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100 Burpee Challenge


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@Phylanx I know that feels bro :D ... burpeeing out errr burning out. Way to commit... 100/day yikes! I'm impressed!

@I-Jo part of a workout definitely counts!! and we are on day 57 (you could say more than half way there but the math probably says differently) ha


Lvl 6 Hobbit Assassin

"Obstacles can't stop you, problems can't stop you. Most of all, other people can't stop you. Only you can stop you. " – J. Gitomer

"A vision of a champion is someone who is bent over drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion, when no one else is watching. "– Anson Dorrance

My kick in the Pants, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5


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LOL yeah I'm just going to go ahead and say I'm NOT going to jump in at the "ahem* half way point. LMAO.  I'll just plug along on my own- I'm a big kid.  :)


and THANK GOD.  Some of my workouts have upwards of 100 burpees in them- I think I'd be overwhelmed if I had to do those PLUS the extra's.



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what kind of workouts do you do? I'm a crossfitter so burpees are often involved.

btw I never said "Yay there's burpees in the WOD" until i was doing a challenge... then it was "Yay these count!" :)


Lvl 6 Hobbit Assassin

"Obstacles can't stop you, problems can't stop you. Most of all, other people can't stop you. Only you can stop you. " – J. Gitomer

"A vision of a champion is someone who is bent over drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion, when no one else is watching. "– Anson Dorrance

My kick in the Pants, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5


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I'm a HIIT-er.  I do include some cross fit stuff- I think it's a bit like if cross fit and Tabata had a hot crazy monkey sex... my workout style would be their love child.- I got really into the hiit stuff because it really works well with my life- I love the intensity- and I love the fact I don't need to spend an hour + lifting and an hour plus running. I'm a dancer- I need to spend time doing technical dancey things- but I LURV weight training- so it wound up being a great fit.  I don't do as many Olympic lifts as cross fitters do- and I don't get into the kipping stuff so much but there is definitely stuff I draw on from them.  Fran- yes- have done.  ;)


.  So I just shuffle my workouts as I feel I need them.  Bodyrock (not sure if you are familar with them) got me really into it- but I really detest the direction their website has gone.  It's absolute absurd and annoying. but I still poke my head back in to see if there are any new fun workouts/exercises I should look into.


I love Steve's site, zuzka on youtube I get a lot of inspiration and then lovingfit.com- she's awesome.   I have about 12 varities of burpees I think.  I have a rule about them too- if you complain- we do ALL burpee workouts.   :D  I'm evil- I know.


Anyway- yes lots of burpees.  I love burpees- I'm the only one who actively includes them in all my work outs- for just becauses.  One legged box jump burpees- EFF YES!!!  LOL.  I'm totally a masochist about it!


edit. forgot I had this picture.  tee hee hee



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what kind of workouts do you do? I'm a crossfitter so burpees are often involved.

btw I never said "Yay there's burpees in the WOD" until i was doing a challenge... then it was "Yay these count!" :)


I changed the rules for myself so they don't count. My coaches laugh at me now whenever we have burpees in a WOD because they know I'll be doing more burpees afterwards! They think I'm nuts. :)


I'm up to day 59 today. It was rather weird today but they felt amazing. I go through days and days of suck and then have one day where they feel like I'm just going for a stroll. It's really, really weird. And this was after a Hero WOD! Go figure. 

Level 8 Wookiee Ranger

STR 33.5 | DEX 17.5 | STA 17.75 | CON 14.5 | WIS 18.5 | CHA 8.25
"Do, or do not, there is no try" - Yoda

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 Challenge #7


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I'm "on" day 59 too but I'm backlogged to day 46. I've been making up 1-3 days every day so I should be caught up soon (ish). Until then I'm treating these like grease-the-groove where I stay well away from a max set so that I stay fresh.

I've also come to really like burpees but if I were to catch up all on one day they would quickly become furpees.

To find piece with myself
I must first find a piece of myself

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I changed the rules for myself so they don't count. My coaches laugh at me now whenever we have burpees in a WOD because they know I'll be doing more burpees afterwards! They think I'm nuts. :)


I'm up to day 59 today. It was rather weird today but they felt amazing. I go through days and days of suck and then have one day where they feel like I'm just going for a stroll. It's really, really weird. And this was after a Hero WOD! Go figure. 

