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All of my life I've wanted to learn languages, and I've finally decided to go for it. I'm working on adjusting my eating habits, getting into shape, losing weight, and now I want to work out my mind as well by trying to learn a new language. 

I've tried to learn a new language before but I haven't been able to 1, stick with it or 2, find a method that works. I'm a very visual learner, but I can't seem to get a handle on a new language. The top five languages I want to learn are Russian, Arabic, Farsi, Korean, and Chinese. Does anyone have any advice/tips/tricks/suggestions/HELP! that they can give me? I would be VERY thankful for any comments you send my way. 

STR - 9 DEX - 10 STA - 12 CON - 6 WIS - 12.5 CHA - 5 Level 4 Assassin Soldier 


Current Challenge: "Becoming Oliver Queen: Part 1" 

Battle Log: "Will You Commit Yourself to This Program?" 

Epic Quest: "The List" (coming soon!) 


Мой аргумент не Ñ Ð²Ð°Ð¼Ð¸ - My argument is not with you. 



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I love languages too ... you've picked some great ones, I'm a big fan of Arabic and have studied it on my own some. I'm doing a similar thing as you are -- my five are French, Arabic, Japanese, Spanish, and Louisiana Creole.


I've heard good things about Rosetta Stone, if you can swing the price I'd say go with that. If you can't do that right now, I would suggest finding an online radio station or TV station or even YouTube videos in your languages, just so you can get the pronunciation. Al Jazeera is great for listening to Arabic, once you get the basics down.


Keep us posted on how things are going! :D

Anduril, level 3 human adventurer

(ranger wannabe)
STR 8 | DEX 4 | STA 3.5 | CON 6.5 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5

Intro thread | Daily Journal
Top weight 211, currently 184, goal weight 150 (5' 8-1/2")

Life has no remote; you have to get up and change it yourself.

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I've tried to learn a new language before but I haven't been able to 1, stick with it or 2, find a method that works. I'm a very visual learner, but I can't seem to get a handle on a new language. The top five languages I want to learn are Russian, Arabic, Farsi, Korean, and Chinese. Does anyone have any advice/tips/tricks/suggestions/HELP! that they can give me?


Any time you're thinking about learning a language that has dialects that are basically different languages ("a language is just a dialect with an army" after all), try to study the one that you're planning to use.  It sounds obvious, but there are way too many people who were shocked that they couldn't use their Mandarin in a Cantonese area or their classical Arabic in Morocco, so it might be worth saying here.


, I would suggest finding an online radio station or TV station or even YouTube videos in your languages, just so you can get the pronunciation. Al Jazeera is great for listening to Arabic, once you get the basics down.


I would add movies to the list too - watch a few times with subtitles and then re-watch without.  And find singers in your favourite genre who work in your target language as well.

Wood Elf Assassin
  -- Level 10 --
STR 26 | DEX 13 | STA 19 | CON 7 | WIS 14 | CHA 14





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Found a few people who speak Russian, and I'm trying to get some resources (dictionary, etc.) to help the process along too. One of them is a national and used to teach it, so he is going to try to get me more resources that would help me learn the language. I guess that's one good thing about learning a language: for the most part, it all still stays the same. :) 

The subtitles thing is a great idea. I'm trying to listen to the language when I can through songs, audiobooks, things like that, but it still sounds like gibberish. I'm going to keep at it though. 

STR - 9 DEX - 10 STA - 12 CON - 6 WIS - 12.5 CHA - 5 Level 4 Assassin Soldier 


Current Challenge: "Becoming Oliver Queen: Part 1" 

Battle Log: "Will You Commit Yourself to This Program?" 

Epic Quest: "The List" (coming soon!) 


Мой аргумент не Ñ Ð²Ð°Ð¼Ð¸ - My argument is not with you. 



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Well if you're a visual learner www.memrise.com is probably the way to go - I myself prefer www.duolingo.com for language learning.

