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Introduction: In Which Sericite De-Lurks

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Hello! Well....my profile says I joined the Rebellion on Dec 28, 2011, but here I am finally making my first post a year later.  Which I guess tells you a lot about me right up front.  :friendly_wink:


I'm a geek of long-standing that was blessed in my youth with the ability to be bone-thin while eating whatever I wanted with my face usually shoved into a book.  Unfortunately, this thing called "maturity" snuck up on me and took my metabolism, body comp, etc for a ride....a ride on a desk chair, specifically.  Now, lo these many years later, I'm about 80 lbs over my goal weight, have recurring back and neck problems, and other assorted problems that get loosely lumped in that oh-so-specific category of "getting older."


Fortunately, this book nerd has never met a quest story that she didn't like.  So, while everyone around me shared the same platitudes about how "that's just getting older", I started asking questions like: "Is it really how life should be or is it just what we've all convinced ourselves to accept?" And frankly, after a year of reading and thinking and reading and half-hearted exercise attempts and reading, I'm ready to say that it's in fact NOT the way things have to be.  And I want to do something about it!


Unfortunately, I'm a real paralysis by analysis sort of girl. That step from planning to doing always seems to trip me up.  That's why I'm signing up for my first ever 6-week challenge (challenge thread to come)! Yay! The requirement that I must post regularly will make it so I have to "do" regularly.  And what a nice change that will be.


Other things to know about me: I'm a book nerd (as I mentioned before) who usually has two or three things going.  I geek on movies and music, but am not so much a gamer (unless you count those Match 3 games on my iPad...no?).  I'm a science geek at heart (Geology major) but never managed to translate that into a career, so I slake that need by reading science books and blogs. I am currently obsessed with BBC one hour dramas, having just finished up with Being Human, rewatched Jekyll, working my way through MI-5, and impatiently waiting for the next series of Sherlock.  Oh, and also....and this is the most important thing.....the Lord of the Rings is the greatest thing ever written and it is a travesty beyond imagining that I was not born an Elf.


Fitness / Diet Tidbits: I like strength training. I like it a lot.....I love that feeling of being powerful and tough as nails.  I just don't do it consistently enough.  I have a trainer that I see at my gym once a week, who kicks my tail and is awesome.  I just need to add more workouts.  I also have a yoga class twice a week, but I'm lucky if I get there once a week because I often have to work late.  As far as diet, I'm eeeaaasing my way into a modified paleo diet (must have milk in my coffee!) one step at a time.


Looking forward to maybe, actually, finally participating here!



Current ChallengeTwitter, Fitocracy, Goodreads


Main Quest: To lose 100 pounds




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Welcome! Sounds like you already have a plan and are already set up for the challenge. What kind of strength training do you do? And I kind of miss when I had a trainer once a week - it was pretty awesome getting my tail kicked. Sadly, gave it up when I gave up a full time job to go back to school.


And best of luck easing into the modified paleo diet. My boyfriend and I are technically following primal (we kept some dairy), but have been loving it so far (except for the dishes. My dishwasher has been running almost consistantly for the past week and a half).

Storytelling Rebel
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"“You've seen my descent, now watch my rising." ~ Rumi



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Fortunately, this book nerd has never met a quest story that she didn't like.  So, while everyone around me shared the same platitudes about how "that's just getting older", I started asking questions like: "Is it really how life should be or is it just what we've all convinced ourselves to accept?" And frankly, after a year of reading and thinking and reading and half-hearted exercise attempts and reading, I'm ready to say that it's in fact NOT the way things have to be.  And I want to do something about it!

You hit the nail on the head; it is just what everyone is accepting because it's easy.  But we're not going to accept that, are we?  Welcome to the rebellion.

The hardest part of the workout is lacing up your shoes'"

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With my trainer, we do circuits utilizing a combo of (evil) machines, free weights, balance discs, and body weight exercises.  It's a different workout every time with different equipment (or none), so it's great for muscle confusion.  We usually do a circuit of 2 - 3 exercise for 3 sets, usually it's something like doing a lower body exercise, straight to upper body, then repeat for the 3 sets. This way I don't really rest between sets, so my heart rate stays up too (or rather, my low body rests while working the upper body and vice versa).  Then we move to another circuit and repeat until the session is over, getting in a full body workout.  On my own, I tend to stick with body weight and free weights, some machines but I'm trying to transition to being a good rebel on that one. ;)


Paleo/primal's going to be a bit of a challenge living in a tiny town - it's hard to get grass fed beef, etc and my tiny apartment freezer doesn't hold much.  But I try to get local from the butcher as much as I can (at least I know they only feed grain in the winter and only use meds if the animal is sick...otherwise they graze).  Chicken is easier to find.  I figure if I cut out the grains and starches, I'll still be way ahead of the game. :)



Current ChallengeTwitter, Fitocracy, Goodreads


Main Quest: To lose 100 pounds




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