Ha for the record.. you ARE nuts ;)

I have that too. Some days I have to keep telling myself come on just do 5 more, but then once in a while they feel great too.



I'm "on" day 59 too but I'm backlogged to day 46. I've been making up 1-3 days every day so I should be caught up soon (ish). Until then I'm treating these like grease-the-groove where I stay well away from a max set so that I stay fresh.

I've also come to really like burpees but if I were to catch up all on one day they would quickly become furpees.

hahaha furpees.. yeah I have days like that too. It's kinda become a love hate thing for me.


Lvl 6 Hobbit Assassin

"Obstacles can't stop you, problems can't stop you. Most of all, other people can't stop you. Only you can stop you. " – J. Gitomer

"A vision of a champion is someone who is bent over drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion, when no one else is watching. "– Anson Dorrance

My kick in the Pants, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5


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I'm going to see how it goes for me.  Right now I'll "add" my burpee challenge on top of my regular workout.


I'm really pressed for time with two jobs and a very extensive hobby- so I think we'll just see.  But I'd like it to be "extra"


I've convinced my co-worker to do a push up challenge- since his knees are really bothering him at this point.  Plus I don't think he likes burpees enough to get on board  :playful:

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Since I am new here I just found this thread and funny enough I started my own 100 day burpee challenge over a week ago...I am on day 11 now.  I am doing this on top of a 30 day squat-a-thon that a Facebook group I am apart of is doing, along with my regular workouts.  I am super excited to get to day 50 and beyond!  Once I complete my 100 days I am definitely going to make burpees a part of my regular workout routines.

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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So day once didn't go well lol. But it's okay. Made it up quickly on day two. Today I did 25+3 box burpees. So I feel i made up for my inefficiency. :-D


quick edit now that I'm on a keyboard- I just wrote out my numbers for the 100 days.... I finish June 8th.  It was just as I was writing it out that I realized that's a lot of effing burpees!!!


I have started with the push up burpees- I feel it's my goal to do the full complete challenge with the full burpee- push up included.  LOL 


The sheer number isn't the issue- but A. remembering and B.finding the time are both isssues- I don't work out some days- so I'm interested in seeing how I work this out.  :) Let's go burpees!!!

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Good luck, I-Jo!! Welcome!   :)


I'm still going.. Day 67 completed today. If it's possible, they are feeling better and better - a lot less sucky days unless I've really killed myself before hand. A combination of improved technique and cardiovascular fitness, perhaps? Either way, if this hasn't helped me for the CrossFit Open WOD 13.1, I don't know what will have! I will be breaking my rule of not letting WOD burpees count towards my daily total on the day I do 13.1... There's no way I will go all out if I know that I still have almost 70 burpees left to do later! LOL

Level 8 Wookiee Ranger

STR 33.5 | DEX 17.5 | STA 17.75 | CON 14.5 | WIS 18.5 | CHA 8.25
"Do, or do not, there is no try" - Yoda

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 Challenge #7


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Good luck, I-Jo!! Welcome!   :)


I'm still going.. Day 67 completed today. If it's possible, they are feeling better and better - a lot less sucky days unless I've really killed myself before hand. A combination of improved technique and cardiovascular fitness, perhaps? Either way, if this hasn't helped me for the CrossFit Open WOD 13.1, I don't know what will have! I will be breaking my rule of not letting WOD burpees count towards my daily total on the day I do 13.1... There's no way I will go all out if I know that I still have almost 70 burpees left to do later! LOL

NO kidding!! I was looking at that thinking.. yah baby I got them burpees down :D (the snatches might be another story...)


Lvl 6 Hobbit Assassin

"Obstacles can't stop you, problems can't stop you. Most of all, other people can't stop you. Only you can stop you. " – J. Gitomer

"A vision of a champion is someone who is bent over drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion, when no one else is watching. "– Anson Dorrance

My kick in the Pants, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5


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Yeah- I've been tacking burpees onto my workouts- or doing an extra allotted amount- the other day I was with a client and I did mine with her- which was nice because I didn't have a lot of time that day rushing off to dance class later. worked out nicely. 


I did 6 yesterday in the kitchen while I was waiting for my water to boil.  Being sick is killing my mo-jo though.  