Just like when learning any other skill it's all about compliance, you have to find a language learning vehicle you enjoy enough that you will use it on a consistent basis. For me that's translating magazines or articles I would already read in my native tongue. I wrote a blogpost on this exact topic some time ago, I think it will really help you out. The techniques in there have helped me learn half a dozen languages: http://nicklaskingo.wordpress.com/2013/01/24/how-to-learn-any-language-without-dying-from-boredom/

Hope it helps - Nicklas Kingo

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If you have the time (or interest) I would suggest either finding a pen pal to write to in whichever language, or, trying to write a journal/blog/daily summary in that language. I would mostly say to just try to keep it up as much as possible, because its only using the language that lets your retain it. I took 5 years of French and then 3 years of Russian in school, and I can barely remember any of it. I got the Russian Rosetta Stone, however, and it has come back pretty quick, but if you had asked me on a random day to say something in Russian, I probably would've stared at you with a blank look. So, whatever you choose, just make sure to keep using it! :) 

Lvl 1 Khajit Ranger

Str - 4.5 Dex - 3 Con - 1 Sta - 3  Wis - 4 Cha - 5

It's okay to be happy to see me. Just because you're English doesn't mean you need to hide your emotions.

I'm Irish. We let people know how we feel. Now f*** off.

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Well if you're a visual learner www.memrise.com is probably the way to go - I myself prefer www.duolingo.com for language learning.

Just like when learning any other skill it's all about compliance, you have to find a language learning vehicle you enjoy enough that you will use it on a consistent basis. For me that's translating magazines or articles I would already read in my native tongue. I wrote a blogpost on this exact topic some time ago, I think it will really help you out. The techniques in there have helped me learn half a dozen languages: http://nicklaskingo.wordpress.com/2013/01/24/how-to-learn-any-language-without-dying-from-boredom/

Hope it helps - Nicklas Kingo


Thank you for the websites! I'll be sure to check those out. 


If you have the time (or interest) I would suggest either finding a pen pal to write to in whichever language, or, trying to write a journal/blog/daily summary in that language. I would mostly say to just try to keep it up as much as possible, because its only using the language that lets your retain it. I took 5 years of French and then 3 years of Russian in school, and I can barely remember any of it. I got the Russian Rosetta Stone, however, and it has come back pretty quick, but if you had asked me on a random day to say something in Russian, I probably would've stared at you with a blank look. So, whatever you choose, just make sure to keep using it! :)


I think that's a really good idea Katariana. I've heard people say that they really need to start thinking in the language for them to be really immersed in it, and writing alot in that language will really help. 

I've had mixed experiences with Rosetta Stone and I've heard lots of different reviews about it, so I'm very hesitant to go buy it. Did you find that the Russian RS was able to help you significantly? Would you recommend it? 

I haven't been managing my time very well recently, but I'm going to start carving out a time every day for me to listen to and practice Russian. This is going to be one of my goals for the next challenge. 

STR - 9 DEX - 10 STA - 12 CON - 6 WIS - 12.5 CHA - 5 Level 4 Assassin Soldier 


Current Challenge: "Becoming Oliver Queen: Part 1" 

Battle Log: "Will You Commit Yourself to This Program?" 

Epic Quest: "The List" (coming soon!) 


Мой аргумент не Ñ Ð²Ð°Ð¼Ð¸ - My argument is not with you. 



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It depends. I got my copy of Rosetta Stone free from a friend who bought it and never used it. 


When I use it, on Levels 1&2,  which is what I have, there's not a ton "new" that I'm learning - because I already had taken Russian before. Sometimes I learn new vocabulary words. However, it really did bring back a lot of how the language works, that I had forgotten. So to me, its worth it, because the more I hear it and practice it, the more the rest of the Russian I had learned previously pops into my head. 


I think you can learn a lot with Rosetta Stone, and it's easy to do (a lot of matching exercises), but it depends on if its worth it to you to drop that kind of money on it. Sort of like buying a Porsche - well worth it to some, but completely not worth it to others.


My favorite part of it is that it makes you repeat words and phrases, and you're pronunciation has to be pretty good for it to pass you. Im much better at reading & writing a language than speaking it, so that factor alone has greatly helped me. 


Im pretty sure if you're determined to use a language, a Russian textbook, some time and determination is all you really need. 

Lvl 1 Khajit Ranger

Str - 4.5 Dex - 3 Con - 1 Sta - 3  Wis - 4 Cha - 5

It's okay to be happy to see me. Just because you're English doesn't mean you need to hide your emotions.

I'm Irish. We let people know how we feel. Now f*** off.

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I have the Rosetta Stone for Japanese up to Level 4. I don't have a lot of time to use it, but my retention for what I've done is really high. I think that says a lot about the system.

