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Logging workouts


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Hey All!


So for 2013 I have a few fitness goals in mind:


- Begin barbell/strength training (I am currently reading Mark Rippetoe's "Starting Strength" 3rd edition)


- Take a fun exercise class once a month (Thai kickboxing tomorrow!)



I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share exactly what they log when they log their workouts. Do you use a notebook? Do you bring it with you to the gym (if you go to the gym - that's what I do)? My guess is I'll want to log exercise type, time/speed (for cardio), reps and weights (for strength training).


Any suggestions or examples would be awesome! I want to start a Battle Log as well. I perused a few and it looks like most people record their stats and goals.

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I use Google Docs - see my sig for a link. I'm not specifically focused on any one thing, so everything is written down in one place. 

If I wanted to focus mostly on weights, I would have a separate spreadsheet that lists sets, reps, and weights.

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"The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want right nowâ€. ― Zig Ziglar

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My workout log

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My workouts are really minimal- 5 x 5 of just the lifts for the day, and sometimes a bit extra at the end that i don't keep track of (planks, mobility etc).  So for now I just log in a notebook app on my phone while I'm at the gym (just weight/reps/sets) and then enter it in my battle log here when I get home with any observations I want to record (how a set felt form-wise, for the most part).  

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I plan my workouts ahead of time in a notebook to take to the gym, make adjustments/add stuff as needed, then put it into Fitocracy after (link in sig). If you're doing SS, there's a Google doc you can copy that you can put your weights into and it'll figure out your warmups for you. I'll see if I can find the link to it (I think it's somewhere on the SS wiki)


ETA: It's on this page http://startingstrength.wikia.com/wiki/Tools_and_Downloads. There's a few different ones, and an Android App. I use the Starting Strength Logbook Calculator one, it has pages set up for a whole bunch of SS variations. Just make sure that whichever one you choose, you save it as a copy to your account and don't edit the original from the SS wiki (if you're using the Google docs version instead of downloading it)

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I log everything with my phone using the free app version of Endomondo.  The phone app is easy to use, it can be linked to a biometric sensor for heart rate, and keeps track of everything else really well - plus you can pick what kind of work out you're doing.  When you log in online, it comes up with all these handy charts for you and you can add notes (occasionally I write notes about what my exercises are or achievements I've made).  It can also be linked directly to myfitnesspal, if you use a calorie calculator to log your calories, so that your workouts get factored into your caloric intake automatically.

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I have a notebook full of color-coded training plans and workout spreadsheets that I fill out by hand and put little stickers on when I stick to my training plan. I also have some digital gdoc spreadsheets for tracking progress, but those only include PRs along with the date I hit them. I've tried a few tracking apps and web-based tracking systems, but there's just something about keeping a physical record that appeals to me. Plus, my inner six-year-old really likes stickers.

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Endomondo is my place to be! I log both indoor and outdoor on it (I love it so much that after a 2 years of using the free app I bought the paid version to support them and I don't buy apps ever). I just love being able to set my goals on the app for the workout and go... it tracks me, gets an amazing read on my stats and helps me see what I need to improve. As for indoor Items I write them down in my planner on the day I do them (ie elliptical total time and distance so endomondo will do the match for the avg speed).


Now that I've started the Rebel Fit Guide I printed out the sheet and fill it in by hand. But I'm following the guide so feel better using the pre-created item and that it will teach me how to set up my own for the future.

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I don't log my workouts of running, elliptical, gym classes etc. I do always take a notebook with me when I lift, and I'll record the weight, reps, sets. This is an easy way to keep track of my progress, and make sure each time I go I'm challenging myself a little more. Just last week I was finally able to do chin-ups and dips with only 40% assistance, which made me very happy!

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