking to me now to lead and I'm not comfy doing that from anywhere else than the front.


I just feel like I'm trusted to be better than I am. I want to be worthy of that. There's a limit to how much better I can get on the mats, so the only way I have to get better is on my own. The trade I have to make in terms of my time is whether or not I spend it on what I admit are ultimately petty things which, frankly, don't give me anything constructive and in fact waste a lot of my mental bandwidth.



Okay so this business of "just do fifteen minutes of this every day" is a thing my music teacher did with me too. It ended up being fifteen minutes each of five or six different things, and the only way I ended up doing anything close to that was because I was a bleeping full time musician, and had to do those things for my job anyways.  Mistr below hits the nail on the head to reinforce this.  Unless this is literally your life and you eat, sleep, and breathe it, you can't do all those things every day.  You probably already thought of this, but one solution I found was to rotate on an every other day basis.  Sure you're not getting the every day practice, but you're doing every other and you're doing it cross-training style.  It's like having a "leg day" or a "core day".  You won't get better as fast as you would if you could do it every day, but you'll get better period.


It can be good to take stock of where your extra time is going.  Do I need to be on facebook that much?  Can my time be better spent elsewhere?  But you also can't stir soup with toes.  It would be silly. You are doing a boatload of martial arts, on top of a full time position (that sounds like it will be asking more of you this week, yes?). 


6 hours ago, Kishi said:

I agree with you completely. I personally think that quality of practice trumps quantity, and I've got a lot of personal evidence to back that up. Only problem is, everyone and their grandma's asking for quantity, or so it feels like. It's lately gotten easier to deal with, and I don't know if it's just me making time for a few minutes every day and that quality showing through such that it's keeping people off my back? Or if I've simply made peace with the situation? Either way, though, I do tend to take more good from my situation than not, or so it seems.


I'm glad it got easier.  It's maybe a little bit of both; making even a touch of extra time shows, but also being more relaxed about how you're not there yet (Which it sounds like perhaps you are?) helps all your extra training show.


This got really preachy so you can ignore that which is unkind to you.


You are a great guy who does a lot of good martial arts in ways I can't even fathom.  I think you're awesome and great at what you do, for what it's worth.  #affirmtheKishi


On 8/23/2018 at 5:52 PM, Mistr said:

Yes, I see the same problem all the time. "Just do 15 minutes of meditation/stretching/core exercise/gardening/cleaning/extra exercises for each martial art". Sorry, the time just does not add up. 


This is exactly why monks live in seclusion on mountains. It is why young Japanese men were able to make progress so fast as live-in students. They did not have to worry about earning a living. That gave them 8-10 hours a day more than we have to practice martial arts.


You are already doing a LOT of work to get better outside of group classes. All that core and functional strength work, sprints, bag work and everything you do in the gym. You've mentioned plenty of times that your strength and endurance serve you well in martial arts, as well as in picking up heavy things for your friends. ;)


The real question is what kind of life you want to have. You are not currently on the path to be a professional martial artist. Which is wise, because that is a difficult and poorly rewarded career. So you are going to have a full-time job or a writing career and do martial arts on the side. As well as spend time with friends, have a place of your own that you keep clean enough for your own comfort and take some time to do other things you enjoy. Everyone will push you to do more of the activities they enjoy doing with you. Figuring out where to set your boundaries is a formidable challenge.

THIIIIIIIISSSSSS.  The other thing that I did not mention that you are already probably grossly aware that you are doing is cross training.  Cross training is the bleeping bomb and I'm just here for all of that because that is literally why I joined nerdfitness.  I don't even know why I'm typing, you got some baller advice up here and you know you're on the right path to make Monster Gains.  




I am glad to hear all the things with your uncle got sorted; it sounds like you handled that with a lot of maturity and insight.  And otherwise it sounds like a good family reunion!!  I am glad you got to spend time with your extended family.  Did you come to a conclusion about what you might like to do with your cousins in the future?