Level 8 Half-Elven Ninja (3 Assassin/5 Monk)

[sTR 15.5] [DEX 13] [CON 10] [sTA 13] [WIS 19] [CHA 9]

"With great power there must also come great responsibility" - Amazing Fantasy #15

"Pressure makes diamonds." - Gen. George S. Patton

about.me/daniel.mccarthy Follow my blog

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I second memrise if you are on a budget.  If you have the money, rosetta stone is good, but it takes quite a bit of time before you can actually speak sentences vs just knowing vocab.  my favorite software for becoming conversant quickly is fluenz though, of the list you provided, they only have mandarin at this time.


Not sure where you are, but look for language exchange groups.  If you are near an immigrant population, you might find someone willing to do a english/other language exchange which can be really helpful. You can also do this via skype.  There are language exchange groups you can join.


I studied spanish for a few years in school but when I moved to Mexico I hardly knew anything.  Now, after speaking it daily, my spanish is pretty good (though not as good as it should be) so practicing frequently and out loud is the key.


Good luck!  I wish I were better at languages.  As a full-time traveler/expat, it'd be nice to know more than just the nice words when I visit a country!

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I just tried out memrise and I think that's what I'm going to be going with. It's really effective for cementing the concepts in my brain, and I hope to be using it a lot in the near future. Also, picking up a Russian or Arabic textbook would be highly beneficial as well, so I'll see if I can do that sometime soon. 

Thanks for all of your comments and suggestions everyone! They've been extremely helpful. Please keep them coming! :) 

STR - 9 DEX - 10 STA - 12 CON - 6 WIS - 12.5 CHA - 5 Level 4 Assassin Soldier 


Current Challenge: "Becoming Oliver Queen: Part 1" 

Battle Log: "Will You Commit Yourself to This Program?" 

Epic Quest: "The List" (coming soon!) 


Мой аргумент не Ñ Ð²Ð°Ð¼Ð¸ - My argument is not with you. 



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I want to learn Russian as well! I bought a book called Everything Learning Russian that came with an audio CD, but I am really interested in memrise . I have been working on a way to fit it into my schedule everyday, because I think that will be the best way for me to learn. I also bought one of those notebooks for kids that they use in kindergarten so I can practice writing the Russian Alphabet. 

I'm an athiest and I thank God for it. -George Bernard Shaw 

If God has made us in his image, we have returned him the favor. -Voltaire 

'There are no atheists in foxholes' isn't an argument against atheism, it's an argument against foxholes. -James Morrow

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I am fluent in Standard Arabic. I used a large combination of resources such as school, rosetta stone, a friend, and youtube just to name a few. I would highly recommend Rosetta Stone if you can afford it. It was a tremendous help.

The best advice I can give you is also the most obvious; practice, practice, practice. You won't learn it if you don't use it. You should do something everyday even if its just reviewing vocab for 15 minutes make sure you do something. I cannot stress that enough. It also helps if you have a native speaker or at least someone fluent to help you with. It's one thing to say things out loud by yourself but a whole other ballgame to have an actual conversation.


I was lucky in that I had the oppurtunity to spend a good amount of time in Arabic countries.

As far as dialects go if there is a standard, such as in Arabic, learn that. It may not be the same everywhere but I've found that I can at least navigate most places. If there isn't a real standard, such as Chinese, I  would say learn the most widely spoken dialect.

Lvl 1 Human Ranger

STR - 2  DEX - 2

STA - 2  CON - 3

WIS - 2  CHA - 4

"The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny."

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I have studied Russian, Spanish, French, and German formally and self taught a little Portuguese, Italian and Navajo. I'm very visual and auditory learner and I found that hearing the language is invaluable for me. If I could afford Rosetta Stone I'd go that route on all the languages I really like. One of the things I found really helpful was picking up children's books in the language I'm studying. The word identification is fun and easy and actually uses items you might end up talking about. 


There are lots of software programs that are fairly inexpensive out there. I bought one for Spanish to refresh myself and its not bad. I think I only paid about $40 for it. The Italian I learned from a CD with the little book, it wasn't that hard to start the basics that way. 

Kessihl - Level 2 Half Elf / Human1 (STR)  2 (DEX)  2 (STA)  3 (CON)  6 (WIS) 3 (CHA)  Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. 

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I want to be fluent 6 languages. It is actaully a Master Quest on my bucketlist. I have two down already: English and Spanish. The other four I've chosen are: German, Japanese, Greek and Na'Vi (the last one is just for fun!) I am currently working on Na'Vi, the internet has a lot of resources for that one.

Lvl 2   Half-Orc Dúnadan Assassin Ranger of the North trained by Aragorn son of Arathorn and Connor Kenway - Slayer of the Witch-King of Angmar - Nazgûl Hunter 


Current Attributes: STR: 6    DEX: 5   STA: 1     CON: 5    WIS: 3    CHA: 5

"Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know"

"So what's stopping you....? That's right...nothing!"


