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Rookie Checking In

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Hola all, I've been lurking for a while and finally decided to join the rebellion a few days ago.


Short version: I want to lose 50 lbs, clean up my diet, and get stronger/fitter. 


Long version: I'm 46 yrs old and looking to lose about 40-50 lbs over the next several months. Back around May or so, I got tired of being so heavy and inactive and decided to start working out again and trying to eat better. I'm one of the bosses at work and I decided it was time I started to try and set a better example. The nature of the job usually meant a lot of fast food, but I started being pickier about my foods (cutting down on fried, more salads with light dressings, etc.) and walking after work. I've got wonky knees (arthritis sucks) and running always leads to pain. I did try a Bootcamp across the street from work, but every other week my back would go out and it'd take a week or so to recover. So, I decided I'd just increase my walking. I track everything I eat and all my exercise on MyFitnessPal.


That worked up until September when MoP was released and I went to visit with some friends for a week. Even though I didn't gain much weight on the trip (amazing actually, since there was much beer and good food and little in the way of exercising other than my fingers on the computer or Rock Band 3 keyboard), I never really got back into the regular exercise routine. Slowly my weight crept up again, though I didn't hit my high again. I was heading right back to my bad food decisions and ignoring portion sizes again. 


Finally, in early November I agreed to play in a water polo game for a charity event in late December. At that point I was fed up with my lack of motivation and seized the opportunity with some gusto. I started playing polo once or twice a week. I joined the commercial gym that I passed to/from work, figuring it would be easier to head there than another gym slightly closer to home, but more off the beaten path. (They also had an indoor pool - important for my swimming work outs). I started exercising 5 days a week and enjoyed it. I didn't make the same mistake I had with the bootcamp; I really enjoy doing things at my pace, not at a group pace. I realized that the water polo motivation would only work so long though. Once the game was over, I wouldn't need to practice polo or try not to look lost in the pool (it had been 25+ years since I'd last played a water polo game). So, I started looking around and came across NerdFitness. I like the ideas espoused here and decided it looked doable. So, here I am.


I just started the Rebel Fitness Workouts, Rookie Level 1 that I incorporate into my week along with two sessions/week with a personal trainer. I literally just finished cleaning out my pantry (see, I did read the food portion) so I have room for the good foods. I'm not looking to go full paleo right now, but I am working hard to clean up the diet.



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A great place to start.  I don't like the whole bootcamp concept - it works great for the 17-19 year old crowd, but after that, sheesh.  I'm 55 myself, and have been working at my own pace and doing quite well.  There is a challenge on-going, but you can start it anyway.  It is a great way to set some concrete short-term goals.  Welcome to the rebellion.

The hardest part of the workout is lacing up your shoes'"

1011 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Current Challenge |

INTJ | MFP | FitBit

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