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Hello and salutations to whoever reads these things!


To follow the old cliche, I never know that to write in these self-summaries. I'm excited to see what life brings. Sometimes I'm afraid I'm turning into a hipster. I can hit a hackey sack about 3 times before it hits the ground or my face, and I have been known to dance with the mop when I'm cleaning the kitchen. It turns out mops are only slightly worse at dancing than I am.

I have a rather massive collection of novelty T-shirts. Like, around a hundred. Paradoxically, I own like 5 pairs of pants and one pair of shoes. My eventual goal is to have a shirt for every mood and situation. And eventually world domination. I'm not sure if its possible to conquer the world with a T-shirt collection, but I think it is worth trying.


I've been reading up on the paleo lifestyle, and it's gotten me rather hyped up.  I must have read every single success story on the internet, and I'm ready to take the plunge.  I can't really say I've ever had a truly serious foray into the weight-loss circuit, so I've not really had any failed attempts.  Oh sure, I dabbled in Atkins a bit and lost maybe ten pounds - but that was more solidarity for kin than a serious attempt.  All I know is I'd always been a chubby kid, then blossomed into a chubby adult, and am now dangerously close to hitting that 300 mark.


I've managed to stay not-quite-blissfully ignorant of my escalating weight mostly for the fact that I am 6'3" and am descended from Scottish, German, and Russian stock (the big boned hairy ones!) There is only so much moob that denial can psha-away though.


So at 290 pounds, I've decided enough is enough.  I'm about to move into a new place, and it shall become my cocoon.  Hopefully, given enough of my effort, I'll emerge as a beautiful, muscular, energetic butterfly - instead of a lazy moth flitting so annoyingly in front of someone's porch light.  This seems like an amazing community, and while I'm not cripplingly self conscious or anything, it will be nice to have a community of like-minded awesomepants to speak with!  I'm tired of my life being on hold because I'm not comfortable in my skin!  Bring it on!


*edit* I forgot to do my whole nerdy bit!  Well, I've owned every console since the 2600, though I currently eschew them all for my PC.  My favorite games have always been RPGs (chrono trigger, FFVI, and SMRPG are some of the finest games of all time.)  I love science and learning new things, and am currently a Botany major (chem minor)  It's taken me forever to get through school, as I only just got my associates at 25.  I paid for it all out of pocket though, along with medical bills and whatever life threw at my way, so I'm not too sad about it.  I love Archer, Arrested Development, Futurama (I have a planet express decal on my car) Firefly (my car's name is "Serenity"  and she has that emblazoned on her rear window for all to see.  Since it's winter and snowy, I can even pull off a ground-based crazy ivan!) and...a zillion more likes.  The games I'm currently looking forward to the most are Planetary Annihilation and Star Citizen (I love space, yeah.)


P.S.  Yes, this was written in comic sans.  Boo ya

Level 1 Half-Giant Adventurer(STR) -3 (DEX) -2 (STA) -1 (CON) -2 (WIS) -3 (CHA) -4


Goals - 50 concurrent push-ups, 10 concurrent pull-ups, lose 80lbs

Noli timere - Mundus mihi est.

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Oops!  Duly noted...I triple counted and yet I still got it wrong :P


The first step is diet, and I generally do better just diving right in.  I'm an all or nothing type personality (which is probably something else I should work on, but I'll save that for later :P)


I shall begin paleo once I've moved into my new place in a couple weeks.  And fortuitously enough, that just about falls smack dab on the beginning of the next 6 week challenge!  Excellent

Level 1 Half-Giant Adventurer(STR) -3 (DEX) -2 (STA) -1 (CON) -2 (WIS) -3 (CHA) -4


Goals - 50 concurrent push-ups, 10 concurrent pull-ups, lose 80lbs

Noli timere - Mundus mihi est.

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Don't worry about being who you are - the only "wrong" way to do things is to try something that won't work for you.  I happen to be pretty much an all or nothing type too, so I of course think its a brilliant way to go.  Waiting till the challenge begins to go paleo is a solid plan, but remember, there is no reason not to start skipping junk tomorrow.  Remember doing something positive is always better than doing nothing.  Good luck and welcome. 

The hardest part of the workout is lacing up your shoes'"

1011 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Current Challenge |

INTJ | MFP | FitBit

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