Glad I'm currently in the low end of the scale fighting off the crud.  I don't expect to be sick again- so hopefully by the time I get up to the double digits- I won't have any issues!

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I'm still plugging away/ catching up (12 days behind).

700+ behind is too much to do in one day without destroying my motivation (and arms) for the next week but I can see the light now and my strategy to catch up slowly has kept me consistently moving forward.

Good job everyone!

To find piece with myself
I must first find a piece of myself

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I'm still plugging away/ catching up (12 days behind).

700+ behind is too much to do in one day without destroying my motivation (and arms) for the next week but I can see the light now and my strategy to catch up slowly has kept me consistently moving forward.

Good job everyone!

I did 700 at once one time... it took me an hour and 25 minutes. 

I could barely walk the next day :)

I don't recommend it

unless of course someone challenges you that you can't... then you'd better show them how wrong they are... esp if it happens to be your little brother


Lvl 6 Hobbit Assassin

"Obstacles can't stop you, problems can't stop you. Most of all, other people can't stop you. Only you can stop you. " – J. Gitomer

"A vision of a champion is someone who is bent over drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion, when no one else is watching. "– Anson Dorrance

My kick in the Pants, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5


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Lmao. That's a lo of burpees by anyone's standards. I'm so mad I forgot to do mine yesterday. I played catch up today and did twenty as part of my workout. Lol really making a concerted effort to have great form. Looking forward to a long term commitment- as silly as that sounds.

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I did 700 at once one time... it took me an hour and 25 minutes. 

I could barely walk the next day :)

I don't recommend it

unless of course someone challenges you that you can't... then you'd better show them how wrong they are... esp if it happens to be your little brother

haha! That sounds pretty epic. If I'm still behind by day 100 I'll probably do that but there's no way I'm up for that when I still have to do more on the following day.

To find piece with myself
I must first find a piece of myself

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Well I just found this thread and as it turns out...there is no time like the present so I am starting today :) I <3 Burpees.

WoopWoop!  It's never too late, I am on day 21 many many more burpees to go!

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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bumpity bump


did G.I. Jane Pull ups/burpees yesterday (12 for me!)- was pretty pleased- my shoulders a little achy from my Monday night lift- so it was good to so something small. 

I have dance class today- so I'll probably do some before I go and then before I leave the studio- I dunno.  If i do today will be my first decidedly split set. which I was hoping to avoid- but I know it's the inevitable- just because of how busy I can be some days.  no worries- as long as they don't get missed I'm cool with it!


how's every one else doing?   Some of you should be in your sixties with this now- lol :)  


I'm thinking I'm doing day 100 as a time challenge to see how well I can do it.  Just flat out bang them out as fast as possible.  I'm going to die- it'll be fun though!

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I'm thinking I'm doing day 100 as a time challenge to see how well I can do it.  Just flat out bang them out as fast as possible.  I'm going to die- it'll be fun though!

I like doing this as a workout. taking a whole lot of suck and just powering through it...

feels so good though


and you will pass out before you die 



Lvl 6 Hobbit Assassin

"Obstacles can't stop you, problems can't stop you. Most of all, other people can't stop you. Only you can stop you. " – J. Gitomer

"A vision of a champion is someone who is bent over drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion, when no one else is watching. "– Anson Dorrance

My kick in the Pants, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5


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LOL yeah- I saw a funny picture about that


when you first start- you think you'll die... and nothing happens


half way through- you think you're going to die... and then nothing happens


finishing up- you think you're going to die... and nothing happened.



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Well I am on day 25 of my 100 day burpee challenge.  I can get to 10 without breaking a sweat and then after that it gets tougher and tougher but I can finish them in one shot...barely!  I love it though, I can remember when I could barely do 1 burpee.


I am going to try to keep doing them all in one shot, but if I absolutely HAVE to I will split it in to 2 sets.

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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LOL it's a nice feeling.  I'm pretty on board with burpees and I do them regularly and I STILL get winded quickly after doing several of them- especially if I do the drop straight to the push up rather than- hands- feet- push- break down. 


yesterday mine got broken into 1 and 12 on accident- today will be all together as well. (Last night was pathetic- I did them in my kitchen in my PJ's essentially lol at midnight)


Whatever- they got done!!!   LOL- Pumped that I'll have time to do them today at the gym too. 

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