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Starting again... (and again...and again....and again)

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It seems like every time I get somewhere with my health and fitness I hit a wall and just spiral right down (or out, as the case may be) to being overweight and out of shape again. Maybe it just takes time, but disruption in my life seem to completely derail my healthy habits all too often. It took me years to undo much of the damage done when I was young (my mom actually "doesn't like vegetables" and didn't keep any in the house at all when we were young). From 21 to 24 I kept up a pretty healthy lifestyle, though looking back I wish I'd lifted more weights and done less running. But between 24 and now (27) I've lost and gained and lost and gained again about once a year. Life has been disrupted by relationships and financial struggles and other things, but I know other people maintain their health when such things strike, so is it just lack of will on my part?

I'm getting back in the mentality of getting healthy again, but frustrated with this constant slippage (I've never gained back all the weight from when I was really heavy, but creeping up higher than I'd like).

What are your tips for maintaining health and fitness when your life is disrupted? I could really use the help to hopefully make it stick for good this time.

- Shorty

"Alright you egg sucking piece of gutter trash you always liked pushing around people smaller than you. Well I'm smaller; try pushing me."

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For me, it is a matter of reminding myself that I am important, and that I deserve to spend time doing my workouts. I also don't try to be perfect. I promise myself I will do the best workout I can do today. If I only have time to do 1/2 a workout, that's okay because it was my best. If I'm hurt and have to skip or scale back a couple of things, that's okay too. I'm doing today's best - not tomorrow's, not yesterday's. Finally, I have a "formal" workout plan with scheduled rest days. I may have to shift things around a special event, but the fact that I have a plan makes it easier, not harder. I hope you're planning on joining the next challenge; I've found that the challenges really motivate me on days I might otherwise just toss in the towel. Welcome and glad you found us.

The hardest part of the workout is lacing up your shoes'"

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i'm right there with you. I go through the same phases with my fitness and well being. It's tough but with the rebellion we can do it!

"It's always the ones that don't do anything that try to bring you down" - Henry Rollins

"There is no meantime, there is only now" - The Ditty Bops

 Trail Blazing Elf Ranger Sumdawgtwigg Level 3  STR-3 DEX-4 STA-4 CON-3 WIS-5 CHA-2


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Having also slipped many times I find that what helps me most is to truly establish a habit. 


For me that means either doing something every day, or on scheduled days that don't change unless for a legitimate reason (and these have to be made up for). Once you get into a routine of say, getting back from work, having a sit down and a snack, then working out before dinner and it gets entrenched, you no longer really need to motivate yourself, it's just what you do. I don't know about you, but I certainly don't have the willpower to motivate myself into doing something every day, maybe for a week or so I can force myself, but much longer than that I'll give up. If it's just a part of my day though, well it's just a part of my day. I doubt you have to think about brushing your teeth or having a shower, for example, they're habits ingrained from childhood - do the same with exercising and it should get as easy as those things are. 


That's exercise, with diet it's much the same (I find it easier as I have to eat anyway). Just make eating healthily something you do. Do it regularly; often enough, and you won't even have to think about it. 


Jack Blog | The Blog of Jack

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I've "gotten healthy" and lost all my progress twice before now. Once in high school I started lifting and got down to a 36" waist (on my 6'0 frame it didn't look too overweight), but gained it all back. In Grad school I got down to 208 lbs using the Southbeach diet, then gained more than I lost. Last year I went from 300 down to 264, then went back up to 285. I'm now on NF, and down to about 273 (I've dropped as low as 271.6, but I fluctuate). This time what's different is  eating properly and exercising properly. The two previous times I did one or the other. I also have better motivaiton now, some real goals I'm working toward. The real key is to find the motivation within yourself, and as Laureleye said, part of that has to be realizing you are worth it. Some counseling might also help, it worked for me.

Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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Thanks for all this excellent advice, everyone. I didn't realize the forums don't email you when there are comments on a thread you post and had no idea they were here. I appreciate all the thoughtful responses. 


I think re-ingraining myself with the healthy habit will really help. It's when my routines are disrupted that I tend to lose focus/gain weight/fall off my gym schedule. I've also been thinking of WHO I surround myself. Lately been involved with some friends who are pretty active and am reminded how much I miss that and how good it is for me to be in those groups. It helps me keep focused on how important and really FUN staying active can be. A friend of mine reminded me lately that when we stress out the first thing we tend do is stop taking care of ourselves (in our minds, the easiest ball to drop, since all the others affect other people). Trying to remember that I need to take care of myself first, and everything else second. 


I'll get there. I'm glad to have the Rebellion to help me out! 


Thanks, folks!

- Shorty

"Alright you egg sucking piece of gutter trash you always liked pushing around people smaller than you. Well I'm smaller; try pushing me."

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