6 hours ago, Kishi said:

. It wasn't immediately apparent or anything, but I got home, made dinner, went to bed, and then stayed up all night w/ anterior shin pain on the right. Weird stuff.

*is having a concern* you okay dude?  I'm worried.  I know you said it got better, but: 



Here for you getting rest and sleep and letting that body of yours recover.  Cause, you know, when you're not getting pounded, it's the land with a gorram hurricane.

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Breathe deep.  Seek peace.  Bring a sword.  ---Kishi

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20 hours ago, Treva said:

*trips into the angst fest and everything else in your life a week too late to be of any consequence but here are some cookies just in case*




I'll definitely take 'em, is what I'm saying.


20 hours ago, Treva said:

AAck I feel this.  All of it, especially the trying something no one else does because it'll be worth it later.  Hang in there, if you aren't already.  It'll come and you will knock their freakin socks off.  It will come, just like all of your other amazing gains have.


Yup! I know. A lot of what he's been telling me to do has been about trying to restart the gainz, so to speak. After 9 years, noob gainz aren't really a thing anymore, so I have to focus on ironing out various parts of my game. Which means going back to basics and making a habit of getting on and off lines of attack, stuff like that.


20 hours ago, Treva said:

My music teachers did this to me ALL THE TIME.  And I wouldn't train under anyone less either.  It pain in butt, but it make you better.  Also it pain in butt and sometimes traumatic so don't stick around for that part.  They're trying to teach efficiency.  I'm pretty sure the real root is just because they like to see their students in pain, but efficiency has a better CV appeal.  


Nah, it's pretty much the first one with this. I doubt I'll be traumatized or elsewise visit that trauma on others.


20 hours ago, Treva said:

Yeah but you need to decompress too.  Or you haven't found a way yet to make cleaning your decompression.  Sometimes you gotta step back and veg for a hot second, and I would be the last person to begrudge you that privilege.


Yeah, I know. The problem is when I start looking for things that I know don't interest me much as a way to avoid doing what I have to/truly want to do, because that stuff will take effort.


20 hours ago, Treva said:

Okay so this business of "just do fifteen minutes of this every day" is a thing my music teacher did with me too. It ended up being fifteen minutes each of five or six different things, and the only way I ended up doing anything close to that was because I was a bleeping full time musician, and had to do those things for my job anyways.  Mistr below hits the nail on the head to reinforce this.  Unless this is literally your life and you eat, sleep, and breathe it, you can't do all those things every day.  You probably already thought of this, but one solution I found was to rotate on an every other day basis.  Sure you're not getting the every day practice, but you're doing every other and you're doing it cross-training style.  It's like having a "leg day" or a "core day".  You won't get better as fast as you would if you could do it every day, but you'll get better period.


Yup, I think you're right. I haven't really been doing this in any kind of intentional way, but I tend to use one day for one thing and another for another. It'd probably help me to set it in my head that I'll do one thing one day and another on another. I never would have thought of it in those terms - karate day, judo day, etc. - but that's actually a pretty brilliant way to do it. I think I shall take this from you. Thank you!


(and I mean, yeah, it won't be as fast, but otoh it's not like I'd be getting as good as fast anyway the way I've been doing it. At least this way it's consistent progress, and that's way better than the alternative).


20 hours ago, Treva said:

It can be good to take stock of where your extra time is going.  Do I need to be on facebook that much?  Can my time be better spent elsewhere?  But you also can't stir soup with toes.  It would be silly. You are doing a boatload of martial arts, on top of a full time position (that sounds like it will be asking more of you this week, yes?).


Yeah. Time is like all resources; it's a thing you can invest for either good or for ill. Some things will pay you back, and some will not. It's good to audit these things and see that one gets back what one wants. It's helped me a great deal in terms of not picking fights on Facebook, for instance.


20 hours ago, Treva said:

I'm glad it got easier.  It's maybe a little bit of both; making even a touch of extra time shows, but also being more relaxed about how you're not there yet (Which it sounds like perhaps you are?) helps all your extra training show.