Bucketlist / Battle Log / Neo-Nerds NF Group / Second Challenge!


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Here's what has been working for me. No cost to you. Depending!

My wife's family is from Mexico. I can't speak spanish the least bit. SO. I lived with them for a good few months. Living with the language, watching their shows and doing what they do tend to help translate everything and learn much quicker. Now I can't say I am fluent, but I know enough to speak some and understand what they are talking about the majority of the time. I no longer live with them so I have taken my studies to different ways, such has talking with my wife in spanish, talking to her parents on the phone in spanish and even reading in spanish.

I dunno Synyster.... Marriage is pretty expensive. j/k. :P

Level 8 Half-Elven Ninja (3 Assassin/5 Monk)

[sTR 15.5] [DEX 13] [CON 10] [sTA 13] [WIS 19] [CHA 9]

"With great power there must also come great responsibility" - Amazing Fantasy #15

"Pressure makes diamonds." - Gen. George S. Patton

about.me/daniel.mccarthy Follow my blog

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I'll second that! Especially once you start having kids! hehehe but I wouldn't change those moments with my family for anything!

Lvl 2   Half-Orc Dúnadan Assassin Ranger of the North trained by Aragorn son of Arathorn and Connor Kenway - Slayer of the Witch-King of Angmar - Nazgûl Hunter 


Current Attributes: STR: 6    DEX: 5   STA: 1     CON: 5    WIS: 3    CHA: 5

"Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know"

"So what's stopping you....? That's right...nothing!"


Bucketlist / Battle Log / Neo-Nerds NF Group / Second Challenge!


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So been looking into ways to kind of speed learn a language for a trip I'm taking to Thailand in a couple months. Came across this. Been about 20minutes a day for a week now. Seeing some pretty good progress. My girl friend is impressed and she's Thai.

Lvl 1 Human Ranger

STR - 2  DEX - 2

STA - 2  CON - 3

WIS - 2  CHA - 4

"The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny."

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Nice little positive reinforcement :D specially with a little one on the way myself, due september/october!

Congrats, dude! Me too! Mine is due late August. Yay, more Nerdlings for the Rebellion!

Level 8 Half-Elven Ninja (3 Assassin/5 Monk)

[sTR 15.5] [DEX 13] [CON 10] [sTA 13] [WIS 19] [CHA 9]

"With great power there must also come great responsibility" - Amazing Fantasy #15

"Pressure makes diamonds." - Gen. George S. Patton

about.me/daniel.mccarthy Follow my blog

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Congrats to both of you Sunuster and Spider-Dan! Kids are truly a blessing! My son has just turned two. My wife and I are still debating on wether to have a second. Lots of pros and cons to that hahahahah!

Lvl 2   Half-Orc Dúnadan Assassin Ranger of the North trained by Aragorn son of Arathorn and Connor Kenway - Slayer of the Witch-King of Angmar - Nazgûl Hunter 


Current Attributes: STR: 6    DEX: 5   STA: 1     CON: 5    WIS: 3    CHA: 5

"Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know"

"So what's stopping you....? That's right...nothing!"


Bucketlist / Battle Log / Neo-Nerds NF Group / Second Challenge!


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I just took my wife to the gynecologist yesterday. We have to wait eight days to do a blood test because it seems that my wife is pregnant!! lol

Lvl 2   Half-Orc Dúnadan Assassin Ranger of the North trained by Aragorn son of Arathorn and Connor Kenway - Slayer of the Witch-King of Angmar - Nazgûl Hunter 


Current Attributes: STR: 6    DEX: 5   STA: 1     CON: 5    WIS: 3    CHA: 5

"Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know"

"So what's stopping you....? That's right...nothing!"


Bucketlist / Battle Log / Neo-Nerds NF Group / Second Challenge!


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Congratulations you guys! I'm so happy for all of you who are expecting little ones soon. :) 

STR - 9 DEX - 10 STA - 12 CON - 6 WIS - 12.5 CHA - 5 Level 4 Assassin Soldier 


Current Challenge: "Becoming Oliver Queen: Part 1" 

Battle Log: "Will You Commit Yourself to This Program?" 

Epic Quest: "The List" (coming soon!) 


Мой аргумент не Ñ Ð²Ð°Ð¼Ð¸ - My argument is not with you. 



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