This got really preachy so you can ignore that which is unkind to you.


I... do not believe unkindness has been shown. I really appreciate you taking the time to type all this out. You and everyone else have been really kind to me, even if I'm not necessarily always in a place where I can see it for what it is.


And anyway, I think in this case it was just something I learned to set down. That and the fact that even the few minutes or so I manage a day to touch base with this stuff really helps.


20 hours ago, Treva said:

You are a great guy who does a lot of good martial arts in ways I can't even fathom.  I think you're awesome and great at what you do, for what it's worth.  #affirmtheKishi


Thank you.


20 hours ago, Treva said:

THIIIIIIIISSSSSS.  The other thing that I did not mention that you are already probably grossly aware that you are doing is cross training.  Cross training is the bleeping bomb and I'm just here for all of that because that is literally why I joined nerdfitness.  I don't even know why I'm typing, you got some baller advice up here and you know you're on the right path to make Monster Gains.  


Yup! That's been the idea. Everything feeding into everything else, everything making me better. That's the goal. So far it seems to be working; it's just curious whenever I see something not behaving like it should be.


20 hours ago, Treva said:

I am glad to hear all the things with your uncle got sorted; it sounds like you handled that with a lot of maturity and insight.  And otherwise it sounds like a good family reunion!!  I am glad you got to spend time with your extended family.  Did you come to a conclusion about what you might like to do with your cousins in the future?


I keep telling myself I'm going to reach out. I've not been, between working OT and all the cognitive space taken up by the natural disaster barreling our way, but I'd really like to, I think.


20 hours ago, Treva said:

*is having a concern* you okay dude?  I'm worried.  I know you said it got better, but: 



Here for you getting rest and sleep and letting that body of yours recover.  Cause, you know, when you're not getting pounded, it's the land with a gorram hurricane.


oh no please don't worry about me, everything is fine I promise


I'd respond with a gif saying not to worry about it, but all the gifs I find are about people in contexts whom one should clearly be worried about, and I think that'd just be a mixed message, so. I will offer unmixed reassurances instead.


And in any event, I think probably in some ways I'm a little under rested. It's part of the reason I'm working OT and scaling back the training to work on form and such. Give all those tendons and ligaments a chance to rest and catch up. It feels weird to being so little training as I am from what I was, but at the same time, it feels good, you know?


Although, to be fair, I could still probably afford to sleep more and get even better recovery.


19 hours ago, Teirin said:

Be safe!!!


Thank you!




Monday down. Monday was quiet. Went out to start gathering supplies for the hurricane with some mixed results. People weren't freaking out, but there was a definite sense of the apocalyptic last night. Lots of lighting in the sky, packed stores, people uniting in the face of something grim and implacable bearing down upon them. Lots of calls for good luck and such. I managed to get out with some jerky and bread, because I might avoid gluten for vanity reasons but now is just not the time.


Otherwise, got home, shadowboxed, cooked dinner, went to sleep.


Got up today and managed to get water for the house. Got there before work and the store was still packed with people. Got to the water aisle and the dude who was supposed to be stocking shelves was basically passing the gallons out to people in a line. I got a couple gallons for myself; I reckon that'll be enough if I'm careful.


It's honestly a little hard to predict how this one's going to play out. We've had hurricanes come through before that didn't touch the grid and we didn't lose services; we've had them come through before and they rock the shit out of us. We've had a while since the last major storm to build up our grids and to make them more robust, but I suppose it's anyone's guess as to whether or not they'll hold.


Anyway. At work right now. It's raining like crazy, so I guess we're pregaming for this thing. Name of the game tonight is S&S with some practice afterward. I'm thinking at this point that morning time is the best time to scrounge for supplies, just because that appears to be when the most crap is available, although I'll be seeing about gathering more on my trip home tonight as well.

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Good plans.  As a paranoid stockpiler of emergency food (due to food allergies) I like to keep shelf stable PB, bagels in the freezer, some jerky and/or canned tuna, and packets of cooked rice or quinoa (with veg if possible).  I'm also checking out these ProteinKrunch bars.  They look like good hiking and emergency food and they're apparently good for 12 months storage before opening.  I generally have some bottled water on hand too.  Then I just stock up on veg and fruit that I can eat without prep.  Prewashing some also works. 

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Behave yourself, badly if necessary.

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Judo - Shodan

My Character

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14 hours ago, Teirin said:

Good plans.  As a paranoid stockpiler of emergency food (due to food allergies) I like to keep shelf stable PB, bagels in the freezer, some jerky and/or canned tuna, and packets of cooked rice or quinoa (with veg if possible).  I'm also checking out these ProteinKrunch bars.  They look like good hiking and emergency food and they're apparently good for 12 months storage before opening.  I generally have some bottled water on hand too.  Then I just stock up on veg and fruit that I can eat without prep.  Prewashing some also works. 


Yeah, that's pretty much been what I'm doing. Good quality starches are a little harder to come by, and I have to do the cooking on those my own self, but I've got my hands on lots of artisanal breads, canned meats and veggies, jerky, and water. Also, uh, some junk food. >.> <.< Don't judge. I didn't shop with an eye toward disasters.


Otherwise, though, I'mma pressure cook some sweet potatoes tonight and... yeah. That should be that.




Tuesday down. No Karate; K-sensei initially balked at my plans, but then texted me back to let me know that he was cancelling classes this week as the gas stations are tapped around here and he didn't have enough gas to make it to work and the dojo this week.


Sigh. We always make this mistake. This happened the last time when the pipeline collapsed and everyone freaked out and decided to top off their cars. "One little crisis and everyone panics." Honestly, people need to calm down.


I hit S&S, although it was later at night than normal. Still did it, tho. I had a kind of delayed aching soreness in the hamstring - no twinge, nothing acute - but that's passed as of this morning, and no pain during, so on the whole I think it's okay.


Today, it looks like the eye of this thing is aimed at SC rather than NC. Mixed feels about that - obviously good for us, but not for people down there. But then again, who knows? This could just as easily twist back and hit us. Either way, interesting times.


I'm tempted today to go hit the gym and keep working on refining the deck squats, but given how late I'm going to get out and my time frame as far as getting food, cooking it, cooking starches to last, and all that, I really don't think it's going to work. Instead, what'll probably happen is just going over full squats instead. Oh well. Trade in intensity for volume. I can do that.

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Wednesday done!


No judo on account of OT, but dojo was closed for the hurricane anyway. Given how far J-sensei has to drive, I suspect that he's probably facing the same problems K-sensei is in terms of supplies and such. But that's how it goes, right?


I worked and worked until 20:00, then got out and shopped for dinner. Crisis mode seems to have passed, although it's still hard to find canned goods on the shelves. Things are calmer now, though. I think we're all just ready and waiting at this point.


Got home, cooked dinner, but vegged out long enough that I didn't get the starches cooked and ready, which feels like something of a mark against me. But I'm not that worried about it? We're operating on regular hours today instead of OT hours, so I'll be getting out hours ahead of when I normally do. Given the slowdown of the storm and its apparent weakness in terms of how much rain/wind it wants to bring - if the radar's anything to go on - I think I'll be able to get back and get stuff cooked before the weather goes. Unless, of course, I'm just wrong. In which case, hey, that's what all the bread is for. :D


Did my legwork. Felt like a deload, which is strange given the relative changes in volume. But whatever. No complaints there.


Anyway, no Karate tonight, so just handstands when I get back. And... I guess we'll see what this storm brings.

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On 9/12/2018 at 9:33 AM, Kishi said:

Sigh. We always make this mistake. This happened the last time when the pipeline collapsed and everyone freaked out and decided to top off their cars. "One little crisis and everyone panics." Honestly, people need to calm down.




I hope this hurricane doesn't turn out to be as bad as the reports suggest. Also hope no one gets complacent. These things have a way of slamming into places that aren't planning accordingly.

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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